Until they can pretty-up violence, rioting & looting…civil war is a far-fetched prediction

Have some faith in America, people.

Those saying a U.S. civil war is imminent need to take a deep breath and calm down.

To engage in a civil war of any magnitude requires both sides believing they have a just cause for their actions…imagine the effort to make violent riots and looting look ‘just’.

If anything, dark warnings of imminent civil war are just the Left’s latest effort to try suppressing pro-Drain-the-Swamp American voters before November rolls around.

It won’t work.

How does an anti-Law&Order message resonate with honest people? Most people see efforts to put lipstick on a pig as futile…trying to justify antiLaw&Order is not possible.

Now, it may be that a certain number of people are wishful thinking when it comes to such dire predictions as a looming Civil War in America’s future, but it just doesn’t work.

Civil unrest?

Sure…we have that now – but it’s a small percentage of people that are in that mode (for whatever reasons) and it defies imagination to think it will grow beyond what it is.

They tried – they failed: polling shows as they get more hysterical and violent, support for any message they may be claiming to champion is lessening…proportionately.

Polling shows a) the vast majority of this Nation supports law enforcement; b) violence is turning off the electorate; and c) the majority believe in American greatness.

Efforts to push America into a civil war will end badly, and be suicidal for those who try.

Next time someone claims a civil war is imminent, ask if it’s wishful thinking on their part, because plain old American logic and common sense dictates otherwise.

(And, very politely…you might suggest those believing such claims seek help.)

Until they can pretty-up violence, rioting & looting…civil war is a far-fetched prediction.

There’s just not enough lipstick to put on that pig.

Wun Flu over the Cuckoo Nest…brought to you by power-mad Left & media elites

WuFlu positive test results are meaningless; death totals are bogus; masks don’t work; lock-downs are ineffective; America’s NOT threatened…unless you follow LIBedia.

Total deaths in America year-to-date are BELOW 5-year averages, according to CDC.

These are irrefutable facts, people.

They’re so desperate to overthrow Trump they’ll destroy an economy to do it; they’ll keep Americans in a constant state of panic to do it; they’ll push ANY lie to do it…

…they’ll turn America into a WuFlu cuckoo’s nest to do it…

…all they need is your willingness to continue accepting their lies.

They’ve taken a seasonal flu, turned it into Black Death, added hysterical reporting over every positive case, and turned Americans into cowering, quivering mounds of flesh.

This hasn’t been ‘science’ driven…it’s been politically driven. If we allow their efforts to succeed, we expose ourselves to this manner of manipulation EVERY FLU SEASON.

Stop it now, or accept your place…in their unending, flu-fearing Cuckoo’s Nest.

WuFlu panic-bubble pops. Down go the Fear-mongers (’til the next HOAX, anyway)

CDC has just posted updates that show only 6% of the total reported WuFlu deaths were actually caused by that flu, and they compare that against 150k+ deaths total.

They come up with 9,210 deaths, out of the over-153k reported – the rest of the deaths were linked to “…2.6 additional (underlying) conditions or causes per death”.

On the heels of that report, of all places the New York Times ran an article claiming 90% of WuFlu-postive tests are really showing “relatively insignificant amounts of the virus.”

Their HOAX is bleeding from every orifice: death counts have been dramatically over-stated, and the ‘alarming’ rise of positive tests are considered as insignificant.

Democrats continue fear-mongering, ‘cuz they don’t have much else going for them, but Wu-Fear seems a desperate ploy, when even the NY Times admits the obvious.

The highly respected Angelo Codevilla reflects exactly what we’ve been saying for months: the fear-mongering has been and continues to be a politically-motivated HOAX.

“What history will record as the great COVID coup of 2020 is based on lies and fear manufactured by America’s ruling class—led by the Democratic Party…the lockdowns have been inflicted and perpetuated by people who care more about your subjugation than your health. They want to wreck the U.S. economy and increase the Democratic Party’s chances in the 2020 election.” (bold, underline & color emphasis added)

An economy was wrecked, businesses closed, and jobs lost for a HOAX, perpetrated by a political Party desperate to claw back the power they lust for…at America’s expense.

Now, as the CDC admits overstated deaths and even left-wing news sites admit cases tested positive aren’t what they seem to be, their deceit can’t survive without backlash.

They’re risking too much by continuing the fear-mongering of a normal flu cycle. They’ll have to rely on the ‘low-information’ and irredeemably indoctrinated crowd to push that.

And, then, of course, the Democrats are gonna need another hoax…

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

The fact they need POLLING to determine how to handle law-&-order issues is defining

“Biden, Dems rethink riots response as law-and-order message lifts Trump”

“Top Democrats scrambled to adopt a tougher approach this week to riots that have broken out in cities…casting a worried eye at President Trump’s rising poll numbers, which experts said were driven at least partly by his law-and-order message.”

Let that sink in: ‘Top Democrats Scrambled’ on how to deal with rioting & looting?

What does it tell us, that Democrats need polling to tell them law-&-order is important?

Does America really want that kind of mentality providing ‘leadership’ any more?


They claim he’s a dictator, then complain when he doesn’t act like one…?

Democrats have spent four years trying to paint President Trump as a dictator, yet now claim the violence and rioting occurring in THEIR cities are because he won’t act like it.

Dictators wouldn’t wait for a mayor or governor of a province to ask for help during such volatile situations…they would send in their military stormtroopers to quell unrest.

Presidents, in a free Republic, on the other hand, must wait for mayors and governors to request help before sending in federal forces…which is exactly what he’s doing now.

He reminded Americans of that last night, in his convention acceptance speech.

The Left encourages insurrection and rioting, claim President Trump is the cause of the unrest, then blame him when he won’t act like the dictator they make him out to be.

Media & Democrats are tying themselves in knots trying to demonize him…

…while he laughs at them for BECLOWNING themselves.

We can only hope America’s citizenry remembers the Left’s deceit in November.

Reasons to vote (d)…(we didn’t say they were good reasons…)

If you’re okay with sex predators, so long as they’re in your Party…

If you like 401k/pension fund stagnation, and low returns…

If you’re good with forcing minority kids to stay in low-achievement schools…

If you think LESS law enforcement is a good thing…

If you would rather see minority unemployment remain high…

If you really don’t see a problem with lower working wages and high cost-of-living…

If you believe rioting and looting are peaceful, acceptable ways of settling differences…

If you’ve got no problem with a nuclear Iran, or politicians pocketing Chinese billions…

If you see U.S. jobs going overseas and American businesses closing down as ok…

If you feel gov’t should have more control over us, and Americans should not place so much faith and loyalty in the Constitution, and should accept fewer personal liberties…

…then vote Democrat.

Simple, no?

America, the dutiful – Land of the meek, Home of the HOAXED

The most successful hoaxes are those that result in a public’s focus on the issue being hoaxed, rather than the fact it was a hoax in the first place. Witness the WuFlu hysteria.

Fact: infection-v-mortality rates of WuFlu prove it’s little more than a bad seasonal flu.

Fact: deaths attributed to WuFlu resulted in sudden drops in all other causes of deaths.

Fact: the HOAXED are focusing on lockdown & mask arguments, instead of the hoax.

Fact: even as over 53 reports show Hydroxychloroquine is effective against the WuFlu, the media and power-crazed Left push the loony 14 reports that deny it’s effectiveness.

Wake up people…these facts are hiding in plain sight.

We’re not experiencing higher than normal death rates this year…we’re actually lower on average than the last five years, when comparing y-t-d deaths over like periods.

(A previous BlueCollar post laid out the case, according to CDC reports.)

There is no deadlier-than-normal pandemic occurring in America.

You wouldn’t know that watching the daily news cycle.

Everyone is fretting over lockdowns, mask-wearing, and mail-in balloting, instead of the very real fear-mongering HOAX behind the need for all of these arguments.

When did Americans become so craven, so malleable? We’ve gone from America, the Beautiful – to America, the gullible. We’re no longer the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave – we’re now the Land of the Ruled, and the Home of the Meek…

…all because of a Hoax built on fear – a primary tool used by rulers to control a people.

They turn daily events into fearsome possibilities…from seasonal flu, to dysfunctional postal services…in order to keep the American public in a constant state of FEAR.

It’s beyond time for the President to call out the hoax for what it is.

Facts already available prove the hoax…and it’s time to make the hoaxsters pay.

Otherwise, from now til Nov elections, they’ll use every-day occurrences to feed the panic and create the anxiety and uncertainty they need to pull off an election fraud.

Facts prove you’re being HOAXED. Wake up, do the research…

…it’s time to resurrect the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave.