Question: What do you get when a ‘straw man’ sexually assaults a composite girl?
Answer: A Democrat-fabricated scam called ‘War on Women’.
‘Scammer-in-Chief’ Obama rushed to the teleprompter last week to claim “From sports leagues to pop culture to politics, our society does not sufficiently value women. We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should.”
(The straw men he created, in order to lament those failures, remained silent.)
The truth is, from the NFL to Capitol Hill, it’s ongoing Liberal fantasy. Outside of honor- killing and gender-aborting nations, women are revered and protected by decent men.
Mr. Obama is very skilled at the creation of straw men…and composite women. And it would be wise to understand that skillset is only needed when real versions don’t exist.
But the creator of composite girlfriends now residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., and his Democrat cohort in Congress (campaigning for Nov.) would have you believe otherwise.
Because it supports their War-on-Women mantra, deftly nurtured by a fawning media.
And, while the campus-rape myth has been thoroughly debunked, it lives on…if only in the words of Democrats wishing to once again dupe the single-woman voter group.
When straw-men rape composite women, paper dolls are the only progeny…
…and paper dolls can’t vote. But Democrats can string them around a Republican neck.
It’s high time for the GOP to fight back, and pull single-women voters their way.
Between now and election day, Republicans should ask loudly and clearly why the media gives a pass to Democrat policy that financially rapes women……every day?
The Democrat Financial Rape of single women cannot be dismissed…when the high unemployment numbers (disproportionate to men) have mushroomed the last 6 years.
The Democrat Financial Rape of single women cannot be dismissed…when the price of a fill-up at her local gas station is double what it should be, over the last 6 years.
The Democrat Financial Rape of single women cannot be dismissed…when the cost of monthly food and electricity bills have risen dramatically, over the last 6 years…
…affected solely by Democrat policies that kill jobs, stunt growth, and drive up costs…
…hurting those most at risk by such policy – like SINGLE WOMEN VOTERS!
Rush Limbaugh laments failure of a GOP that can’t fight off the War-on-Women trope.
Well, here you go, Rush – Republicans should fight hard against…
…the Democrat ‘Financial Rape’ of Women.