Begs the question…
“Is This a Pandemic Or a DemPanic?”
All praise to the brilliant graphic artist (above) who captured so perfectly what we are witnessing today––the last-gasp efforts of:
- A crazed, out-of-ammunition Democrat Party,
- A doddering presumptive Democrat presidential candidate,
- A deranged leftist media, furious at their low and devolving ratings,
- Socialist/Communist/Islamicized Europeans,
- Huge investors in the Globalist economy,
- Angry Chinese leadership,
- Failed Trump saboteurs Michael Avenatti (now in jail), Michael Cohen (now in prison), Anthony Scaramucci (now in now heresville),
- Russian-collusion hoaxers of Obama’s FBI, CIA, State, Homeland Security, et al.
- The exposed liars in the Ukraine phone-call hoax,
- The losers of the crashing failure known as the impeachment hoax,
- The cringe-producing sore-loser Hillary Clinton, who “lost” $6-billion dollars when she was Sec. of State, and presided over the tragic loss of American lives in the Benghazi catastrophe––and then lied about it!
These are just a few of the forces who have been working overtime for the past four years to sabotage, undermine, and ultimately destroy both candidate and then President Trump, the man who single-handedly exposed:
- The Left’s seditious and I believe traitorous anti-American agenda and behavior,
- The criminality they’ve engaged in for decades with absolute impunity,
- The gouging of the United States’ economy for their own ideological and personal benefit, extorting billions that was laundered and stuffed into their own pockets,
- Their devoted allegiance to colossal hoaxes like Global Warming,
- Their abject neglect of blacks in education and where ignorance leads––ta da––prison,
- Their seething contempt if not downright hatred of the United States of America.
And yet, with all their impressive advanced college degrees, fancy credentials, exalted titles, tenure-for-life government jobs, social-media collaboration with leftist Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et al, and the flagrant abuse-of-power they’ve gotten away with––but not for long!––such as illegal FISA warrants, lying witnesses, shadow-banning, rigging elections, the list goes on…they still could not bring down THE. SMARTEST. GUY. IN. THE. ROOM.
Now, almost eight months from a presidential election, all of these forces are desperate, anguished, just-about suicidal with frustration. What can we do, they are asking themselves, to stop President Trump from winning a second term and then crushing for all time the remaining malignant remnants of the leftist agenda?
While none of them are smart enough to have created the corona virus threat, they secretly celebrated the fact that this crisis would prevent the president from conducting his two or three rallies a week around the country, where upwards of 50,000-75,000 people line up for days on end to applaud and support their president.
Well, they got their wish. Now he is on TV every single day, showing the entire country (and world) what genuinely strong and effective leadership is all about––which is why his approval ratings are skyrocketing!
Undaunted, the frantic left is spending untold billions,not to help the deserving people affected adversely by the corona virus…“
Over half of U.S. reported cases are in New York state, according to this source.
There are few estimates regarding the level of cases that go unreported (84%?), so – to date – the open reported cases in the U.S. are 40,878; Deaths are 504…
…by some accounts in the U.S. last year, 40,000 died of regular flu; no panic ensued.
Again, we’re not saying it’s a hoax, we’re just saying numbers don’t add up to panic.
As noted in this linked source, California has 1828 reported cases (.0046% of residents) in a state with 39,560,000 residents (even more, if illegal aliens are counted).
Perspective, people…