No doubt many in the GOP leadership are sharpening their knives at this point.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz is holding the Senate floor as long as he can, to make sure every American willing to listen understands the totality of O’care implementation.
And headlines sprang up instantly when he compared naysayers of a ‘defund’ effort to the period appeasers and naysayers of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and WWII.
Granted, the forces arrayed against defunding Obamacare are huge…
…and on balance, in a static ‘zero-sum’ situation the odds make defunding impossibile…
…but we’re not living in a vacuum on this issue…it’s not a ‘zero-sum’ situation.
Elections are held every two years; politicians bent on getting elected or re-elected know they have to answer to voters…look at the huge O’care backlash in Nov 2010.
Just recently, in the (overwhelmingly Republican) House, 2 Democrats joined the GOP to vote for a Continuing Resolution that had as an amendment defunding Obamacare.
They could have played it safe, marching in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats.
They didn’t. They voted ‘what’s right for America’, not what’s right for Democrats.
There are 20+ Senate Democrat seats on the ballot in 2014. Obamacare has never had a popular majority, 2010 election results loom large…Senate Democrats are nervous.
Senator Cruz’s message isn’t about appeasers – it’s about dangers of Obamacare.
It’s about how it’s hurting America now, and will hurt America going forward. But of course, that’s not the message Democrats and the media want to get out.
They’ll hype the ‘Nazi appeaser’ headlines, hoping voters will ignore the real issue; that the law’s unpopular, unmanageable, and hurting the very people it’s supposed to help.
(Even the Democrats in Congress who passed the bill want to be exempted from it!)
And it’s a pity that GOP ‘leaders’ aid the media by getting their panties twisted over a smokescreen issue when much bigger problems should be front-and-center.
If not this way, then HOW? If not now, then WHEN? If not Republicans sent to Congress to protect Americans from bad law, then WHO?
And if they’re not in Congress to serve-&-protect Americans, then WHY are they there?
For those who say ‘not this hill’, BlueCollar reminds the GOP that it’s better to die standing and fighting, than to live kneeling. Besides, what’s the risk for them…?
Even if they lose their election…they get to keep THEIR healthcare!