Democrat war against Blacks and women continues…aided by Blacks, women…

CNS has the story: “In Mississippi,  72% of the Babies Aborted Are Black”

It reports that 72% of the abortions in Mississippi are black babies…

What it doesn’t mention…approximately 50% of all abortions are female.

Black Americans, and young (or unmarried) women, predominately vote Democrat.

Democrats are the Abortion Party.

Ergo, the REAL headline should read:

“The Abortion-Democrat War against Blacks, Women continues…

…Aided By Blacks, Women.”

Obama’s military budget-cuts aren’t about ‘the budget’…

Obama’s military budget-cuts aren’t about ‘the budget’…it’s about attacking the GOP on one of their foundational Party platform issues…national security.

He’ll do anything to divert pre-election attention from the failure of Obamacare.

You’ve got to love (former VP) Dick Cheney’s devastating retort last night…

…”He would much rather spend the money on food stamps than he would on a strong military or support for our troops.”

Irony…sweet irony…

Democrat Katrina-mayor Nagin has just been found guilty of taking bribes, kickbacks…

during the post-Katrina era when he accused George W. Bush of cronyism.

20 counts, with each count carrying anywhere from 3-20 years in sentencing.

Nagin’s probably not worried though…

…after all, Obama granted Democrat Congressmen reprieve from the O’care law…

…no doubt he’ll pardon this misunderstood Democrat hero of New Orleans.

Moral: a lapdog that spurns it’s owner once…is STILL a lapdog

Numerous articles say election-year Democrats will distance themselves from Obama.

But, as with stand-offish lapdogs, at feeding time they follow their owner to the bowl.

Pre-election distancing does not guarantee a post-election maverick. Common sense dictates if certain Democrats win their elections, they’ll get back in lockstep with Obama.

Politicians lie…voting records don’t. That’s an inconvenient truth…Democrat Senators voted in lockstep with their party (and Obama) at an all-time high in unanimity.

It’s a message GOP opponents should be effectively articulating this year.

Hopefully, enough voters will understand that in November.

We can ‘drone’ cattle rustlers, but not America’s power grid terrorists?

A North Dakota rustler’s three accomplice sons were located using a Predator drone.

So, when IBD comes out with an article about our vulnerable – and critical – American power grid being at the mercy of terror attacks, it begs the question.

3 rustled cows are worthy of a Predator…

…but protecting our critical power grids aren’t…?

Must be pretty important cows. Were their names…Hillary, Oprah, and Michelle…?

Obama, paraphrased: ‘My LIES will continue until your trust in me IMPROVES’

A popular bumper sticker says ‘Beatings will continue until Morale improves’.

Looks like Obama wants to build on that…even taking it to the next level.

After a week of Republicans finally waking up to the logic of new law being held victim to the same lawless module Obama has been guilty of for 5 years…

…the Dictator-in-Chief now says THIS TIME Republicans can trust him to enforce law…

…even as he quietly changes law to okay immigration of ‘limited-supporters’ of terror.


His LIES will continue until GOP trust in him IMPROVES.