The Weekly Standard has a thoughtful article by its boss Bill Kristol, who writes of the nineteen men and one woman seemingly poised for a presidential run in 2016.
One woman?
Carly Fiorina is a very capable woman, and, let’s face it, compared to Obama, a woman sent from Kelly Girls as a filing-clerk temp would probably do a better job than he has.
There are other women who deserve mention, such as New Mexico’s governor Susana Martinez, and Arizona’s governor Jan Brewer…extremely capable women in leadership.
Yet, when it comes to enraging the Left, one name stands head-and-shoulders above.
So, why exclude Sarah Palin from the list? If one judges who opponents fear most by the attacks against them, nobody sends Democrats into a frenzy like Sarah Palin.
Though many would try to invoke ‘baggage’ as a slam against her, can anyone really say such construct slams are in any way more damning than Obama’s relationships with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, or “God damn America” Rev. Jeremiah Wright?
Palin is a fighter, and her conservative stand in defense of our Constitution is admirable.
She was the 2008 Vice Presidential candidate, before that serving as a mayor, then governor…certainly more qualifying than a neurosurgeon, or business executive?
If Sarah Palin has a background that withstands the Left’s severe scrutiny, we urge her to throw her hat into the ring, gather her beloved family into a defensive ‘kill circle’…
…and break out the brass knuckles.
Because, if it’s time for a woman president, America needs a fighter…
…Sarah Palin has proven she qualifies.
(Update adds links to Ayers and Wright)