They took a standard flu, blew it’s severity out of proportion, and traumatized the public in a deliberate effort to turn Americans against a very successful (thus hated) President.
(All to regain the power they lost in 2016, and in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution for their rampant lawless behavior over the last few years.)
But soon, obvious holes in their flawed narrative began to appear: numbers didn’t add up…WuFlu-related death counts were exposed as exaggerated using co-morbidities.
Yet their relentless fearmongering was unwavering, because they knew that even as each flaw was exposed, they had other narratives they were ready to exploit…the dreaded Second Wave, and increased contagion rates driven by unprecedented testing.
Understand, the ‘Second wave’ was inevitable, because shutting down wide swaths of the economy, forcing shelter-in-place activity, and demanding unprecedented testing guaranteed its inevitability…then, all it took was relentless fearmongering to continue.
Fearmongering drove the testing of this flu virus to new heights never seen in the U.S.
Did we mention that the precision ‘cycle-threshhold’ testing that was suggested by CDC guaranteed that there would be up to a 90% rate of false-positive results?
Did we mention that the majority of true positive cases were asymptomatic? Yeah, no symptoms…which means even if testing positive, no medical treatment is needed.
Did we mention that ANY hospitalized patient…for ANY reason…who tests positive (or false-positive) for WuFlu virus once in bed would be listed as a WuFlu hospitalization?
That means individuals admitted for heart-or-kidney failure, pneumonia, or whatever, are recharacterized as WuFlu-related…even if asymptomatic or just a false-positive.
Why? Because FakeNews fearmongers are using high number of cases as a means of keeping the public in a state of fear that guarantees they can be manipulated.
Yes, the flu is real – we have a flu season EVERY year. Yes, there are deaths from flu every year; the majority of those deaths result when other health issues are present.
We’re not saying flu isn’t real…we’re saying the FEARMONGERING is unnecessary…
…there’s no better evidence to prove that point than the fact they have to lie to push it.
The CDC admits 6% of the Fear-Mongered death-counts are actually caused by WuFlu; the rest of the cases reflected the unfortunate died with the virus, not because of it.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
Unprecedented increases in testing naturally result in unprecedented case increases.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
CDC pushes a 40-cycle-threshhold that results in a huge rate of false-positive cases.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
Reported increase in hospitalizations include non-flu-related causes.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
CDC reported deaths year-to-date are no higher than a normal annualized average.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
The actual case-fatality rate is declining; and the rate is within standard flu norms.
But FakeNews Media doesn’t want the public to know that.
Why do so many refuse to see the pattern here?
Allowing the fearmongering to continue, and allowing Democrat-led states to trample our Constitutional rights by playing on that fearmongering, hurts the American public.
Jobs are lost; businesses go bust; and American dreams are shattered…
…all for the sake of political machinations, meant to claw back their power.
It isn’t a ‘cruel pandemic’ that’s crushing America…it’s the CRUEL FearMongering.
Those willing to blindly ignore the facts as noted above and be herded as sheep don’t have the right to demand that the rest of Americans must join them in that ignorance.
Enough is enough.