Pres Trump is LAWFULLY auditing the Executive agencies HE’S RESPONSIBLE FOR RUNNING. Saying he can’t do that is like saying Zuckerberg can’t run Facebook.
The REAL ‘constitutional crisis’ is a Congress, Judiciary & media who 1) don’t know their Constitution, or 2) FLAT OUT lie… because they DO know it.
And, know what? There are a few considerations that Congress & the left-wing Judiciary should ponder before they try gping too far off the deep end:Article I, subsection 9, para 7: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
Hmmm…what about $516 billion the Democrat Congress & Biden spent last year “…on programs that expired last year without ever actually authorizing the funding?“
(Or the fact that Biden was stepping on Congress toes with citizenship issues he was offering to the millions of illegal aliens he allowed into the Nation – not in his power.)
Wanna talk ‘unconstitutional’? Congress & Biden have a lot of ‘splainin to do.
As for left-wing judges pulling ridiculous decisions out of their butt – it might be useful to point out Constitution Article III, subsection 1, para. 1, 2nd sentence:“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour…“ Clearly unconstitutional decisions are not ‘good behaviour.’
Bottom line…Congress & courts have no right telling a President he can’t lawfully perform his duties, with Executive agencies under his purview. PERIOD.
No one in their right mind would say Zuckerberg can’t decide how Facebook is run.
But then, no one has ever accused Left-wingers of being in their right mind.