Hey! Lefty Morons! Try telling Zuckerberg he has no right to run Facebook

Pres Trump is LAWFULLY auditing the Executive agencies HE’S RESPONSIBLE FOR RUNNING. Saying he can’t do that is like saying Zuckerberg can’t run Facebook.

The REAL ‘constitutional crisis’ is a Congress, Judiciary & media who 1) don’t know their Constitution, or 2) FLAT OUT lie… because they DO know it.

“What is a lawless creation of a constitutional crisis is the legislative and judicial branches seeking to dictate that the president and executive branch should not have any say in how money is spent in EXECUTIVE AGENCIES.”

And, know what? There are a few considerations that Congress & the left-wing Judiciary should ponder before they try gping too far off the deep end:Article I, subsection 9, para 7: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”

Hmmm…what about $516 billion the Democrat Congress & Biden spent last year “…on programs that expired last year without ever actually authorizing the funding?

(Or the fact that Biden was stepping on Congress toes with citizenship issues he was offering to the millions of illegal aliens he allowed into the Nation – not in his power.)

Wanna talk ‘unconstitutional’? Congress & Biden have a lot of ‘splainin to do.

As for left-wing judges pulling ridiculous decisions out of their butt – it might be useful to point out Constitution Article III, subsection 1, para. 1, 2nd sentence:“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour… Clearly unconstitutional decisions are not ‘good behaviour.’

Bottom line…Congress & courts have no right telling a President he can’t lawfully perform his duties, with Executive agencies under his purview. PERIOD.

No one in their right mind would say Zuckerberg can’t decide how Facebook is run.

But then, no one has ever accused Left-wingers of being in their right mind.

Democrats set the table…as of 2024, (provable) unindicted felons are now FELONS

So, a thought exercise for the day…if the Rule-of-Law can be perverted to indict – with no evidence – an innocent person as a felon, shouldn’t it also work the opposite way as well? That is to say, can’t an unindicted felon – with evidence proving it – be a felon?

I mean, they’ve demonstrated by their actions that there are different levels of courts. Well…in that crazy world they’ve created…there’s also courts of public opinion, right?!?

Makes sense, no? Why not – they’re the ones who revised the definition of Rule-of-Law.

A (small d) democrat NY DA cooked up a hash of tortured law, with a biased judge, and in front of a heavily partisan jury, to indict a man of a crime that was NEVER DEFINED.

In this new world where such things are possible, the message is ‘Anything Goes’ and, that being the case, indicting the innocent of an undefined crime with no evidence (other than a political ideology that sees him as a threat to their order) leaves us no choice.

We have mountains of evidence that

1) Hillary-&-co. committed election interference, working with foreigners, media, and homegrown intel/law agencies to create a ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ hoax – a felony;

2) Biden-&-co. committed election interference, with media and homegrown intel/law agencies, to push a ‘Hunter-laptop Russian disinfo’ hoax to hide corruption – a felony;

3) Jan6 congressional members, with media and homegrown intel/law agencies, hid/destroyed/edited video evidence to persecute election protesters – a felony.


(and don’t get me started on Hillary’s destroyed emails, Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, Obama’s Fast-&-Furious, and Sandy Berger’s sticky fingers)

Democrats have redefined Rule-of-Law, to persecute (without evidence) those they see as dangerous to their vision of how things should be – it’s time we joined their game…


Henceforth, the above-mentioned Unindicted Felons are (with tons of evidence) Felons.



Hey…they made the rules – I’m just following them to their logical conclusion.

After all – if they can make the innocent a felon, we can make the guilty a felon.

Simple, no?

Please rise – the Court of Public Opinion has just closed it’s session.

Crime; Inflation; Lost Liberties; Threats of War – what part of that deserves your indifference?

Seriously…Increasing Crime Rates; Out-of-Control Inflation; Unconstitutional Acts causing Lost Liberties; Threats of War – what part of that deserves your indifference?

Unless you’re brain-dead or a dyed-in-the-wool Leftist, you know what’s happening in America right now is not a good thing…we are way beyond party loyalties now. And it’s not about a senile puppet in the White House – it’s about a party that’s driving all this.

We lost our way a long time ago, when we started believing professional politicians were a necessity: America began with citizen-leaders, and we need to get back to that.

Uncomfortable with Trump? Are you comfortable with men being allowed in your daughter’s restroom, and transgenders grooming your grandkids to join their ranks?

Don’t give a thought to what manner of person comes through our borders, and not a bit of interest in what manner of disease or bad behavior they might be bringing with them?

Are you comfortable with gas-pump and food prices through the roof? Are you okay with shoplifting & store looting no longer being considered a crime? No problem with those squatters moving into your house while you’re away for a well-deserved vacation?

(Seriously – if you don’t leave your doors & windows open when you leave the house to go shopping or travelling, why would you think it’s okay to keep our borders open?)

This upcoming national election is about common-sense issues – don’t let one political party make you think it’s about someone they love to demonize. That party has gone over the edge of Reason, allowing rampant crime & perversion to become their norm.

It’s that entire political party that has tried to scare people enough that they won’t think beyond their fear. It’s an ENTIRE political party that needs to be rejected by Americans.

Ask yourself this – if you were extremely wealthy, would you be inclined to put yourself on a target like Trump has, rather than live out your life enjoying the riches you had?

He’s the ONLY president who ever lost money after leaving office. He’s demonized, victimized, and persecuted…in print, and within an UNCONSTITUTIONAL legal system.

And he continues to fight back.  Trump deserves our support, & he needs HIS party behind him in order to get America back on track, and restored as a Global power.

Most importantly…

…vote against a Democrat party that thinks the way they’re going is acceptable.

Or, live with the ugly consequences.

Stupidity & Loyalty – gifts that keep on giving for Democrat politicians

Unfair, you say? Well, poor & low-income groups make up the Democrat base, so…

What else would you call someone who continues to reward politicians for keeping them in financial misery? After all, it’s the politicians’ policies which are causing that misery.

Lousy energy policy drives utility prices up, & cause skyrocketing gas-pump prices. We all know that all our food and material necessities require energy for creating them, & getting them to market, right? Well…every step of that crucial process requires energy.

If democrat voters don’t understand that, then, yeah…they’re stupid. After all, the same bad energy policies are put in place every time democrats are voted into leadership positions…and prices go up. Hardest hit? Low income & poor.

(Did we mention that those groups make up the democrat base?)

Blame the oil companies, they say. Why?

Oil companies don’t legislate Democrat policies – they just work within the Democrat framework set in place by (you guessed it) Democrat politicians…voted into office by…

…yeah – the loyally stupid people who refuse to recognize the obvious.

Unfortunately, the rest of us end up paying the jacked-up higher prices as well.

Here’s an idea – stop the stupidity, and change your registered Party affiliation…

…at least that will make it a little harder for Democrats to steal your vote.

The logical conclusion to destruction of rule-of-law…calling for law-&-order is now Unamerican

CMT (Country Music Television) has pulled a Jason Aldean music video for his new song ‘Try That In A Small Town’, and “…offered no comment regarding their decision…”

Basically, he’s calling out the far-Leftist rioters and thugs ruining (Democrat-run) cities across America – sucker-punching citizens, carjacking old ladies, armed robbery, etc.

Throughout the video, he shows clips of rioting & other thuggish behavior, and the usual  groups have called the song contemptible, and him a racist & pro-lyncher.

Aldean responded “There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it — and there isn’t a single clip that isn’t real news footage — and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music — this one (referring to their interpretations) goes too far…” We couldn’t agree more.

And, hey, Lefties, throughout the song he recommends NOT trying that in a small town.

But, ya know, you should never throw those kind of threats at Lefties – they whine…

…LOUDLY, and with great passion.

And, unfortunately for law-abiding citizens, many institutions – public and private – fall over themselves trying to appease the very thugs that should be thrown in jail.

But – hey – that’s the logical conclusion when you destroy Rule-of-Law concepts.

Our take? Listen to the song, then form your own opinion…and we can affirm, if you don’t want to listen to the song, that race is NOT mentioned anywhere in the song.

Which, if you think about it, means the Left’s actually telling you who they see as the real criminals in this matter. Hilarious…but when has that ever stopped them?

So…should these thugs be appeased, or (finally) held to account?

Is law-and-order Unamerican to you?

It seems to be with the Democrats in power, unless of course you want to use it unlawfully as judicial warfare to grind your political opponents into the dust…

…or save a President and his son from being held to account.

THEN it’s okay…right, Joe?

But we’d like to know your take – you know…asking, for a friend.

Mr Trump didn’t shoot himself in the foot…the press always does it for him

You want context – here’s some context for you: as tons of audio & written evidence of Pres. Biden/family corruption piles up, the press focuses on – you guessed it…Trump.

And, in their haste to trash the former President (while NOT reporting on their own clay-footed corrupt hero – Biden), they act as if a recording of Mr. Trump is damning, butttt…

…sorry, Democrats & Trump-haters everywhere – it’s not.

What the (former) President took with him is automatically declassified when it was taken. That’s the plenary powers the Supreme Court confirmed he has…as President.

In the audio all his detractors are trying to use against him, he’s making the point that a General (Milley) was trying to smear him as war-mongering against Iran; but the documents he was indicating at the time of the audio prove it was Milley’s plan, not his.

Now, even though documents in his possession taken from the White House while he was President are considered declassified at that point, he still knows they would be seen as provocative by a foreign power, and won’t reveal them to just anyone.

That’s the point he was trying to make.

He wants to keep the information private, considering it confidential and secret, but that’s not the same thing as designating that information as still officially classified.

(He couldn’t do that anyway, ‘cuz he’s no longer President.)

CNN & the usual enemies of his are blowing the whole thing out of context, and trying to make the point that he knows they still bear classification status…but they don’t.

Andrea Widburg makes a great case for how this is going down in her latest article The irrelevancy of the CNN tape of Trump implying a document is classified” 

They’re slow-roasting this Trump-nothingburger, while deep-freezing actual evidence on the entire Biden crime family and their corrupt dealings with foreign entities.

Sadly, it’s a typical (and expected) media shell-game chicanery…feed the masses ever-roasting Trump-hatred…while keeping the masses oblivious to real Democrat crimes.

So, hey…even if Mr. Trump hadn’t provided some inflammatory audio that they could out-of-context hyperventilate over on air, they’d fabricate whatever was needed anyway.

One way or another, they want to serve him up fried and crispy. It’s a nothing burger as was the Russia Collusion election-meddling they misreported, in keeping with their unspoken creed…Tell A Lie Often Enough, And It Becomes Truth.

What else is new?

Hey – don’t worry – we’re sure they’ll tell you, when they think it’s time.

Their version, anyway…

Is there an HONEST lawyer in the house?!? Then again, would it matter?

Indicting someone for following the law is a curiously stupid use of the legal system.

And – whether his political enemies want to admit it or not – (former) Pres Trump did not violate any laws in handling classified information, because he has the plenary power to do whatever he sees fit with such information. Andrea Widburg lays it out succinctly:

“A president’s power whether or not to treat documents as essential to national security supersedes anything either Congress or his own employees in the administrative state can do…regarding national security, the president cannot be subject to Congress. He has plenary, or absolute, power in that area.”

Congress can hatch all types of laws, but a federal prosecutor can’t apply them in any situation where a President has been granted the plenary powers to do what he does.


…the open political act of filing a multicount federal indictment against President Trump is a violation of the federal “Color of Law” statute (TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242):

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned…

Got that?

He has the full power of the Constitution & Supreme Court decisions behind him.

The former president acted within his rights, privileges, and immunities, and any legal acts ‘under color-of-law’ to deprive those rights, privileges & immunities…is illegal.

And then, there’s the case of the Hatch Act, which, as Don Brown notes:

“(5 U.S. Code § 7323) provides – 

(a)Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), an employee may take an active part in political management or in political campaigns, except an employee may not — 

(1)use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election…”

(The DA filing the indictment in this case is one of those ’employees’ referenced.)

So, that’s at least two federal statute violations…there’s probably more, but, whatever.

And, of course, his political opponents don’t care about such fine points of law, so long as they can show he was indicted…however unlawfully it may have been done.

The question remains – is there an HONEST lawyer in the house?

Or, more importantly, an HONEST judge…to do what’s right?

Liberals are about to learn: Nothing gets you focused, like life-threatening reality

It started as an Exercise in Futility…arguing with haters determined to believe lies.

While the Nation struggles to deal with this administration’s string of failed policies, it became clear the answer is not to cite facts…or evidence proving facts…to Democrats.

No reasonable American believes open borders allowing an unchecked flood of drugs, illegal aliens (that includes criminals, terrorists), and child-trafficking is a good thing.

No reasonable American ignores the economic damage, and hardship to lower income families, brought on by policies that fuel sky-high inflation driving costs through the roof.

No reasonable American thinks it acceptable for partisan investigations to ignore, or exclude, FACTS – that a lawful DC protest was infested with false-flag rabble-rousers.

But the unreasonable – those determined to believe obvious lies – don’t see a problem.

WON’T see any problem.

That could all change in the next few months…when they come face-to-face with a cold hard reality. A reality that specifically threatens their lives, and lives of their loved ones.

Whether feloniously a) erasing emails, b) mishandling classified documents, or c) taking million$ from foreigners, being Democrat has meant not having to answer for crimes…

…and meant always being determined to believe (proven) lies against non-Democrats.

They’re determined to believe lies – why waste time trying to change their mind? Let the current Washington regime do it for you…hold on tight, ‘cuz it may be starting.

We’re about to learn an interesting lesson: how conspiracy theories become Conspiracy Realities in our Woke new world, where men are women and laws don’t apply (to d’s)…

…and, ironically, dangerous self involvement is key – because nothing will move them off their ‘refuse-to-accept-reality’ ball faster than ‘mystery’ injury and Sudden Death.

If there’s any good news from all this, it’s that the Dems deceit and corruption is so obvious now, what was once thought paranoid conspiracy theory is seen as possible

…even (dare we say it?) probable.

If you want to call it ‘good news’ there’s one ray of light in this frustration of arguing with those determined to believe lies: injurious, deadly Covid ‘vaccine’ cases are piling up…

…and those determined to believe lies are seeing it’s deadly results affect them.

They say a ‘Conservative’ is a Liberal who got mugged, then saw the light. Well, guess what reactions will be when it’s realized vaccinated are hurt worse than the unvaxxed.

One can only imagine the imminent upheaval, as Liberals realize they’ve been mugged by Big Pharma, and elitist federal agencies & officials bent on their hidden agenda.

Wake up and smell the emergency-authorized toxic vaccines, people.

Isn’t anyone curious why there’s never been a ‘new-&-improved’ version announced?

Cutting through the media’s Hunter Biden/China smokescreen, with 1 question

If it were Trump’s son – and, not Biden’s – would this smokescreen be in play?

The media still goes full-bore over a debunked Russia-collusion story, in their efforts to make Pres. Trump out to be the bad guy…but still cover for ‘Big Guy’ & his little boy.

Is there any honest Democrat who will answer the question in the first line of this post?



Do the Democrats even understand America’s national security is at stake?

When the TRUTH is the enemy, you should know you’re on the wrong side.

‘Vaccine’ headlines tell us all we need to know…& it isn’t pretty

Why write a post, when headlines tell the tragic story of deadly WuFlu vaccines?

“The COVID Shots Are Killing People?”

“Triple/Double Vaccinated account for 81% of record breaking number of Covid-19 Deaths in New Zealand over the past month”

BREAKING: Released Pfizer Documents Show 3.7% Death Rate From Vaccine, Many More Serious Injuries, Amount Of Vaccines Shipped Redacted

“Hundreds of Athletes Collapsing Can’t Be Ignored”

“21% of deaths reported to VAERS after COVID vaccine occurred within 48 hours”

What more do you need to know? Well, maybe this…

How is Big Pharma IMMUNE from liability?