We’re speaking for the BlueCollar American, from a man-on-the-street perspective.
We believe in American principles & the underlying foundation of its U.S. Constitution.
We believe in the free exchange of ideas, and that those ideas must be explained in a down-to-earth manner that relies on fact-based integrity to move the dialog forward.
We believe many Americans have been misled by politicians willing to sacrifice honesty in order to gain votes or promote their hidden agenda.
In our opinion – regardless of the issue – there are 3 types of people in the world:
- Those that BELIEVE in the issue;
- Those that DON’T BELIEVE in the issue;
- Those that are UNDECIDED, but can be sold on the issue, one way or the other.
Our goal is to explain issues in a manner that will resonate with the Undecided, based on Socratic principles of intelligence, candor, and Good Will. We invite comments that follow those same principles.
Committed to BlueCollar principles, BlueCollar patriotism, and a BlueCollar Perspective.
(Image: Blogger/rider is 6’1″; horse, Panache, is 19 hands, 10-1/2 yrs old, 2000-lbs)
Thanks for proving that I’m not crazy. The best part of the Internet is that you find that you’re not alone in the way you think.