No doubt about it…SHAMpeachment is all about C-Y-A

As reported at “Second Adam Schiff Staffer Linked to Burisma-Backed Think Tank, ‘Close Friends’ with Alleged ‘Whistleblower’”

Does any reasoning human being not understand these Democrats are in full-blown panic over any corruption investigation involving Ukraine, Burisma, and the Bidens?

Just as with the Trump-Russia hoax…where Democrats were exposed as real election meddlers…in this Ukraine kerfuffle, it’s Democrats who are knee-deep in power-abuse.

Which begs the question…

…what part of ‘shot-in-the-foot’ stupidity don’t they understand?

Even Wile-E-Coyote eventually gave up self-destructive behavior, retiring to Yuma.

(Or, so it’s been reported.)

…and when it comes to ‘authoritarians’ they have no equal…

As posted on the GatewayPundit today: “GOP Leader Drops BOMB on Schiff – Points to Committee Rule that Must Allow Republicans Day to Call Witnesses – Dems Forgot to Strike This in their Crooked Plot to Remove Trump”

As the rule reads: “The Minority is entitled to one additional day of related hearings at which to call their own witnesses if a majority of the Minority Members make their demand before the committee hearing is gaveled closed.” Hmmmm

Republicans sent a demand-to-honor 7:49am yesterday; hearing closed at end of day.

Every day, Democrats falsely rant about the President’s authoritarian nature, but their actions during these sham proceedings reveal the real abusers of personal freedom.

Can’t wait to see how they handle this demand to follow their own rules.

Yeah, libs…since the original HOAX flowed through Ukraine, those facts do matter

Definition of a split second: the elapsed time between our last post, and Liberal screams that the facts we noted don’t come into play regarding the President’s Ukraine actions.

Sorry, Martha…but you’re wrong.

Conflating an effort to get to the bottom of ’16 election meddling, as a self-serving effort to affect a future political re-election campaign, is egregiously disingenuous at best.

Even left-leaning publications wrote columns about the ’16 Ukrainian election meddling, and the fact that Democrat National Committee staff coordinated it with Ukraine.

The GOP Senate has every right to lay out the hoaxes and scams…from inception.

And that inception includes Ukraine.

Whine if you like, but facts don’t lie.

Then there’s this on yesterday’s Pete Santilli show: “Giuliani Quadruples Down: Diplomats Facilitated Soros-Ukraine “Massive Pay-For-Play” Scheme” Boom!!

“…Giuliani claims…US diplomats have been acting to further the interests of billionaire George Soros in Ukraine in what he described as a “massive pay-for-play” scheme which included falsifying evidence against President Trump.” (emphasis added)

‘Falsifying evidence.’ THAT’S real ‘obstruction’ Martha. There’s overwhelming proof of these and other actions: Democrats are playing impeach-roulette…with a loaded gun.

Want more, Martha? Here you go: Schiff is connected to both BlackRock and Franklin Templeton Investments, two companies that were named in the $7.4B Burisma/US-Ukraine corruption claim that was announced…” Impeach-roulette…can’t wait for it.

Oh yeah, c’mon Nancy…spin the cylinder, pull the trigger – let that Senate trial begin.

Considering how a GOP senate can turn this on them, do they really want to go there?

“Dems could draft 4 articles of impeachment, GOP plans for full Senate trial, sources say” Abuse of power. Bribery. Contempt of Congress. Obstruction of justice.

Abuse of power? You mean, like weaponizing federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, falsifying FISA apps, and unlawfully unmasking American citizens? 

Bribery? You mean, like BRAGGING about the extortion of Ukrainian officials to shut down corruption probes that could implicate an American VP’s son…and the VP?

Contempt of Congress? You mean like illegitmately using that institution to set up ‘hearings’ in an effort to overturn the legitimate results of the 2016 election?

Obstruction of justice? You mean, like demanding that Ukrainian officials block probes of how Ukraine stopped corruption investigations and meddled in our 2016 elections?

Seriously? Do the Democrats want to go there? Okay…pull that trigger, Nancy.

Then, there’ll only be one question to ask:

Who DOESN’T hold Congress in contempt?

Because it’s obvious that Democrat politicans in general do.

One more reason Millennials may want to reconsider their Socialist (and anti-GOP) urges

Fox Business article: “Baby boomers…on the cusp of giving mass amounts of money to their children. During the next 30 years, a staggering $36 trillion is expected to flow from Boomers to Gen X, according to a report from wealth manager United Income.”

First, thank you Donald Trump…and Republican monetary policies making it happen.

And, hey, Millennials: guess what a Socialist government would do with that money?

But, just as importantly…guess what happens to that potential, if a high-tax, slow-growth, inheritance-taxing Democrat Party gets back into power in Washington?

For the sake of your future, understand how the Stock Market stagnated for eight years with Obama/Democrat policies…and how it’s flourished under Trump/GOP policies.

(‘Cuz regardless of what you’re told, that’s how the ‘next 30 years’ will be possible.)

2020? Vote your wallet, kids…unless you want it picked from your pocket.

Most disturbing take-aways from the SHAMpeach circus of Dem Keystone Kops

Yeah – If it weren’t for hearsay, there’d be no ‘say’ at all. What A Joke. The most scary reveal is how incompetent both Parties have become. Key Takeaways…
  1. These CLOWNS posing as Democrat politicians are responsible for making law?
  2. OMG – feckless Republicans have spent years unable to overcome such idiocy?

Seriously: Democrats scream Trump-Russia ‘collusion’, and expose themselves. They wail about ‘abuse of power’…and expose themselves. They rage over involving Ukraine in our Nation’s politics, and (yeah, you guessed it) expose themselves.

Such ineptness exposed, what kind of GOP politicians weren’t able to deal with this…


If it weren’t for the media, these Democrats couldn’t have made it to the restroom on their own, let alone public office. (Says a lot for Ivy League education, doesn’t it?)

…and the reason why they’re in attack-overdrive against Giuliani…

Think maybe this explains their over-the-top assault? “Giuliani Explains “Massive Pay-For-Play” Soros-Ukraine Scheme Facilitated By US Diplomats (u/l added)

When a multi-billionaire pulls the strings, the puppets must dance…

“Rudy Giuliani claims that US diplomats have been acting to further the interests of billionaire George Soros in Ukraine in what he described as a “massive pay-for-play” scheme which included falsifying evidence against President Trump.” 

…and multi-billionaires have a huge aversion to orange jumpsuits.

Dance, you zany Democrats, dance.

Well, judging by Ukrainian & Chinese largesse, at least he’ll have a bright future…

“A DNA test has confirmed “with scientific certainty” that Hunter Biden – son of former VP Joe Biden – is the father of an Arkansas baby. The child’s mother, Lunden Alexis Roberts, cited the DNA test in a motion filed Wednesday. Roberts is demanding child support from Hunter Biden, who notoriously took high-paying jobs in Ukraine and China while his father was the Obama administration’s point person in both countries.”

No comment from daddy…or granddaddy. But, there is a downside to this story…

“DNA Test Confirms: Hunter Biden Cheated on His Dead Brother’s Widow”

Go figure…a cheating Democrat. Say it ain’t so, Joe.