Listening to the endless epithets of ‘racism’ thrown at President Trump every time he reveals someone’s wrongdoing, more and more people are realizing Trump’s right.
He’s revealed FakeNews for what the mainstream media is; he’s revealed opponent Democrats for the election-hoaxsters they are; now, he’s disemboweled race-hustlers.
For decades, their go-to strategy when faced with rightful criticism is to hurl accusations of racism, homophobia, misogynistic, or xenophobic behavior to obscure the obvious…
…that such rightful criticisms can’t be answered or refuted honestly.
Now, it’s all falling apart for Democrats. Is it any wonder they rant against his tweets?
Far from demonizing Trump, Democrat ankle-biters are exposing themselves. We can only hope that the (generally spineless) Republicans finally take a page out of his book.
This is epic, folks.
As the inestimable Roger Kimball notes today at American Greatness:
“Public discourse in America has long been held hostage to a species of racist moral blackmail that has made it almost impossible to tell the truth about many central social realities. Trump opened the window on that paralyzing darkness when he dared to violate the taboo against criticizing failure when it happened to be presided over by blacks. But to do so is not racist. In fact, it is anti-racist, because it dares to hold everyone, blacks as well as whites, to the same standard.”
“Trump was elected partly because he was “politically incorrect”: he dared to bring the engine of common sense to bear against the malodorous carapace of left-wing ideology…he has been the first chief executive in a very long time to have the rough courage to challenge the entrenched, sclerotic establishment that promulgates an agenda of dependency in order to protect its power and perquisites, surrounding the whole with the sleepless sentinels of politically correct interdiction. “
“Rough courage” – we need more of that in our elected representatives.
Playing a race-card when accused, using their ‘moral blackmail’ of any type, exposes the accused as guilty. This is huge, erasing decades of abuse. We owe that to him.
He’s twitter-paved the way. Those being morally blackmailed? Emulate the master.
Thank you, Mr. President.