Ever notice the big corporations Democrats demonize always seem to get…richer…when Dems are in power?

Remember how ‘Big Pharma’ were the bad guys way back when?

Surprise…they’re reaping BILLIONS in profits with all the WuFlu hysteria whipped up by (you guessed it) Democrats and their propagandist media network of heavies…over what has turned out to be (after the inflated numbers were exposed) a tough flu season.

(Wanna bet who invested heavily in Big Pharma before all this went down?)

And, then there were those ‘evil’ Big Bad oil companies they’ve demonized for decades.

Unh hunh..

Profits are rolling in, cuz, yeah, Democrats – under guise of ‘saving environment’ – are always passing legislation restricting oil extraction…which creates artificial shortages.

Which, of course, drives up prices of oil-per-barrel. (Think they invested in Big Bad oil?)

Oh yeah.

Democrats perfected the art of privately enriching the very corporations they so  publicly demonize  – and, of course, have enriched themselves as well, in the process…

…and, all the time – always – making those corporations out to be the bad guys.

Gas pump prices just in California are up 40-50% since Democrats got into the White House and their Party leadership have, again, created artificial-shortage legislation.

Knowing that, wouldn’t it be great if voting could be done at California gas pumps?

They caused it – they OWN it…and we need to get that word out. Get Californians gas-pump angry, and California Democrats would go from ‘in power’ to EXTINCT..

…in a heartbeat. But why stop there?

Americans are tied of useless mandates and business-killing shutdowns. Democrats went from ’15 days to flatten the curve’ to 730 days of flattening the economy…

…spreading doom-&-gloom over what turns out to be a bad flu season

For a nationwide thought, let’s talk vaccines that don’t immunize, and booster-shots that never end…not to mention arcane shutdowns and hostility-driven mask Nazis.

Messaged effectively, we’d go from ‘flatten-the-curve’ to flatten Democrats.

The bait-&-switch FDA covid ‘vaccine’ scam…it’s ALL about liability immunity for Big Pharma

The American Public has been played…Big Time.

The FDA made a big show about approving Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’, but neither of those products have been, or will be, available in the U.S. any time soon. What?


Read this article: “FDA Duplicity on Covid-19 Vaccines”…we’re being scammed.

That’s right…every ‘vaccine’ used to date has been the experimental type. And, as such, guess what? Legally, state & federal governments can’t push vaccine mandates.

“EUA products are considered experimental under U.S. law.” ‘EUA products’ are Emergency Authorization Use products, like, you guessed it…experimental vaccines.

“Federal regulations provide that no one can force a person to participate in being jabbed with an experimental vaccine– 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)

That’s right, people – vaccine mandates being pushed are, by law ILLEGAL. Because EVERY vaccine being used in America as of this post today is experimental and…

“There is no FDA licensed and approved Covid-19 vaccine available in the United States today, thus any vaccine mandate is technically illegal.” BY LAW.

But the elites – aided and abetted by their media cohort – have pulled the wool over your eyes. Most Americans believe the ‘vaccines’ being given now are FDA-approved!


And now, they’re going for your kids. Why? L-I-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y

Sooner or later, the bait-&-switch game being pulled on Americans will backfire, and the lawsuits will begin…UNLESS all age groups receive FDA-approval for the ‘vaccines’.

There’s a law that says if all age groups fall under FDA-approval, liability shields kick in.

Yep – get the kids, and Big Pharma liability immunity becomes absolute.

Too bad for the kids, but…hey…we’re talking profits for Big Pharma here, right?

Question is – Are you okay with all this?