Does it strike anyone as odd, that today’s urbane statesman finds the vulgarity of President Trump more noxious than the suave sexual predation of Bill Clinton…
…or the sophisticated all-cops-are-black-killers sophistry of Barack Obama…
…or the refined pro-abortion glee of Hillary Clinton?
We’ve arrived at a sad moment in America when an establishment politician can’t comprehend the attraction of a blunt-spoken man compared to such political ‘icons’.
Read Victor Davis Hanson’s spot-on article about President Trump today…
…then, please explain how so many supposedly cultured elitists can be so…
Are we truly at a place where rape, race-baiting, and baby-killing…when conducted in a genteel manner…are more palatable than blunt language?
Judging by the daily rhetoric, a wide swath of elitists may live in that place…
…but judging by election results, 61.2 million Americans refuse to go there.
(UPDATED to reflect the Victor Davis Hanson article as ‘spot-on’. Some readers of this blog thought he was being included as an elitist in the ‘clueless’ category…and nothing could be further from the truth. Mr. Hanson is, as always, devastatingly accurate in his analysis.)