Proof that Obama & Co lied about Benghazi ISN’T the big problem…

New emails forced into the open by a Freedom Of Information Act request reveal that in fact, Obama’s team priority was about his image, rather than telling Americans the truth.

Lying to Americans to protect Obama’s image before the 2012 election is reprehensible.

But the BIGGER problem?

The deceiver orchestrating the lies is now #2 in Obama’s National Security Council!

An image-maker is the #2 official in the NSC, advising/assisting Obama on foreign policy and national security issues, and interacting with counterparts of other nations.

How much credibility does anyone have, when they allow image to trump honesty?

At the very least, he should be forced out of the National Security Council.

But then again, he just mirrors what this entire administration does.

The Democrats’ war on low-income families

Ironically, Democrats seeking escape from Obamacare failures are focusing on income inequality, trying to deflect voter irritability away from them and back onto the GOP.

We say ‘ironically’, because as economist Thomas Sowell points out, income inequality has grown substantially over the last five years…as a result of Democrat policies.

Next time your Liberal buddies cry ‘income inequality’…remind them who to blame.

“…unfit to be the ruler of a free people”

What name popped into your mind?

The entire quoted sentence reads as follow: “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

(Declaration of Independence, 4th paragraph)

And while you may have thought ‘Obama’, the subject of that line was King George III.

There do seem to be parallels…

“…character…marked by every act which may define a Tyrant…”

Which executive order do you think qualifies Obama in this category?

O.U.T. – O.F. – T.O.U.C.H.

Obama claims the Obamacare debate is over.

He says we should move on to focus on jobs and the overall economy…

…evidently oblivious to the fact that Obamacare is a huge job-killer, that sucks even more money OUT of your pocket and, thus, OUT of our economy…

…and into a Big Government black hole.


Focusing on repealing O’care directly addresses issues of jobs, and the economy.


Harry Reid threatens his President (sort of…)

After the BLM backed down in a blatant Nevada land-grab attempt, Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid dashed to the microphones, bravely declaring ‘it ain’t over’…

…stating, specifically, “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it.”

Better check with your President, Harry…Obama’s been doing it for 5 years

…or don’t you classify him as an ‘American’?


Does ‘collapsing’ America’s rule-of-law qualify as a ‘high Crime and Misdemeanor’?

Senator Jeff Sessions, on the floor of the Senate, has accused Obama of deliberately collapsing our law enforcement system by refusing to enforce immigration laws.

He has a point – the Attorney General and Dept. of Justice answer to Obama. Failing to instruct his minions to enforce existing law is a deliberate act. And violation of oath.

There is nothing more exceptional about America than its reverence for the law. And, before anyone points out that laws sometimes need changing, it should be noted that there is a legal system in place which can accomplish those necessary changes.

Short-circuiting that system leads to politically abusive chaos…and tyranny…

…which is where we are now.

When will the House of Representatives do its job?

Impeach this Lawbreaker-in-Chief.