This isn’t the first time they sabotaged our economy: you can bet the 2008 mortgage meltdown was intentional

Witnessing how far the Left has been willing to go to regain power in November, with the actual sabotage of our booming economy, we’re convinced now the 2008 meltdown was an intentional, orchestrated event…with radical mortgages providing the explosive.

Today, they’re pushing the Panic button on what’s now revealed as a seasonal flu event that, while serious, is no more deadly than the standard variety we go through yearly.

Even as we discover that total deaths in America are actually BEHIND the total average (year-to-date) for the last 5 years, media and Democrats keep stoking a fear narrative.

They’ll do whatever it takes to derail Pres Trump’s re-election.

Here’s what we think was another example of deliberate economic sabotage…

Rewind to 2008: John McCain’s running against a neophyte community organizer, put up as the Democrat nominee for president, and what happens? Mortgage meltdown.

America’s economy tanked, with a Republican in the White House. Obama is elected.

Democrats created that ‘improvised explosive device’ in the late ’90’s, by forcing banks to offer home-loan mortgages to unqualified borrowers, and waited for the moment.

Banks, knowing those mortgage packages were potentially damaging to their bottom line, did what banks do…packaged them with other financial vehicles to lessen liability.

Those financial packages were time bombs, just waiting to be triggered if necessary.

That trigger was pulled in 2008, several months before the presidential election. Our economy tanked; Obama was elected; Democrats won total control of Congress.

Mission Accomplished.

Today’s events, revealing that a new flu virus (no more deadly than the seasonal flu we deal with every year) can be used to push Fear-mongering to destroy an economy, is just one more example of what Democrats and the Left will do to regain power…

…at the expense of the American public.

No honest person believes career politicians with extensive banking/legal backgrounds would not know forcing bad mortgages would create a financial nightmare…

…tanking our American economy.

No honest person believes creating Panic, with lies and bogus context hospitalizations and cause-of-death scenarios because of a bad flu, would be anything but deliberate…

…tanking our American economy.

They did it before…they’re doing it now.


No honest person supports ideas that enable vote fraud…which tells you all you need to know about those who do

Anyone with half a brain knows unsolicited mail-in ballots sent to ‘eligible voters’ is an open invitation to fraudulent acts that can destroy the sanctity of our election process.

Aspiring politicians supporting such potential actions should be disqualified from office.

Our election process is a Constitutional principle…to openly support any act that could undermine our Constitution is antithetical to the oath taken swearing its support.

Consider our American right to vote as a ‘property’ that must be protected. Bequeathed to every American as a right by our citizenship status, our voting process is sacred.

Who is willing to support ideas that result in weakening the security of that property?

What does it say about those who knowingly support LESS secure voting?

History is replete with examples of fraudulent acts, for those willing to see them.

(For those who don’t go to the link, we offer the headline of that article…“Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America” …for convenience)

Finally, and just as importantly…

…what does it say about a political Party who wants to KEEP voting honest?

Choose wisely, people.

Democrats unwilling to legislate ‘WuFlu-only’ relief package, expose their anti-American crisis-exploitation principles

How hard is it, to create legislation that pinpoints only WuFlu virus relief for Americans?

For the Democrat politicians, evidently, EXTREMELY hard.

We emphasize ‘extremely’ because it reveals them as rabidly anti-American to the point of making Americans suffer unless their non-virus agenda items are included.

You’d think their dire warnings about this virus would make them more willing to put Party ideology aside, and create virus-specific relief…but it’s crisis-exploiting time…


Too bad America…you’ll suffer from WuFlu effects, until they get their way.

Happy with that?

“It seems that there is no pandemic in 2020 of COVID-19 or of anything else, at least not in the United States.”

(Ed. note: the author has taken this article down to update addionally available CDC info – we will re-link the article when it has been properly modified to reflect data)

We knew it, and posted on it from the beginning: the numbers don’t add up.

Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble…

CONFIRMED: the Fear-Mongering is the HOAX…  “THIS IS STRANGE: Report Shows 2020 with Lowest Number of Recorded US Deaths Since 2009”

“…there is a new report at by Colleen Huber, NMD, that reveals total US deaths this year are actually lower than annual US deaths in 20 of the last 21 years.” …but don’t hold your breath waiting for LIBedia to report on this.

“It seems that there is no pandemic in 2020 of COVID-19 or of anything else, at least not in the United States.” YOU’VE BEEN PLAYED, America.

It just keeps on piling reasons higher for voting (R) this November

Think this might affect the black vote? “Lockdowns Wipe out Nearly 50% of Black Small Businesses” And, how about this little gem of reporting…“Poll: Voters Say ‘Growing Level of Violent Protest’ Important to Their Vote in November”

Hmmm…forced lock-downs are being continued in Democrat-led states. And, yup, ‘violent protests’ are occurring in…wait for it… Democrat-controlled states.

So, why do national conservative radio talk-show hosts harp on sex habits of Kamala Harris, or the creepy acts of Joe Biden, when important issues should seal the deal?

We know they’re perverts…they’re DEMOCRATS.

Get off the personal attacks, and focus on issues of American voters care about.

They don’t want communism, they don’t want lock-downs, they don’t want rioting.

Stop playing the Democrats’ game.

NY’s governor, Andrew ‘Senior-Killer’ Cuomo, has a TON of covering up to do

For all the blather about how the President has handled the WuFlu pandemic, it seems many Democrats doing a poor job of running their states have some ‘splaining to do.

NRO: “Cuomo’s Deadly Mistake Was Likely Even Worse Than First Reported”

Cuomo forced elder care facilities to take virus-positive senior citizens, even though many of those facilities were not equipped or ready (as CDC guidelines required).

“Unlike other states with major outbreaks, New York’s fatality numbers only include residents who died on nursing-home property, and not the thousands of patients who caught the disease in homes but were transported and ultimately died elsewhere. While the state estimates that around 6,600 perished in nursing homes, the Associated Press puts the real number closer to 11,000 — more than the total fatality count in any state other than New Jersey. It might even be worse.(emphasis added)

“The Associated Press – which should be praised as one of the only major outlets pursuing this story – has been denied access to New York’s nursing-home death data despite filing public records request three months ago. You might remember all the conspiracy theories that liberal pundits were spreading about Florida’s “manipulated” numbers in May. Here we are in August, and Cuomo, the governor who couldn’t flatten the curve, is now also stonewalling and hiding his state’s death toll.” (emph added)

Wouldn’t it be great if we had a media that held these low-lifes accountable?

REMINDER: D’s NEVER give up…Kamala Harris is just their next strategic phase

Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security.

Democrats never stop: Kamala Harris as a VP candidate is a joke…unless it’s meant to divert attention from their end-game strategy – and we’re convinced that’s Michelle O’.

Remember, (honest) polling shows Trump with a 30%+ approval among black voters.

That’s a death knell for Democrats, and it’s beyond obvious that Kamala ‘Courtesan-for-Career’ Harris is not the answer…their only solution is to bring in the heavy guns.

Stay tuned as this plays out.

If you think looting-&-rioting are ‘rights’, you must be a Democrat…intent on destroying the Constitution

Wow..we have an alternate Constitution? “Black Lives Matter DEFENDS Chicago Looters, Say Looting Is Their RIGHT As Crime SKYROCKETS Across U.S.”

Close the door on that conversation…if you stop them from looting, you’re RACIST.

If there are any honest Democrats left, their choices in November are limited…

…vote Republican…or vote CRAZY.

Seriously…this lunacy can’t continue, can it?

At what point do reasonable Democrats say enough? It’s one thing to ignore fringe political lunacy in a desire to support fundamental policy issues, but this is madness.

Do they even understand that their Big Government agenda collides head-on with anti-law enforcement ideology that is an integral part of any government, be it big or small?

This is massive schizophrenia on a political scale, brought to the American public by a cadre of Left-wing anarchists who would like nothing better than America’s decline.

When rioting and looting becomes a ‘right’, the rights of law-abiding citizens…

…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…become EXTINCT.

They chose, and Democrats as a whole can’t blame anyone else for the final analysis.

It’s come to this…

…voting (D) puts one on record as approving of our Constitution’s destruction.

Choose wisely, America.