Thrilled by their SHAMpeachment, it shows they still don’t know who they’re dealing with

Does anyone remember who got the first base hit in the 2019 World Series, game one?

Does anyone care?

“Pelosi gloats: Trump has been impeached ‘forever’”

They really don’t have a clue who they’re dealing with. House impeachment process of a president is just the first step in the process…the trial and verdict are the other steps.

It’s like declaring a victory after getting a base hit…

…but the final score depends on the runner getting to home plate. In effect, they’re bragging about reaching first base – as if getting to home plate doesn’t even matter.

Democrats are giddy over impeaching Donald Trump, but he could care less, because 1) there was no impeachable crime committed, and, 2) the final result is all that matters.

Being falsely charged doesn’t make one guilty; being acquitted makes one not guilty.

Any politician who thinks Pres Trump will worry about the ‘stain of impeachment’ doesn’t know the man they’re dealing with; after he’s acquitted, the real investigations begin.

And, when the impeachment crowd finally gets revealed for the corrupt politicians they are…as just trying to use impeachment to stall the inevitable…the real trials begin.

If rule-of-law and its equal application prevail, the stain of their corrupt behavior will be remembered long after the travesty of their false impeachment narrative fades away.

That’s what ‘WINNING’ looks like.

Hmmm…if the impeachment trial must be ‘fair’…there can’t be a trial

Democrats screaming for a ‘fair’ Senate trial have a self-created problem…

…since our Constitution sets the standard at “…Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”…because their articles of impeachment don’t meet the standard.

Just to be clear:

As the Chief law enforcement officer of the land, Pres. Trump has a right, an obligation, to ask foreign powers to investigate instances of (ironically, self-confessed) corruption.

And billions of American tax-dollars funded to Ukraine disappeared.

Article 1 of their impeachment accuses the President of power abuse, but it’s his actual constitutionally-granted power USE that Democrats got all worked up about.

Article 2 claims obstruction, but – without a crime to obstruct – there is no obstruction.

If Democrats demand a ‘fair’ impeachment, the only thing to do is bury this unfair one.

On their steadfast REFUSAL to connect corruption dots

During the Obama era, while Democrats were running foreign policy…

  • Biden’s son, w-ZERO relevant experience, is hired by a Ukrainian company;
  • Pelosi’s son, w-ZERO relevant experience, is hired by a Ukrainian company;
  • Over $5bn of American taxpayer funds to those companies go missing;
  • Biden’s son acquires millionaire status;
  • Pelosi’s son acquires millionaire status;
  • Efforts to investigate circumstances prompt Pelosi to initiate impeachment.

Which begs the question…

What part of this damning collection of dots is so hard to connect? 

“Democrats Block A Vote To Support Iran Protesters”

As reported at the Daily Caller (bold, underline emphasis added)…

“Democrats in the House of Representatives blocked a vote Tuesday to support the protesters in Iran who are demonstrating against the regime. Consideration and a vote on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s resolution was blocked because Democrats advanced the previous question, by a vote of 226-191. The resolution would have condemned the Government of Iran for killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were protesting their government…condemned the Government of Iran for shooting down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing 176 people.

Since when is killing thousands of innocent people not worth condemnation? Voting for this resolution wouldn’t have been any more than a token gesture, and they won’t do it.

What reasonable American can continue to support this political Party?

Proportionate response

Advise Iran of incoming sanction strikes against specific targets…

…give them no time to adjust or prepare…

…strike targets.


“Developing: 4.9 Earthquake Strikes Near Bushehr Nuclear Plant in Iran Hours After Missile Attacks on US Bases” …could it be? Nooo…not possible…is it?

Takeaways from the events over these last five days:

  • There’s one less major terrorist in the world;
  • Iran’s weak response, coupled with the fact they warned of their intended strikes ahead of time, show clearly that Iran got the message – Trump is NOT Obama;
  • Uncertainty is running rampant through the Iranian upper leadership – who tipped off Soleimani’s movements, who can be trusted, and who can’t be trusted?
  • The rest of the world’s tinpot 3rd-worlders know there’s a new sheriff in town;
  • America’s allies feel a little safer today;
  • Democrat politicians expose themselves as terrorist apologists.

Not bad for a President who ‘has no foreign policy’…

Empirical proof that Bloomberg is an IDIOT

Seriously? Reported at the Washington Times today: “‘Great example for the rest of this country’: Bloomberg sees California as model for U.S.”

Forget for the moment California’s state and local $1.5 TRILLION in financial liabilities; has this guy seen homeless conditions prevalent in San Francisco and Los Angeles?

And this guy thinks he’s fit to run a country? Maybe…in Venezuela…?

Now that the facts are out, they can’t deny it was a witch-hunt

The esteemed Margot Cleveland, at the Federalist: “The report established that the special counsel’s office was complicit in the FISA abuse, the probe was a witch hunt, and its report was a cover-up for systematic government malfeasance” (emph added)

“Inspector General Report Shows Special Counsel Replicated FBI Abuses”

Well worth the read – it was a Democrat-coordinated witch-hunt, and once anyone has read the dots connected by Margot Cleveland, no other conclusion can be reached.

This logic for impeaching House Dems seems unassailable…

Best argument written so far over the Democrats’ craziness agenda.

At the “Impeach Pelosi and Schumer”

The money quote: “If “obstruction of Congress” is a cause for impeachment, then “obstruction of the president” must also fall into that same arena of malfeasance.”

As the author notes, this is about the checks-&-balances system of our government.

“At the center of the constitutional structure of our government as designed…is the idea that the president, the Congress and the judiciary would play off each other. They would balance each other out, and this would ensure that no branch would have singular, autocratic power. It appears that the Democratic members of Congress missed this Madisonian point during their educations prior to arriving on Capitol Hill.”

In our opinion, the author doesn’t go far enough, failing to make the point that, as the Nation’s law enforcement leader, corruption is a serious matter worthy of investigation.

Especially when it involves a former Vice President, committing acts while in office.

That suggestion of corruption investigation is what set off this latest round of anti-Trump SHAMpeachment mania, serving as the basis for their first impeachment article – but is carrying out one’s OFFICIAL duty to investigate criminal acts impeachable? NO.

It’s obvious that their effort is intended to obstruct investigating REAL acts of corruption.

We’re curious why the Trump team hasn’t pushed this irrefutable logic to its conclusion.

Regardless, the author’s point is clear: Democrats are eminently impeachable…


Why are House Democrats so hellbent on weakening our national security?

First, Democrats stalled efforts to strengthen our southern border, now…

“Pelosi moves to limit Trump’s actions in Iran with War Powers Resolution vote”

At what point do Democrat voters say ‘enough’?

The general our military exterminated last week had orchestrated many attacks which killed or wounded hundreds of our American military, and the embassy attack last week.

He may have been a ‘general’ by Iran standards, but he was a terrorist by ours. He was planning more attacks against us, in Iraq, when he was reduced to room temperature.

The war powers act, and COMMON SENSE, justified the President’s action. And, as the Iranian gov’t was on notice of the IRGC terror designation in April, they were warned.

The billion$ Obama sent to Iran did nothing but encourage that nation’s leaders to step up their terrorist-enabling efforts “Obama-era cash traced to Iran-backed terrorists”.

They thought, as with Obama, they could act with impunity. They were wrong. President Trump gave fair warning…they ignored it. Steps taken were righteous, and deserved.


But now a more concerning aspect of this situation is playing out as Democrats, bent on nulling his efforts whenever possible, play partisan games with our national security

By pulling these partisan Democrat stunts in Congress, the House Democrats hamper the efforts to fight and defeat terrorism that can’t be appeased, only exterminated…

…with EXTREME prejudice.

It’s time Democrat voters demanded that their politicians stand up for America…

…or resign.

Pelosi’s an idiot & liar…and Soleimani’s still dead

“Pelosi says Trump launched strike killing Iranian general without authorization”


Iraq is part of the constantly updated AUMF (Authorized Use of Military Force) which Congress passed to provide the President a quick reaction platform against terrorism.

The strike that killed the Iranian terrorist leader General Soleimani was in Iraq.


(pun intended)

For those not in the know (as reported at Fox News) “…Soleimani was the long-running leader of the elite intelligence wing called the Quds Force — a special forces external arm of the IRGC responsible for supporting terrorist proxies across the Middle East. It reports directly to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and was itself designated a terror group in 2007…American officials have condemned the Quds Force as being responsible for spreading Iran’s Islamic revolution, supporting terrorists, subverting pro-Western governments and waging Iran’s foreign wars.” (bold, u/l emphasis added)

Soleimani’s terrorist-planning activities were widespread…and ongoing. To think that he didn’t qualify for immediate reduction to room-temp status is to deny today’s reality.

Anyone who thinks it was wrong to take out this guy needs psychiatric help.