Can’t that Party find any NON-corrupt candidates?

Democrats with their panties in a bunch are set to hold public House hearings this week in an attempt to impeach Trump for power abuses that corrupt Democrats committed.

(They’re claiming that investigating former VP Biden’s corrupt activities is election-year politics, since he’s a candidate for their Party in the 2020 field of presidential hopefuls, yet Obama, Biden, and Democrats used unfounded rumor to spy on Trump campaign.)

While they depend on 2nd/3rd/4th-hand hearsay over a Ukraine call – or what the President may have thought – Pres Trump has real proof of 2016 election-tampering.

Not to mention Biden’s 2018 video bragging about shutting down a corruption probe in the Ukraine that could have involved his son, and the company that was paying him.

That said, why can’t Democrats find law-abiding candidates to run for public office?

Because, let’s face it folks…

…a candidacy shouldn’t automatically include immunity from past crimes.

It’s not President Trump’s fault Joe Biden admitted to corrupt practices.

The inconvenient truth is parading corrupt Democrats as candidates favors Trump…

…and it’s THEIR OWN FAULT.

No better summary of a political Party than this…

“Democrats Elect Convicted Sex Offender to Office in Virginia”

If this doesn’t define Democrats and the slime they’ll vote for…nothing does.

“On Tuesday, Virginia Democrats elected a disbarred lawyer and convicted sex offender to the Virginia State Senate” And, no, it wasn’t Bill Clinton…he’s never been convicted.

(Conviction in the Court of Public Opinion doesn’t count)

(But, he was disbarred)

Another difference between D’s & R’s…?

If there’s HONEST proof of high crimes and misdemeanors, we support impeachment.

Compare that to what Democrats are willing to overlook, for instance, with Hillary.

As we pointed out not too long ago, she clearly committed multiple felonies, yet was still allowed to carry the Democrat banner as their 2016 presidential candidate.

The 7 felonies listed in our Sept 24 post are clearly documented, with evidence.

Had a Republican candidate committed those acts, they would’ve deserved to be pulled from the ticket, pre-election…but if not, deserved to be impeached after being elected.

Rule-of-law is more important than Party loyalty.


Just one more difference, between D’s and R’s.

…and the YUGE difference between D’s & R’s…?

(Donald Trump Jr, on Rush Limbaugh’s show yesterday) “We were international businesspeople, Rush, for two decades. This is what I did. When my father won, he said, “We will not do any new international deals going forward.” Hunter Biden – who’d never done any deals in his life – magically becomes this international businessman.”

“He (Hunter Biden) knows nothing about oil and gas. He doesn’t speak Ukrainian. Minor details. But he’s willing to take $83,000 a month. You know, he had six weeks to prep for that ABC interview and he still didn’t know why the heck he got the job. I say, “What if Donald Trump Jr. did that? Would you guys have the same ‘children are off-limits’?” If I went to China on Air Force One with my father and came back with $1.5 billion from the Chinese government to invest in my fund…?” Hmmm…

Donald Trump Jr STOPPED doing international deals, when his dad entered office; Hunter STARTED dealing internationally, with his VP dad’s blessing while in office…

…without an iota of business experience or background.


What say you, Democrats?

Regardless of legalese, Americans DO see this impeachment as a trial

We’ll start by declaring openly we are NOT legal experts. BlueCollarPerspective is just that…a site where the blue-collar American voices a blue-collar opinion, based on fact.

That said, our opinion regarding the Left’s routine trampling rule-of-law is on full display in the House Democrat impeach-effort, and fairness is integral to America’s identity.

The esteemed Andy McCarthy took to the digital waves Thursday, to impress upon all of us blue-collar types the fact that impeachment is a ‘political’ process, not a criminal trial.

With all due respect to Mr. McCarthy, any process which is used to strip away the duly-elected political authority (i.e., executive power) IS seen as a legal proceeding…

…by Americans who voted for this President – due process can’t easily be dismissed.

Our Constitution calls for a standard of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’; but, if ‘crimes’ are a standard, then such a proceeding…regardless of legal meanderings…is a court.

It doesn’t matter what legal experts can argue: Americans want FAIRNESS.

Face it: a lawyer who can argue an unborn child is not human, and convince a court of such bilge, can roll over any due-process or rule-of-law sanity with impunity. We get it; you guys are smart, and when you say black is white or up is down, the battle’s over.

But, unlike singular judge rulings, or shifty-selected jury verdicts, next Nov. election day Americans will be judge and jury…what they see with hearsay opinions, secret back-door sessions, and ‘witness’ grooming/tampering goes against any concept of fair play.

Andy McCarthy notes “Impeachment, however, is not even a legal proceeding, much less a criminal trial. It is a political proceeding. No one’s liberty is at stake; it is strictly about whether an official should be stripped of political authority – in the president’s case, of the executive power.” But, what about the Americans who elected him?

This shampeachment process is a direct attack against Americans, not just one man. If their ‘political process’ tactics are recognized for what they are, does Mr. McCarthy think Americans will accept punitive ‘legal-disguised-as-political’ methods to screw Trump?

(And, by association, screw the Americans who elected him?)

To make matters worse, Mr. McCarthy argues “because the Constitution wholly vests the process of impeachment in the House, and the conduct of impeachment trials in the Senate, those chambers have plenary authority (ed. ‘complete and absolute power’) over the respective proceedings. No court has the power to tell the House or Senate what quantum of due process must be afforded to an official in an impeachment case. No one can make Congress apply the Sixth Amendment.” 

Really? The Constitution ‘wholly vests’ the President to “…take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” ...but that doesn’t stop Left-wing judges from blocking him, does it?

(And, what’s most important next Nov. is a Court of Public Opinion. Legal experts may not take that into consideration with pontifications, but Americans will have their say.)

For three years, we’ve seen what punitive ‘legal’ maneuvering the powers-that-be can perform with weaponized FBI, CIA, Justice Dept., and State Dept…and we’re sick of it.

Legal-eagles may see nothing wrong with refusing to let a citizen defend themselves…

…but the American citizenry are fortunate not to be wearing those blinders.

Nobody understands these differentiations better than President Donald Trump.

In our humble BlueCollar opinion.

(P.S. – impeachment may be ‘political process’…but if wrongful termination results…)

(P.P.S. – then there’s workplace harassment…)

(P.P.P.S. – and corrupt and/or fraudulent acts under color of political office…)

‘When did the State Dept stop answering to the Executive Branch?’

That’s the first and ONLY question Republicans need to ask at Schiff’s ‘hearing’.

Hearings will be full of testimony from deep-staters on would’a-could’a-should’a opinion regarding the policy, manner, and tone with which foreign affairs are being carried out.

Foreign policy is conducted by the State Dept…as the President directs. They answer to him, not the reverse. Elected presidents set policy, not unelected bureaucrats.

House Democrats need a reminder. Constituents must do the reminding…

…because the media won’t.

Democrats opened a Pandora’s box of election-meddling, but now when the real perps are threatened with exposure, they want to slam it tight shut using ‘impeach’ tactics.

And, if they want to argue the merits of foreign policy, it should be done forthrightly.

For too long, they’ve acted as if in power even when they weren’t…and got away with it.

This gossip-monger is just another extension of #Resist, and should be outed as such.

This ‘impeachment inquiry’ effort is more of the same-old, same-old, acting as if they still had the reins of power…and the authority to conduct their foreign policy their way.

No more. There’s a new Sheriff in town…and his name is Donald Trump.

Hey guys, it’s not this President’s fault Democrats produce corrupt candidates for their Party. It’s his job to investigate corruption by U.S. citizens. You call it ‘impeachable’…

…we call it KARMA.

(You almost got away with it with Hillary, but didn’t you know Comey’s gone?)

Impeach the President? For what…doing his job?

Sorry, Democrats, that doesn’t fit the ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’ requirement…

…but your actions do.

Nothing less than a desperate effort to mask THEIR chicanery

Funny, isn’t it?

When they called for investigations into election-meddling, they thought it should stop at the Democrat gate…going beyond that gate now, is somehow considered a corrupt act.

We repeat for clarity…

…impeach efforts are nothing less than a desperate effort to mask THEIR chicanery.

As noted in an article at American Greatness “There is nothing in what Trump has done as president that explains the unconstitutional attacks against him. It is the reverse – the attempt to frame and entrap President Trump and his team as traitors with Russia, was begun by the Obama DOJ, FBI, CIA and White House before his inauguration. It was the Obama Administration’s actions that necessitated the all-out attempt to delegitimize President Trump before he could expose them.” (bold, u/l emphasis added)

Add to that this latest Ukraine foreign policy molehill Democrat House members are now trying to turn into an impeachment mountain – it’s all about covering their butt.

Skeptical? Facts will back up this declaration.

Look at ‘proof’ they have, then, compare it to AG findings…when they come out.

If the gossip-monger fears for his life…it would be fear of HIS OWN Party

That’s right, Liberal hand-wringers…he’s more in danger from Democrats.

The gossip-monger is nothing but that…he put forth hearsay information.

While being subjected to ridicule by Republicans may be uncomfortable, absolute fear of the Democrat Party is in order…because, as a material witness, they’d be indicted. 

Think – corruption. He worked for Biden while that VP was arm-twisting Ukraine.

Think – election meddling. He worked with those pushing the dirt dossier hoax.

How does hearsay whining rise to the same level as those indictable offenses? As a material witness, he was in a position to now incriminate Democrat figureheads.

Eric Ciaramella better make sure he keeps a lot of company close…

…ask Seth Rich…or Jeff Epstein. Democrats play for keeps.

Ridicule doesn’t rise to the level of life-threatening…but indictable does.