Uhhh…what about the hidden million$ paid by Democrats for the hoax-dossier, to affect elections?

FakeNews rears its ugly head.

Another day, another effort to smear President Trump over thousands paid out to women who reportedly had a private relationship with him in years long past.

Now, again, opposition forces accuse him of ‘illegal campaign funding’, but…


Democrats hid payment of MILLIONS to a lawyer cut-out firm which in turn funded a hoax-dossier through FusionGPS, who used a foreign national for creating the lies.

That dirt-dossier was meant for one thing – to derail the 2016 Trump campaign.

Did we say MILLIONS?

Where’s the outrage? Just another example of FakeNews selective reporting.

If Democrats can claim thousands in hush payments as an ‘impeachable offense’, what are the MILLIONS Hillary and the DNC spent, trying to regain election momentum?

Opposition creates high-stress environment, then condemns those burnt out from stress?

As the fake angst over White House turnover awakens to another day, it shouldn’t be too difficult for reasoning adults to see the hypocrisy of those bemoaning ‘turmoil’.

90%+ negative media coverage, constant anti-GOP political nattering by the opposition, deep-state leakers, and a 2-year hoax ‘collusion’ witch-hunt wears on people. There’s no wonder that, under such conditions, those choosing to serve burn out over time.

Hopefully, the American electorate realize this faux angst for what it is…

…just one more effort to diminish and neuter the Trump administration, and send out the message…this is what you get when you dare to serve against deep-state elitists.

Mueller’s odd persecution of Corsi raises more questions than answers

American Thinker contributor Moseley raises some interesting points today in his article  “Jerome Corsi Challenges Robert Mueller” and the inevitable court battle looming.

Corsi says he’s being hounded by Mueller-&-Co to lie about an alleged ‘collusion’ with WikiLeaks founder Assange, based on communications regarding DNC email hacks.

Mueller’s team alleges Corsi had advanced information on that WikiLeaks effort, but the communications they use to establish that claim occurred after multiple news sources had published articles on the WikiLeaks actions, as well as future promised reveals.

Basically, Corsi’s being blamed for advance knowledge of what was already published.

But, more interesting than that contortionist effort by Mueller is the timeline.

First Hillary-email releases by WikiLeaks came in March, 2016. The DNC server ‘hack’ (which was actually proven to be a memory-stick download) occurred on July 5, 2016 and in a bizarre twist, the Democrat Nat’l Committee refused FBI access to the server.

(And, to this date, never has provided access to that server.)

But, there’s another oddity involved here: while every Democrat on planet Earth claims in no uncertain terms that Republicans are involved in the DNC server fiasco, there’s a little known fact that a Bernie Sanders-supporting DNC aide was murdered 5 days later.

5 days after the DNC download, on July 10, 2016, Seth Rich was killed in DC, and his murder, written off as a ‘bungled mugging’, has never been solved. Coincidence?

There’ve been allegations that Rich was the WikiLeaks source. Timing is suggestive.

At the end of the day, it’s odd that Mueller would push Corsi on a WikiLeaks non-issue and beyond bizarre that, in doing so, is willing to keep a cloud over the Democrat Party.

They’ve embraced dog-killers and wife-beaters…why not a cop-hater?

BlueCollar doesn’t follow the NFL anymore, largely due to the take-a-knee deceit that chooses to push lies about widespread racism and police brutality in America.

This, AFTER America elected a black man for president…twice. And though there may be traces of police brutality, omitting the context of crime commission seems deceitful.

That said, we see no reason why NFL teams should spurn Kaepernick, unless his ability doesn’t meet their expectations or requirements – after all, a team’s objective is to win.

Besides, they’ve signed suspected murderers, woman-abusers, and dog-killers

…why not a cop-hater?

Fans of fired FBI Dir. Comey may want to start that bail-bond-funding effort

“FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet”

John Solomon, award-winning journalist for The Hill, drops another bombshell.

Congress has revealed emails between (then) FBI Dir. Comey, FBI agents, and DoJ lawyers, sent BEFORE the FISA warrant process started, which proves 1) the FBI knew the dossier was unsubstantiated, and 2) the FBI knew its author was talking to media.

Congressional members added these emails to the list of items they’d like declassified.

The reason why the emails between Comey, agents, and the DoJ lawyers are damning has to do with the FISA warrant applied for AFTER these emails were communicated.

There’s a notation on the warrant that says “…the FBI is UNAWARE of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1” (Source #1 is Steele, the dossier author)

But those emails prove the FBI WAS aware of derogatory information, i.e. that the data was unsubstantiated, and WAS aware that its author, Steele, was talking to media.

Looks like Mr. Integrity and his cohort may be fitted for orange jumpsuits…soon.

Retired CIA Station Chief channels BlueCollar

“There Is No Question That Trump Should Release the FISA Documents”

This Newsmax article written by a retired CIA station chief clarifies the reasoning behind his assertion, that only critics warning not to declassify are those who will be exposed.

Our recent post makes the case that there’s no reason to wait any longer.

We’re gratified to learn intelligence agency heavyweights seem to agree.

If the President waits until Mueller files a derogatory report that is light on evidence but heavy on political innuendo and supposition meant to damage him, it’ll be dismissed as merely a defensive gesture and scattered to the four winds by FakeNews media.

Better to do it now, while there’s any opportunity to focus the spotlight on machinations that necessarily should be exposed for what they were – weaponized partisan thuggery.

No doubt, it’ll be under-reported by FakeNews, but shining a light on these cockroaches is sorely required, and provides Americans with conversation for the holidays along the lines of ‘do we really want this type of illicit gov’t agency involvement in our elections’?

Oh, yeah…then, can we follow up with a heavy dose of INDICTMENTS?

What more do we need to know, to argue for merit-based immigration?

Breitbart.com report:

“More than 7-in-10 households headed by immigrants in the state of California are on taxpayer-funded welfare…All four states with the largest foreign-born populations, including California, have extremely high use of welfare by immigrant households. In Texas, for example, nearly 70 percent of households headed by immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare. Meanwhile, only about 35 percent of native-born households in Texas are on welfare. In New York and Florida, a majority of households headed by immigrants and noncitizens are on welfare. Overall, about 63 percent of immigrant households use welfare while only 35 percent of native-born households use welfare.”

Rush Limbaugh weighed in (“Census: 63% of Noncitizens Using Welfare”) noting “(In America) 63% of non-citizens are using a welfare program…it grows to 70% for those here 10 years or more, confirming…that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it…it’s earth-shattering and disappointing, but it’s not surprising.”

Is it really a ‘war-torn, civil-rights-abusing’ reason they’re leaving their own country? Or, going by these latest stats, is it that their countries aren’t as welfare-prone as the USA?

What’s the next logical step in this looney-tune immigration fiasco? Here’s an idea.

Let’s convince them to stay in their native countries, and just mail them their welfare checks – at least then they wouldn’t be costing us billions in healthcare & education.

(Of course, to keep Democrats happy, we’d have to include mail-in ballots.)

Proving the partisan nature of a witch-hunt has never been easier

We don’t know or follow Ben Shapiro close enough to label him a Never-Trump’er but his article for National Review Online today portrays him as that…or very careless.

His summary of the much-awaited Mueller report on Trump-Russia ‘collusion’ treads a narrow path between Trump-haters/-supporters, but loses credibility halfway through.

Dismissing Trump-supporter cries of ‘witch-hunt’ he writes “(Trump lawyer) Giuliani can be forgiven his excesses, given that he’s representing a legal client. The same can’t be said for conservatives who are fully convinced that Mueller is playing dirty pool — that the Trump-Russia investigation has been a sham designed to “get Trump” from the beginning, and that Trump’s circle have been unfairly targeted.”  

Uhhh…Ben…if it isn’t one-sided and a sham where are the Democrat indictments?

Mueller’s instructions were to follow WHATEVER matters arose as a part of his probe, and only an extremely careless journalist or a totally blinded partisan Never/Anti-Trump’er would gloss over the fact there’s overwhelming evidence revealing Trump campaign and transition teams were unlawfully targeted by FBI bogus FISA warrants fueled off Democrat opposition research passed off as legitimate information.

If the Mueller ‘report’ does not fully reveal the chicanery of Democrats, then yeah…

…it’s been a partisan Witch-Hunt. And as well, it’s been a smokescreen, and stalking horse to hide not only campaign malfeasance, but 8 years of wrongdoing (UraniumOne, Clinton Foundation pay-to-play, Hillary Emailgate, Intel-weaponizing, etc) from view.

Most egregiously, it’s been a 23 month effort to overthrow an elected President.

BlueCollar’s conclusion?

Ben Shapiro’s either a very sloppy journalist…or a very deliberate Never-Trump’er.

It’s all over…even the French prove to be smarter than Californians

Never thought we’d see the day…

Californians too ‘confused’ to repeal a gas-tax in November should maybe learn a thing or two from the French, who just backed down that government’s attempt to add one.

Yahoo.com “Violent Protests Force Emmanuel Macron to Back Down on Fuel Tax”

Message to Californians – when even the French are smarter, you’re in BIG trouble.

(Especially when Californians remember they just voted for MORE OF THE SAME.)

Problem is, those who voted for repeal have to pay as well.

Desperately outnumbered in California.