Democrat-blindeye to random violence justifies permit-less Concealed Carry

Begs the question, right?

With ongoing random violence, (amazingly) encouraged by politicians…and police  unable/unwilling/unauthorized to protect us or our property…one solution remains…

…the SECOND AMENDMENT solution.

Democrat mayors and governors are incompetent, and law enforcement in those areas controlled by such incompetence are understandably hesitant to ‘protect-and-serve’…

…once again, Democrat failures create a platform for enforcing constitutional principles.

We’re guaranteed the right to “…Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” and if the Government “…instituted among Men…” fail to secure those rights…we have 1 option.

Doing it ourselves – with the right to bear arms, if necessary, because…

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” All laid out, 244 yrs ago.

They’re good with churches getting burned, but refuse to allow us to worship. They okay group protests, but force us into lockdowns. They allow rioters and looters to run rampant, but will do away with Memorial Day parades…and July Fourth celebrations.

Riots, violence and looting happening in Democrat-controlled locales justify America’s citizens to ‘…alter and abolish…’ those existing ‘governments’ by taking responsibility for their own personal protection…and protection of their hard-won personal property.

It’s obvious these Democrats won’t…so the recourse is clear for American citizens who deserve better from such failed governing bodies: “…it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…”

It’s pretty clear that ‘alter and abolish’ time is upon us.

Lock and load, people. If our government won’t protect us, we have to do it ourselves.

They ran Congress for decades, and now blame…Congress?

You can’t make this stuff up…at “Clyburn: Education, Health, Judicial Systems Designed to ‘Maintain Suppression of African-Americans’”

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D) went on…“All of these things have been put together…to maintain suppression of African-Americans all the way back to 1865…We institutionalized second-class citizenship of black people during the Jim crow era.”

And, Democrats have owned Congress 75% of the time since the 1940s.

You’re right, Mr. Clyburn: ‘WE’ sums it up completely…

…Democrats did institutionalize second-class citizenship for blacks…

…and, with their lousy policies, they still do.

Reparations? What would today’s lives be if ancestors had never left the Homeland?

If slavery had NEVER been introduced here, their descendants would probably still be in the Homeland, or Europe. Would today’s ‘Reparations Now’ black Americans be happier if they lived in Ghana or Nigeria…or other Africa nations still practicing slavery?

As for Europe, we posted an article a week ago that, if the POOREST 20% of the U.S. were a nation, that nation would still be RICHER than most affluent European countries.

Reparations are based on a LIE…today’s black Americans have the same opportunity any other American has to build their lives. Ask Condoleezza Rice, or Ben Carson.

America sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives to end slavery…why should those descendants owe anyone anything? Many of their ancestors gave the ultimate.

That said, the only way an argument for reparations can stay alive is to make those pushing for them into victims…and the pushers then become enablers of victims.

Here’s our July 2015 post on this issue…

(Reposted from original July 20, 2015)

This warrants re-posting in today’s nonsensical world…

Whether black, brown, or white, why doesn’t anyone ever think about what their lives would have been like if their forebears had remained in their native land?

Before agonizing over present conditions in the USA, what was their alternative, had their ancestors stayed in Nigeria, Guatemala, or (the former) Yugoslavia?

Regardless why they’re here, isn’t it fair to compare their American lot to where one would be otherwise, before complaining…or demanding reparations?

Check the Worldbank poverty map, then please explain why anyone from the areas noted in bright red would curse their existence and lot in life, in America today?

Whether by acts of slavery, seagoing stow-aways, or perilous treks from Central America, today’s Americans owe yesterday’s immigrant forebears eternal gratitude…

…no matter what Life’s journey brought them here.

So, why the continued references to ‘reparations’?

Just wondering…

Racist, heal thyself…& let’s start by disbanding the Party that BREWED Racism

Racist…thy name is ‘Democrat’…and History proves it.

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger…as reported at Just-the-News: “Nine of 11 statues of Confederate leaders Pelosi wants removed from Capitol were Democrats”

(The other two statues were Confederate leaders with no documented Party affiliation.)

Talk about a circular firing squad concept – every time a Democrat raises their voice in anger against a racist, it turns out to be another DemocratLet that sink in a minute.

BlueCollar has argued for years that the entire Nation should not be held accountable for the practices of one political Party…the Democrat Party…hiding, in plain sight.

Half the Nation fought to END slavery: hundreds of thousands died. It would be beyond cruel to make descendants of those brave dead pay any more than was already paid.

If reparations are necessary, the Slavery Party alone should be held accountable…

…and, then, like these statues, relegate that Party to the dustbin of history.

BlackLivesMatter wants closure? Nancy Pelosi should take a knee one last time…

…to give BLM the folded flag of a forsaken Slavery Party…the Democrat Party.

Anything less would be hypocrisy…but, then, we are talking about Democrats.

Thank you, American Spectator

“The COVID Skeptics Were Right”

EVERY model has been disastrously wrong. “The predictions about the virus were wildly wrong…It’s on the spectrum of the flu. That’s what the data is now suggesting.”

We’ve been saying it for months…the numbers NEVER added up.

Now, we’re left with the question: What Hath Shutdowns Wrought?

Even more importantly, given that HUGE fail…can we believe anything they tell us?

Hey Antifa…a certain Dem senator was a Klansman…do his buildings need your attention?

Democrat senator Robert Byrd was a KKK Exalted Cyclops leader for years.

In a 1944 letter, he wrote “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Got that? “…Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again…” meant that he’d rather see his Nation brought to its knees and destroyed…rather than serve with blacks…(or, in his words ‘…race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds…’).

Democrat senator Robert Byrd has buildings and roads with his name on them. (We’re not sure about statues.) Do they come down? Or, get burned to the ground? Renamed?

You know the drill – we’re asking…for a friend…

Screaming the ‘racist America’ lie still makes it a LIE…unless they’re pointing at their own Party

We’ve fought the Democrat ‘racist America’ lie for years, with facts proving it a lie. But, here are facts proving a political Party could be guilty  of systemic racism…

…the Democrat Party.

  • They fought to continue slavery in the Civil War;
  • They started the KKK to block economic/political gains of blacks, using terrorism;
  • They initiated Jim Crow policies, to prolong segregation in schools, jobs, society;
  • They tried blocking the Civil Rights act in Congress, with filibusters;
  • They fight to stop school choice for minorities that would improve education;
  • They initiate housing policies that keep minorities locked in inner cities;
  • They push wage, labor, and immigration policies that destroy or take away jobs;
  • They do all this to keep minorities dependent on government for their well-being;
  • They lie…and claim Republicans are doing what they themselves are doing.

Through the stealth bigotry of NO expectations, they push agenda that hurt more than help, all the while claiming just the opposite; they’ve replaced the KKK with Antifa…

…and – through their welfare & crime programs – destroyed the 2-parent family unit.

Black American family units actually had it better before Democrats started their ’60s War on Poverty programs they said were meant to help low income and minorities…

…but more often helped their Welfare-industry corporate buddies line their pockets.

Unemployment was down, births out of wedlock were down, graduations were up.

After trillions of dollars spent in the War on Poverty, poverty level percentages are the same. Births out of wedlock have skyrocketed. Graduation levels are way down.

Inner city crime is out of control…ask Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.

BlueCollar has already proved these points as factual, in previous posts.

We’ve linked to reputable sites before to back up each one of the points noted, and at this point, think it’s incumbent upon those who claim these facts are untrue to prove it.

But, be honest…spare us the Left-wing liar blogs…Americans are so done with that.

And, please, answer this: Democrats controlled Congress 75% of the time from 1940 to the present – about 60 years of the last 80 years…why haven’t black lives improved?

And why are only Democrat cities rioting and burning for supposed racial injustices?

If the Democrat Party were truly the best solution for black equality and opportunities, shouldn’t those Democrat strongholds have been the ULTIMATE in racial harmony?

We’re waiting…

Oprah trashes victims of Jim Crow lynchings with comparison to Floyd

Oprah proves once again celebrities can say the dumbest things.

Comparing the death of a suspect resisting arrest while under influence of heavy drugs, to that of INNOCENT victims of Jim Crow lynchings by Democrat bigots, is D-U-M-B.

But, of course, it serves the ‘white man racist’ narrative, so she doesn’t care.

Just one more celebrity, who puts Left-wing agenda above truth and facts.

Funny, though…she doesn’t seem to mind bringing up the Democrat Jim Crow era…

…or, is she REALLY that dumb?

Democrats have a rich history in bigotry, fighting to continue slavery, starting the KKK to oppress minorities, & enacting Jim Crow laws to halt black economic/political gains.

Extremely odd to see the Democrat powers-that-be continue to stress the need to get away from the VERY ACTS THEY’VE BEEN GUILTY OF for well over 190 years.

(Hmmm…Think maybe that’s why THEIR cities are burning?)