Democrat-blindeye to random violence justifies permit-less Concealed Carry

Begs the question, right?

With ongoing random violence, (amazingly) encouraged by politicians…and police  unable/unwilling/unauthorized to protect us or our property…one solution remains…

…the SECOND AMENDMENT solution.

Democrat mayors and governors are incompetent, and law enforcement in those areas controlled by such incompetence are understandably hesitant to ‘protect-and-serve’…

…once again, Democrat failures create a platform for enforcing constitutional principles.

We’re guaranteed the right to “…Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” and if the Government “…instituted among Men…” fail to secure those rights…we have 1 option.

Doing it ourselves – with the right to bear arms, if necessary, because…

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” All laid out, 244 yrs ago.

They’re good with churches getting burned, but refuse to allow us to worship. They okay group protests, but force us into lockdowns. They allow rioters and looters to run rampant, but will do away with Memorial Day parades…and July Fourth celebrations.

Riots, violence and looting happening in Democrat-controlled locales justify America’s citizens to ‘…alter and abolish…’ those existing ‘governments’ by taking responsibility for their own personal protection…and protection of their hard-won personal property.

It’s obvious these Democrats won’t…so the recourse is clear for American citizens who deserve better from such failed governing bodies: “…it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…”

It’s pretty clear that ‘alter and abolish’ time is upon us.

Lock and load, people. If our government won’t protect us, we have to do it ourselves.

3 thoughts on “Democrat-blindeye to random violence justifies permit-less Concealed Carry

  1. Ok, they have already got to, killing us. That is definitely over the line.
    But, then there is our Constitutional Republic. The day we, take this on, our selves, means our Government failed. We may surely resurrect it, but it will be like, going back to someone who cheated on you.
    Many times I expect the citizens of this country, to rise above the lies and indoctrination. Then I look in the mirror and ask myself, Have I done enough,to help uphold the best government in the history of man kind. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is the alternative, which I’m fine with.
    I have made a promise to go after every friend I have, who, I know, doesn’t vote. I could go door to door, till November. I’m still looking in the mirror, not satisfied. More people vote for ‘American Idol’
    Just maybe, it isn’t about me,
    It’s about every voting citizen, in this country.
    I think we got this.

  2. While they break laws and kill our elderly I carry …And I won’t ever hesitate to defend myself.

  3. honestly, there shouldnt be any regulation or law against guns. Those powers are not delegated authority in the Federal government, and in State Constitutions there shouldnt be any laws against them, as the federal constitution literally states: “shall not be infringed” and if the states followed the federal one in all things lawful, then there should not be any question as to the Natural Right to defense. Any laws contrary to the Constitution are null and void anyway, so, persons under those Contrary laws are compelled to not comply anyway.

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