If they’re angry about the new investigations, it’s because they know unethical conduct occurred

As noted in an article at NRO “Barr’s attempt to determine whether the unprecedented probe of a presidential campaign was an abuse of power seems reasonable. But Barr’s decision is a huge problem for Democrats who are hoping to pursue the impeachment of Trump by picking up the case that Mueller failed to make after two years of effort.”

Abuses of power must be exposed, and prosecuted. PERIOD. FULL STOP.

Seriously, any reasonable political party would demand strict adherence to the law if an incumbent opposition party resorted to surveillance of them during election campaigns.

This anger over Attorney General Barr looking into such a matter is telling.

Legalities dictate ‘probable cause’ to justify surveillance. The fact that it was against an opposition political campaign demands even STRICTER adherence to such principles.

Probable cause can’t be built on hearsay…especially with tons of exculpatory info.

That’s why the Democrats are angry…and scared. They’re being exposed.

Obama and his thugs weaponized the CIA, NSA, & FBI in 2015; sent in lures; attempted entrapment scenarios; and finally, used hearsay to justify surveillance (by veiling the fact it was hearsay, and hiding loads of exculpatory information from the FISA court).

Party loyalty aside…honest Americans should insist, should DEMAND, that any party guilty of such illegal acts should be prosecuted whenever such abuses occur.

If Democrats can’t do that now, they must understand that back-room discussions with Iran and China, held by their out-of-office politicians over the last year…by standards they established…justify CIA/FBI/NSA surveillance of the next Democrat campaign.

Bottom-line: elite Republicans would never stoop to Democrat levels…

but President Trump doesn’t live in that elite Republican world – he’ll hammer them.

No amount of disingenuous ‘anger’ can withstand his disgust over politics-as-usual.

Jonathan Tobin notes “Sensible people of either party will always seek to mix deference to the intelligence community’s mission, which often requires a fair degree of secrecy, with an understanding that all government officials and agencies must be kept on a tight leash lest they abuse the awesome power vested in them.”

Mr. Tobin – have any sensible Democrats been spotted on the horizon?

They don’t want him to listen to foreign dirt-peddlers… ‘cuz they’re neck-deep in that mud already

Liar, Liar revisited…?

Watching and reading about the Democrat outrage over whether or not Pres Trump would listen to foreign nations peddle dirt on opposition is a spectacle to behold.

The self-serving load of hand-wringing that passes for outrage-journalism doesn’t quite seem to mention that Democrats are neck-deep in mud they want left hidden.

This is classic Democrat behavior: commit foul political deeds, accuse Republicans of what they’ve done, and when it’s finally turned back on them…rely on media to silence it by claiming that listening to those foreigners who can prove it would be…unseemly.

They object…because what will be revealed is devastating to their Party.

Foreign dirt on Democrats? Yeah…Trump’s got that…and there’s more to come. 

But, don’t expect FakeNews to report the story.

Get it out there fast, conservative news sites…and pound it home.

Why would any honest American keep supporting proven liars?

As the daily clown-show (a.k.a., House Democrats) continue to push their proven false collusion/obstruction narrative, the question ‘Why’ demands a very real answer.

The collusion narrative is a proven hoax, driven by Democrat-funded activities.

Many of the federal agency practitioners aiding and abetting the hoax have been fired.

Mueller and his team of angry Democrat partisan lawyers NOT ONLY were unable to prove collusion, they went to extraordinary lengths in his report to deceive Americans:

  • willfully and deceptively editing conversations and information to exclude any exculpatory information (in the case of Gen. Flynn and Carter Page), and
  • willfully, deceptively excluding revelation of actual provable Democrat chicanery

When collusion couldn’t be proven, their fall-back was obstruction. To prove that, they had to deliberately edit information in order to cast Trump and his aides in a bad light.

Mueller’s task was to investigate all matters that may come to light with regard to foreign interference. Excluding Democrats’ very real and provable use of foreign (Australian, UK, Russian, et al) disinformation can only be seen as extreme deception.

Mueller and Weismann have a history of playing fast-&-loose with exculpatory facts.

The question remains, if by their actions they’re all proven liars and deceivers…

WHY give credibility to those clearly (unethically) misleading, to push an agenda?

Knowing this, how can any honest Democrat watch these clowns perform their daily circus act on the floors of Congress, and not be ashamed of such glaring perfidy?

(Not to mention the waste of their time.)

If their abortions can be tax$$ funded as a ‘right’, why can’t your gun purchase be tax$$ funded?

Claiming abortion as a ‘right’ and therefore deserving of being funded by American tax dollars, opens the door to anyone who wants a gun deserving it be paid for similarly.

And why stop there?

Your next GOP political rally could be funded by tax$$ (right to assemble).

Lawsuits against Obamacare could be tax$$ funded (right to redress of grievances).

Message to the Left: stop pawing Americans with phony ‘tax$$-funded rights’ claims.

Experts in using dirt/slime opposition research do not welcome competition

Democrats are DEFINED by their use of opposition research ‘dirt’, and judging by the outcry, any possibility an opponent would be willing to use it scares them senseless.

Ironic, no? It’s as if the Steele dirt-dossier’s phony allegations never existed.

The country is being torn apart because of Democrat use of foreign dirt oppo-research and here we are with a 24/7 media meltdown…over what a Republican might do?

The additional irony over this kerfuffle is the fact that the Mueller probe confirms that the Trump campaign refused or walked away from attempts by colluding foreigners…

…but that can’t be said for Hillary. Mueller ignored Democrat collusion with foreigners and that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen…there’s a mountain of evidence that it did.

It’s just being ignored.

Just when you think the hypocrisy can’t get any greater…

WAIT! Media is outraged over Hillary using foreign disinformation?

While media goes into full-throttle condemnation of President Trump saying he would listen to foreign nations who claim they have dirt on political opposition, they forget…


Which begs the question:

Are media outraged at what Trump might do…but not at what Hillary DID do?

And, begs another question:

Are media unaware that a President is the chief U.S. law enforcement officer?

In that role, he’s obligated to hear what unlawful acts may have been committed (not to mention the inconvenient fact he’s the leader of a Nation, obligated to listen to allies).

That said, media’s faux outrage can only be seen as Beyond Bizarre.

UPDATE As reported at the NY Post: “Pelosi pushes anti-collusion legislation after Trump says he’d take dirt from foreign countries” GREAT IDEA, Nancy, and let’s make it retroactive to…say…2015 – so we can bring Hillary and the Democrat Nat’l Committee in to face charges for their 2016 Steele dossier foreign collusion HOAX!!!

C’mon Nan, let’s go FULL BORE…

More proof they are the Party of the rich

As reported at the Washington Times: 

“Feds finalize rule to stop Democratic states’ tax workaround”

Democrats in high-tax states are fighting tooth-‘n-nail to help their rich constituents who are hit by the federal tax laws that limit state/local tax deductions to under $10,000, while at the same time maintaining their high-tax levels, with charity-dodge laws.

“New York, California and New Jersey all explored new laws allowing residents to make some of their state tax payments as contributions to charities…an end-run around the federal changes, since charitable contributions are still fully deductible.”

Understand…paying over $10,000 to local/state taxes means they’re high-earners. Will low-income Democrat supporters ever realize they’re never fought for that hard?