Remember when bird food was scattered about…and the birds DIDN’T come?

No? (Neither do we.)

Feeding the wild birds ENCOURAGES them to flock to the bird-seed cast about, or the food left carelessly about…ask any beach-goer who’s lost a sandwich to the sea-gulls.

Any species of BEING naturally is attracted to that which provides or offers sustenance, and human beings have demonstrated time and again they’re no exception to that rule.

So, when George Stephanopoulos …rips Trump for ‘unfounded’ claims linking Dems with caravan support… we take exception with his lying effort to exonerate Democrats from the unholy mess that may soon be threatening our Southern border.

When open borders, sanctuary cities (and states), free healthcare, and welfare benefits are offered to those entering the USA illegally, that’s an enticement brew few pass up.

When Democrats block ANY effort to strengthen or enforce immigration…they OWN it.

By that defining example, President Trump’s claim linking Democrats to the caravan are ‘FOUNDED’ claims, and no amount of waffling or misinformation can change that fact.

George Stephanopoulos et alYOU’RE.ALL.LIARS.

(But, then…their lips were moving…right?)

Another great reason for border control…

NY Daily News reports“Mysterious ‘polio-like’ illness AFM is likely more widespread than reported, experts say”

No mention about how the illness got here, but there’s a hint it may have started back in 2012…in California – guess which state has a HUGE illegal alien population?

Having no control over who enters our country, and what they bring with them, can have dire consequences. If this doesn’t convince people to be reasonable…what will?

Media’s rush to condemn Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi death is suspiciously self-serving

Cynicism of all things media-driven would be wise, considering their over-90% stance on anything negative to President Trump…and the Khashoggi affair is no exception.

After all, how can anyone justify the media’s whitewash of that man’s long, self-admitted affiliation with Usama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas?

Jamal Khashoggi was not the pure-as-driven-snow ‘journalist’ they’re trying to sell.

And it should come as no surprise that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is the target in their accusation-crosshairs…the man has been supporting the President’s position on Israel.

Suffice to say, with the Middle East neck-deep in intrigue on a minute-by-minute basis, it’s no conspiracy theory or left-field revelation to suggest all is not what it seems here.

Our question stands, as posed in a previous BlueCollar blog

…who honestly thinks an  American president is responsible for FOREIGN citizens…

…on FOREIGN soil?

Only the vile, implacable anti-Trump FakeNews can attempt to make such a claim.

Foreign nation election-meddling wouldn’t succeed without American enablers & useful idiots

American Greatness: “Did the British Collude to Steal the Election for Hillary?”

Foreign nations are, have been, and will continue to be the poster child of ‘intrigue’.

But agonizing over nations involved in election meddling should not be as alarming to the American public as the deliberate enabling of those efforts by…Americans.

Democrats working with a Brit (Steele) and his Russian ‘sources’ to create a dirt-dossier that was meant to help sway an election is the real story…that shouldn’t be overlooked.

And let’s not forget the willing assistance of media, pushing leaks and FakeNews.


(On a separate note, Left-wing sites are starting to wet-blanket the imminent Mueller report on ‘Trump-Russia’ collusion, indicating they know there’s nothing there.)

Media focus on non-election issues like Khashoggi indicate a bankruptcy of ideas

Less than 3 weeks before elections, and all the oxygen being taken up by the fate of a non-American disappearing in a foreign country can only indicate one thing…

…the Left has no ideas or plans they can run with to focus their campaigning, and the FakeNews media, desperate to hide their bankrupt agenda, flail away at non-issues.

Nolte nails it at Breitbart…

“These things happen pretty much every day in that part of the world…we are being conned… Conned by the establishment media with a shiny piece of fake news.”

What else can explain so much focus on a terrorist-supporter’s disappearance when so many other American issues need to be addressed before the November midterms?

Enough with the faux ‘journalist-killed’ hysteria. Jamal Khashoggi is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and supports Hamas, both groups noted terrorist organizations.

C’mon, Democrats/Media/Left…where do you stand on immigration and the economy?