Media’s rush to condemn Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi death is suspiciously self-serving

Cynicism of all things media-driven would be wise, considering their over-90% stance on anything negative to President Trump…and the Khashoggi affair is no exception.

After all, how can anyone justify the media’s whitewash of that man’s long, self-admitted affiliation with Usama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas?

Jamal Khashoggi was not the pure-as-driven-snow ‘journalist’ they’re trying to sell.

And it should come as no surprise that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is the target in their accusation-crosshairs…the man has been supporting the President’s position on Israel.

Suffice to say, with the Middle East neck-deep in intrigue on a minute-by-minute basis, it’s no conspiracy theory or left-field revelation to suggest all is not what it seems here.

Our question stands, as posed in a previous BlueCollar blog

…who honestly thinks an  American president is responsible for FOREIGN citizens…

…on FOREIGN soil?

Only the vile, implacable anti-Trump FakeNews can attempt to make such a claim.

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