ThugFL deal with take-a-knee players funded by take-aways from existing REAL issues

Reports say the deal the NFL tried to pitch to the thugs in the league would be funded by taking funds away from existing breast-cancer awareness and military issues.

That’s right – thug players, backed by Leftie George Soros as they protest bogus issues of imaginary injustices, would result in the NFL alienating women’s and military groups.

Proving, once again, how tone-deaf NFL management really is.

Enlightening those who already know, trying to wake those pretending to sleep

And the question is – what’s more maddening…

…enlightening those who already know, or trying to wake those pretending to sleep?

As Ed Rogers notes in his Washington Post op-ed “The quest for collusion is over as the desperate shriek for impeachment begins”…

…”The Democrats know their faux-outrage over collusion is hollow and spent. Given that Mueller’s investigation hasn’t found the holy grail or produced anything that rises to the level of criminality on the part of Trump, liberals in Congress and in the media are now transitioning to an obstruction of justice story-line.”

They want him impeached for firing Comey…

…but it’s within his constitutional authority to do so.

Or, they want him impeached for pressuring Comey to ease up on Flynn even though Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI…

…but he didn’t know, the acting attorney general confirmed the White House wasn’t told about how Flynn’s FBI interview went…and Comey says he wasn’t pressured.

(Frustrating to be a Democrat-Leftie nowadays, isn’t it?)

Bottom line, all else fails – they want Trump impeached…because he’s Trump.

Good luck finding a basis for that in the Constitution.

So far, Mueller’s spent $7 million of tax-payer money on a collusion meme the Leftknew was bogus, and they now push to spend more for obstruction – where none occurred.

How long will tax-payers put up with this blatant, unnecessarily costly derangement?

(UPDATED) How far down an obstruction rabbit-hole will these idiots go?

Those aflutter over the weekend Trump tweet that he fired Flynn “because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI” are trying to make the obstruction case that, if Trump asked Comey to not prosecute Flynn (knowing he’d lied to the FBI) that’s the smoking gun.


According to a report, the President spoke about this with Comey on Jan 27th, three days after Flynn’s FBI interview. But Andy McCarthy notes the acting attorney general, Yates, declined to tell White House counsel how that interview with Flynn went.

And she’s on record – she testified to that during a Senate subcommittee meeting.

Now, top that off with Comey admitting during congressional testimony that 1) he didn’t feel pressured, and 2) CNN reported “FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers” during the interview.” 

Not exactly ‘obstruction’ stuff, people.

What’s most amazing here is how far Democrats and their Left-wing media masters will go down a rabbit hole, trying to make something out of nothing against Republicans…

…yet fail to get even a tad worked up over a proven liar to the FBI and Congress when it comes to Hillary. Impeachment’s in order – but the only provable obstruction to date…

…is none other than a Democrat crime.

How far down the ‘obstruction’ rabbit hole will these idiots go?

Those aflutter over the weekend Trump tweet that he fired Flynn “because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI” are trying to make the obstruction case that, if Trump asked Comey to not prosecute Flynn (knowing he’d lied to the FBI) that’s the smoking gun.


According to a report, the President spoke about this with Comey on January 24th27th, the same day Flynn was testifying to the FBI. But Andy McCarthy notes acting attorney general Yates declined to tell White House counsel how that interview with Flynn went.

(Correction: one report said the 24th, but other reports show the 27th. We had linked to the properly dated reports, but based the incorrect segments of this blog on an incorrect report. We apologize for the confusion.)

And she’s on record – she testified to that during a Senate subcommittee meeting.

So, if President Trump spoke to Comey the same day Flynn was testifying to the FBI, he couldn’t have known Flynn lied to the FBI during that interview. (Correction: the Flynn-FBI interview was held Jan 24th – we apologize for the error)

Now, top that off with Comey admitting during congressional testimony that 1) he didn’t feel pressured, and 2) the Wall St Journal and CNN reports “FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers” during the interview.” 

Not exactly ‘obstruction’ stuff, people.

What’s most amazing here is how far Democrats and their Left-wing media masters will go down a rabbit hole, trying to make something out of nothing against Republicans…

…yet fail to get even a tad worked up over a proven liar to the FBI and Congress when it comes to Hillary. Impeachment’s in order – but the only provable obstruction to date…

…is none other than a Democrat crime.

(Updated, with corrections)

Why look at tax-reform as a zero-sum issue?

Those claiming the financial growth from tax-reform as not enough to ‘pay for’ tax cuts should be required to answer several very relevant questions…

  • why aren’t spending-cuts ever thought of as part of the solution?
  • why ignore the possible continuing legislative process as part of the solution?

Spending has been out of control for a long time, but those who oppose tax-cuts never think the need to rein in spending is part of the answer. And they always object as if there’s no possibility of further legislation that can tweak tax codes along the way.

They treat any solution Republicans advance as zero-sum losing propositions by low-balling revenue benefits (intentionally) and ignoring spending-cut alternatives completely, which is a  deliberate dishonesty FakeNews media helps them perpetuate.

Terrible pre-hurricane conditions in Puerto Rico caused recovery difficulties

Reports indicate hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have emigrated to mainland USA – and primarily in the state of Florida – causing Democrats to dance with glee.

They anticipate Florida turning blue in time for 2018 mid-term elections, with a backlash against the Trump administration for the slow island recovery from the recent hurricane.

That’s possible, but how hard is it to expose the real cause for Puerto Rico misery…

…the terrible state of its pre-hurricane infrastructure – from decades of Democrat rule?

We’ve been to that beautiful island on many occasions – its people are smart, resilient, and very mindful of how lousy their elected leadership has been…for a LONG time.

Will emigrants blame Republicans for the struggle re-building such terrible conditions…

…or Democrats, who CREATED the terrible conditions over decades of misrule?

Can there be ‘obstruction’ without a crime?

As described by several talking heads, obstruction is a process crime that occurs during the investigation of a real crime…e.g., collusion with Russia to hack Democrat emails.

But, if an over-arching ‘real’ crime doesn’t exist, obstruction isn’t possible.

And not one iota of evidence has been produced to show a crime’s been committed.

No matter what the FakeNews media try to portray, General Flynn has a greater interest in staying an ally of Trump, than becoming an ally of the special counsel sham.

Always remember, the President has the power to pardon…

…and after his presidency, he will still be a powerful billionaire.

Given the obvious, Flynn knows who his real friends are…and will continue to be.

Told you so…the Democrat ‘path to 2018 and 2020 re-birth’ now exposed

We called it, now Barack Obama confirmed it last week during an overseas trip…

“Obama calls for more women in power as ‘men seem to be having problems’”

The 2018 midterm Democrat push for more women in power will be a highly charged effort, but not without pitfalls…how can they build trust in those who hid predators?

BlueCollar was first to the Finish-Line in November, defining the so-called Democrat sex-abuse implosion as an effort to position women as their political comeback strategy in the 2018 mid-term elections, and the 2020 national elections…but…

…remember, their allegations cover decades of cover-up, with the victims’ assistance.

So even if they try to push an ’empower women’ concept, there was a legion of those Democrat women staying silent during the decades of sexual abuses that transpired.

It wasn’t just Hillary coordinating the ‘bimbo eruption’ takedown of Bill’s accusers – there was a deliberate effort by hundreds of Democrat women in power to cover the sex-predation acts of their political champions, from Ted Kennedy to John Conyers.

Can they offer a squad of ‘bimbo-eruption’ cover-up artists as worthy of power?

Will the American voter understand that distinction?