Socialism – they don’t know what it is, it’s never worked – but they like it…

Merriam-Webster defines socialism as

“…any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”

A recent video shows college students don’t have a clue what it is, but they like it. We’re sure they’re unaware there’s not one example of a successful pure socialist nation…

…not one example…in the history of this government concept. 

There are social Democracies, but none come close to our free-market America.

And a simple example of why Socialism won’t work successfully is demonstrated by the purely socialist concept of food-service workers forced to share tips in a ‘pool’.

When everyone gets an equal share regardless of how hard or little they work, guess who gets disincentivized? That’s right – the hard worker gets screwed…every time.

Human nature is a capricious thing. For every driven hard-worker, there’s a slacker who doesn’t mind laying back and reaping undeserved rewards gained by their co-workers.

So, the concept of Socialism can never survive first contact with human nature…that’s why there are no historical examples of a pure Socialist nation that has ever succeeded.

(Looked at another way, if all products are government-produced, then no competitive environment can exist to drive quality of product, and you can guess the outcome.)

The only champions of a Socialist government style are those who will be in charge, those who think they’ll be in charge…and those who don’t think at all.

Sadly, it seems American college students weren’t taught history, because Jamestown would have been a very clear and classic example of why socialism doesn’t work.

Here’s an idea – next time you meet a champion of Socialism, ask them to show you the money they’re carrying, and when they count it all out, insist they give half to you…

…’cuz it’s not fair they have more than you…

…and should be happy to equally share the wealth.

(After all…that’s the Socialist way.)


…and guess what else that latest ABC/WaPo Fake-Poll tells us?

The same polling that under-sampled Republicans by 15 points also over-sampled the Independents, and if we know Fake-News, went Democrat-leaning heavy there too.

As noted previously, there’s more than one way to skin the poll-skewing cat, and Sham-stream media knows minority and certain region Independents lean heavily Democrat.

(So, poll minority-weighted or Philly-centric Independents…they’ll favor the Democrats.)

Adjusted, that 36% approval rating gets to 48-50% with a proper GOP sampling…

…and if a Democrat-leaning skew of the Independents is adjusted, it goes over 55%.

But, of course, Sham media doesn’t want that story to get out.

Nothing civil about this ‘cold civil war’ in the media, but their persistence actually strengthens public resistance

CNN contributor Carl Bernstein calls what’s happening in America’s political media climate a ‘cold civil war’, but, of course, defends mightily ‘unnamed source’ reporting.

Add to that, ‘lack-of-proof-or-evidence’ and inaccurate reporting, and you get the drift.

Sorry Carl, there’s nothing ‘civil’ about what’s going on with Fake News.

What’s fascinating to watch is their persistent attempts to undermine President Trump, which simply INCREASES the resistance to Fake News, of Trump supporters.

It’s said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly, while expecting different results, and it certainly appears the Sham-Stream media is intent on proving it.

The more they try bringing him down with Fake News, the stronger his supporters get.

Fascinating is hardly the word.

Sham-stream media polling skews results for Left…but ignores realities of the public’s mood

When fake-media wants to groom the stage or otherwise drive issues, you always know by simply analyzing the demographic/ideological makeup of the people being polled.

For instance, to support their efforts to delegitimize a deeply resented Pres. Trump in every poll they take, Democrats are over-sampled…or Republicans under-sampled.

And, even where there may appear to be balance, let’s not forget regional and ethnic imbalances representing the ‘Independent’ makeup can be largely affected also.

‘Independents’ from Los Angeles or Philadelphia will heavily lean Democrat, as do the minorities – use a ‘representative’ sample of black ‘Indies’ for instance, and voila!

The good news? When using skewed polling techniques, it doesn’t have public reality in mind. Push-polling’s backfired on the Left in Nov., and various special elections since.

But judging by the latest ABC-Washington Post poll, stupid is as stupid does.

They’ve polled  by under-representing Republicans 15 points – is it any surprise then, when we learn that their poll shows the President’s approval numbers dropping?

They’re obtuse – they don’t see Trump’s supporters aren’t swayed by their deceit.

When Fake-News media begets Fake-Polling…who believes the Fake Results?

Only the Left.

U.S. has done more outside Paris Climate accords than those nations (supposedly) inside it

Did you know the USA has done more without ever signing on to the Paris Climate Accord, than the rest of the nations of the world purportedly supporting it?

Fake-News would have you believe differently, but facts are hard to ignore.

The IBD article linked above (with an inexplicable title) outlines the facts, which sham-stream media forces, and their Democrat lapdogs are happily pretending oblivion.

The Midnight Ride of…Pavel Revere?

First, (just for contrarian kicks) let’s analyze WHY there was dirt on Hillary…

It does, after all, beg the question:

Why the focus on the receiver of opposition research, but not on a flawed candidate who made themselves the target by being the MOST CORRUPT Democrat…ever?

Just seems convenient Democrats and their sham-media masters are indifferent to the real story – damaging information about their candidate was…the candidate’s fault.

And, isn’t it ironic untrustworthy, meddling Russians dishing unhelpful dirt on Democrats are now the SAME dastardly Russians seen by media as – trustworthy and helpful

…when meddling and dishing (as yet, unproven) dirt on Republicans?

What still remains unanswered is why Russians would assist a Republican get elected when the GOP’s energy policies threaten that stranglehold Russia has over Europe…

…but we’re sure the Fake-News media will be able to concoct something…eventually.

After all, a sham-media that can change ‘The Russians Are Meddling, The Russians Are Meddling’ overnight to ‘The Russians Are Helping, The Russians Are Helping’…

…can do just about…ANYTHING.

It’s amazing how many ‘conservatives’ fall into the collusion swamp

Now, it’s Charles Krauthammer wallowing in the mucky embrace of the fever swamp.

He sees the willingness of Trump Jr to take a meeting with a purported Russian official who might have criminal wrong-doing info on Hillary as ‘damning evidence’.

He maintains information from stateside’s okay, but not from ‘a hostile foreign power’.

Let’s unpack this, shall we?

In June, 2016 we’re living under an Obama Regime…you know, the one we got after Obama promised Russia’s Vladimir Putin ‘more flexibility’ after the 2014 election.

Your candidate is or may be running against arguably the most corrupt Democrat this country’s ever seen, as Obama’s Justice Dept gives her cover from unlawful activities.

Got that? We’re living under a hostile domestic power, Dr Krauthammer.

You receive an intermediary email that there may be damning evidence against her.

What choices do you have? Ignore? Report? Meet?

Ignore, and America may end up with the female version of Joseph Stalin. Report, and you’re placing your trust in the Obama Regime…which takes us back to ‘Ignore’ results.

Or take the meeting. You know…what Dr. Krauthammer labels as the “deeply wrong, a fundamental violation of any code of civic honor” choice.

Sorry Charlie…

…but your kind’s haughty moral high ground attitude is what breeds the Hillary’s, and keeps spawning them from the depths of the murky swamp we’re trying to leave behind.

If a ‘code of civic honor’ begets Hillary Clinton as president, it’s a slam-dunk…protecting Americans from that menace is the ULTIMATE code of civil honor….


(Editor note: we may be over-the-top with the Joseph Stalin reference, but in today’s fever swamp, we decided ‘hyperbole isn’t just a Democrat prerogative anymore.)

(Besides, you know what we mean.)

It’s a surprise Democrats haven’t made ‘opposition research’ illegal yet

If there was a law against ‘opposition research’…

…there wouldn’t be a Democrat Party (they’d all be in jail).

Or…would they? Considering laws they’ve broken with impunity over the last 9 years, it might be advisable for them to push through a law against opposition research…

…because history suggests the only ones who’d obey such law are Republicans…

…and even though Democrats would break the law, they’d never be prosecuted.


Is the American public happy with Democrat-hired private firms eroding our election process?

Where’s the outrage?

All this Russian-meddling anti-Trump lunacy is because of 2 private companies, and the lunatic Left capitalizing on no-evidence-needed hype to erode our election process.

CrowdStrike is a Democrat-hired firm that reviewed the DNC’s dodgy computer usage, declared ‘Russians are at fault’ and, then, the DNC refused FBI access to investigate.

Got that?

A DNC-hired firm refuses FBI-DoJ access to verify claims…unchallenged by media.

FusionGPS is a Democrat-hired firm that commissioned a fake Trump dossier creation which added to the infamous ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ meme that has the nation roiling.

Got that?

A Democrat-hired firm uses Russia-fed lies to attack Trump…unchallenged by media.

Unchallenged? Hell, sham-stream media has bellowed those lies from the rooftops.

So basically, 2 private Democrat-hired firms are the source of the ‘Russian meddling’ meme, and the ‘Trump colluded’ meme, and the questions that should be asked are…

  • Why does an American public not realize this chicanery, and say ‘ENOUGH’?
  • Why would any loyal Republican give credibility to such deceitful acts (regardless of how anti-Trump they might be)?
  • And what penalty should be dealt a political Party that would be so willing to damage our election process, for sordid partisan gain?