Damned if you do; damned if you don’t? May as well light the fuse, Mr. President

It’s not enough to get all the liars in the same room; it’s not enough to expose all the lies and subterfuge they’re guilty of being part of; it’s not enough to have evidence of it all…

…the bad actors need to be taken down.

This latest Ukraine kerfuffle is a teachable moment.

Without knowing the details of a ‘whistle-blower’ complaint, the President’s opposition claim he exerted undue pressure on Ukrainian leaders to ‘get dirt’ on Joe Biden.

First…did we mention they don’t know the details?

But, that said, in 2018 Joe Biden was videotaped bragging about how he exerted undue pressure on Ukrainian leaders…while he was Vice President…to fire a prosecutor who was investigating corruption in a company Biden’s son was involved with in Ukraine.

He threatened withholding $1bn in aid…the prosecutor was fired within hours, and the investigation halted…which probably saved Biden and his son huge embarrassment.

Let that sink in. Biden’s damning self-admitted extortion is not ‘dirt’…it’s criminal.

Democrats, without evidence, investigated Donald Trump…even forcing a hoax special counsel investigation on the Nation…in order to hamstring and delegitimize him.

Yet, when there’s real videotaped, self-admitted evidence of wrongdoing…they rage about impeachment when the President fulfills his role of taking care laws are executed.

Demonstrating for all to see that this ‘laws-for-thee, not-for-me’ lunacy WILL NOT STOP.

Facing such implacable lawlessness, the President has no choice but go full bore.


Facing re-election, prosecuting the opposition’s lawlessness will anger the Democrat base, and could arguably generate a larger get-out-the-vote reaction for them…

…but will it equal a backlash against lawlessness among honest Democrat voters?

We suggest clearly upholding rule-of-law will tilt more voters in Pres Trump’s direction, especially if the proceedings are transparent, and the available evidence is displayed.

Furthermore, there’s every possibility minor bad actors will turn state’s evidence when they see that they will be held accountable, bringing down the leaders of the crimes.

Regardless…clearly and reliably upholding rule-of-law is it’s own reward.

Hmmm Talking to foreign nations, bad; EXTORTING foreign nations…good?

For the last 3 years, we’ve heard nothing but negatives about Trump and his campaign aides talking to foreign nations, but, last time we checked there was no law against it.

Now comes news about Joe Biden extorting a nation…and that’s okay?

Extortion, as defined, is ‘the practice of obtaining something, through force or threats

Biden is on video, bragging about forcing the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor investigating corruption of a Ukraine corporation that allegedly involved Biden’s son…

WHILE Joe Biden was America’s Vice President…

…by threatening to withhold taxpayer-funded aid of $1bn to Ukraine until it was done…

…and the FakeNews/Left/Anti/Never-Trump contingent is aghast it’s being looked into?

So what, if on a phone call to Ukrainian leaders, Trump asked about the circumstances?

Call it extortion, call it ‘pay-to-play’…using American tax dollars to personally benefit in such a manner is disgusting at best, criminal at worst; the President’s doing his job.

You remember: “…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…

And, yet, somehow, revenge-deranged Democrats claim this action of the President, by looking into Joe Biden’s self-admitted extortion, is impeachment-worthy? REALLY?

To be immune to corruption of this magnitude in their midst is CRINGE-WORTHY.

If anyone deserves to be impeached…it’s Joe Biden. But, this is Hillary Clinton all over again. She committed 6 felonies by setting up a private email server while Sec-State, and the Left had to do a Comey-dance to keep her eligible for a presidential run.

Same thing is happening now, with Joe Biden.

Here’s an idea for Democrats: try nominating a NON-CORRUPT candidate for once!

Whistleblower aims at Prez, shoots…BIDEN…in foot?

The latest ‘whistleblower’ scandal attempting to embroil President Trump is about ready to blow up – in former VP Joe Biden’s face, as noted by this Zero Hedge article:

“Trump Whistleblower Drama Puts Biden In The Hot Seat Over Ukraine”

Here’s the kicker: Joe Biden implicated himself! As the article notes “…last year Biden openly bragged about threatening to hurl Ukraine into bankruptcy as Vice President if they didn’t fire their top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin – who was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into a natural gas firm whose board Hunter Biden sat on. (bold emphasis in the original, underline/color emphasis added)

As FakeNews hyperventilates anti-Trumpism, we’ve got to appreciate the irony here.

Fast forward to the present day where Biden’s now a Democrat presidential candidate; he’s admitted to strong-arming and obstructing a corruption investigation that may have ensnared his son Hunter; and ask yourself…who’s the real whistleblower target?

President Donald Trump, making a call to investigate (admitted former VP) abuses…

…or Joe Biden, the self-admitted power-abuser?

There is no evidence NY Times editor Baquet didn’t molest 10-year old Down Syndrome child

Want to smear someone without proof? That’s how it’s done.

The NY Times ran a smear article against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, using stories from women who can’t remember important details, with no supporting proof.

Now, an ex-executive editor of the NY Times is defending this yellow journalism, by stating ‘there’s no evidence’ that Brett Kavanaugh didn’t commit unfounded crimes.

How does one prove they didn’t do something, if time/place/actions aren’t remembered?

Our headline shows how it’s done…molesting a Down-Syndrome child is despicable.

We don’t say when or where it may have happened.

We don’t say if there were any witnesses.

We don’t say there’s any proof the molesting activity occurred.

Can NY Times editor Baquet prove he didn’t molest a 10-yr old Down Syndrome child?

This is what the Times is doing to Kavanaugh. Is turn-about fair play, Mr. Baquet?

If only their voters were capable of… thinking…

“Dems Will Have To Lie About Their Agenda To Win, Poll Shows”

That article by John Merline at Issues & Insights caught our eye today, and first thought popping into our collective head was “Yeah…and what’s so new/different about this?”

Democrats ALWAYS have to lie about their agenda to win.

Problem is, their supporters keep on BUYING their lies.

A thinking person would realize ‘taxing the rich’ NEVER taxes the rich. (They, and their businesses, simply pass on cost of such taxes by raising product/service prices.)

We, the consumers, end up paying ‘the rich’ taxes.

A thinking person would realize ‘income inequality’ thrives in Democrat locales.

A thinking person would realize open-borders threatens security, jobs, and economy.

A thinking person would realize most crime-ridden and homeless-infested cities are…

…you guessed it…in Democrat-deathgrip strongholds.

A thinking person would realize that, when in power, Democrats never keep promises. (Ask the black population, over these last 60 years, when their lives have improved.)

No THINKING person should ever vote for such a Party.


John Merline takes us to the meat of the matter:

“Why all the deception? A recent Harvard/Harris Poll of 2,531 registered voters shows why. Unlike other polls, this one attempted to gauge support for Trump and a Democratic opponent without using any names. The question just described their respective agendas. Here’s the text:

“Which candidate are you more likely to vote for:

“A presidential candidate who stands for the green new deal on climate change, Medicare for all, free college tuition, opening our borders to many more immigrants and raising taxes to pay for these programs.”

Or …

“A presidential candidate who stands for lower taxes and reduced government regulations, strengthening our military, strengthening our border to reduce illegal immigrants, standing up more to China and Iran and seeking better trade deals for the US.”

You’d be hard-pressed to come up with a more concise description of what President Donald Trump and any of the leading Democratic candidates stand for.

The result: A stunning 61% say they’d vote for Trump’s agenda.

Among independents, 65% chose the Trump agenda, as did every age group except those 18-34, who split 50-50. Even among Democrats, more than a third said they’d vote against the candidate pushing the current Democratic agenda.”

Republican candidates…think this might be your 2020 message?

Wasted Days & Wasted Nights…

“Nadler’s House committee holds a faux hearing in search of a false crime”

Andrew McCarthy at TheHill.com hits the nail on the head with his op-ed title…

…then goes on to explain in legal terms exactly – in detail – the whys-&-wherefores.

Sadly, the Democrat-led House ignores what the Mueller probe ignored: real meddling.

As with the Weismann-led Mueller probe, Democrats vilify the one campaign that didn’t meddle in 2016 elections, and REFUSE to focus on the campaign that did – Hillary’s.

No wonder the approval rating of Congress (17%) is at its all time low.

Deservedly so.

Since when does requiring evidence constitute a ‘dark reality’?

CNN: “Kavanaugh stories spotlight a dark reality for American girls”

Yeah…we know…it’s CNN (which is why we didn’t link it – find it if you want).

Basically, it’s an op-ed rant against Justice Kavanaugh, and the unfortunate facts that if only the women accusing him had proof, witnesses, evidence…he’d be in shackles.

(They don’t remember when/where/what happened, or who was there…and so what?)

But, let this sink in…

…it’s become a ‘dark reality’ for the Left that proof is required in criminal accusations.

Who DOESN’T see this Jussie Smollett case as a hoax?

Actor Smollett met w-Democrats Booker and Harris to offer his support and momentum for their Justice For Victims Of Lynching act, between Dec 21, 2018 and Jan 18, 2019.

Booker and Harris were angling for a presidential nomination (doesn’t look good so far).

Did we mention Smollett is an actor?

Surprise, surprise…within days, he gets threatening letters…and an attempted lynching!

This GatewayPundit article connects the dots, relationship- and timeline-wise.

We’ll live it to readers to reach their own conclusions, based on those connected dots.

BlueCollar has already concluded Smollett is 1) a bad actor, and 2) a mental midget…

…and, that Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are typical Democrats.