Democrat candidates slandered police publicly & should be held accountable

Both Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris claim a Ferguson Missouri police officer murdered Michael Brown, even though that officer was completely exonerated

…by Obama’s Justice Dept, complete with 40 FBI agents probing the incident.

On that event anniversary, both tweeted Brown was murdered by a police officer.

This is the definition of slander, and Warren and Harris should pay a price for it.

Unhhh…the FBI that just pushed a Democrat hoax should investigate Epstein’s death?

We’ve gone through three years of revelations that exposed the top echelon of FBI as partisan agents of the Democrat Party and the deep-state Swamp where they dwell…

…and high-flyers in those same groups were to be exposed as Epstein cronies…

…what honest person thinks that same FBI should investigate his ‘suicide’?

Like the idea of ‘red-flag’ laws for guns? Ever been ‘swatted’?

To ‘swat’ someone is to falsely report a crime in progress that brings SWAT officers to your door, in full combat gear, locked-&-loaded and hair-trigger ready to react.

Red flag gun laws allow anyone to say anything about you, and until you’ve spent the time and money in civil actions and court appearances, your guns are confiscated…

…and your accuser is never identified.

Still think red-flag gun laws are okay?

If enforcing the law is ‘hate’, then acts of crime must be…love?

We’re looking for Democrats with integrity who can answer this question.

Get serious – please explain how enforcing established law is a hate crime.

Remember, immigration laws are laws that Congress, including Democrats, wrote and passed, in order to protect our borders. Defining enforcement now as hate is the height of deceit and arrogance…and an insult to the intelligence of every American citizen.

The only thing worse than a media that supports this assault on our intelligence…

...are the intellectually lazy who accept it as ‘truth’ and, thus, display willful ignorance.

Whatever happened to seeking INTEGRITY in an issue or debate? Those perpetuating such an intellectually dishonest slur demonstrate there is no integrity in their position.

It’s just another way to lie, so they can push their agenda and demonize opponents.

Ask yourself this: Democrats control the House…if they really wanted to change existing immigration law why haven’t they INTRODUCED LEGISLATION to do it?

Sure, it might die in the GOP-controlled Senate…but they controlled all of Congress for years over the last two decades: why not pass legislation when they had that control?

Short answer – they want to use it as a political football.

Class Dismissed.

…and the winner of the 2016 election-meddling contest was…


“Psychologist: Google generated at least 2.6 million votes for Hillary”

Testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing has gone largely unreported.

“Dr. Epstein is a liberal Democrat. In testimony…he described himself as a “vocal public supporter” of Hillary Clinton. He said that to characterize him as not a Republican and not a conservative is “an understatement.” Epstein testified that in the 2016 election, Google generated a minimum of 2.6 million votes for Clinton through deceptive manipulation of search results.” (underline, bold emphasis added)

(Yeah, we know, Hillary lost…but a ‘meddling’ contest had little to do with ‘effective’. And you can bet they’re honing their skills to make sure 2020 is more effectively meddled.)

He warned that if, in 2020, companies like Google and Facebook all support the same presidential candidate (as surely they will) they could affect up to 15 million votes, e.g. by “go vote” reminders sent only to those believed to be Democrats.” (bold added)

See? 2.6 million in 2016…15 million in 2020 – American LEFT creativity, at its best.

But, gosh…wonder why this Google meddling has gone unreported for so long?

Wasn’t the whole ‘collusion’ thing about election meddling?

(Sub-note: Google Capital funded CrowdStrike…you know…the only firm allowed to analyze pre-election Democrat servers, then claiming ‘Russian hacking’ occurred; and as that ‘claim’ was released pre-election, you can bet that affected voting as well.)

Those falsely defining issues create the Nation’s divisiveness

Discussing the Left’s efforts to move on from one hoax to the next, Julie Kelly touches on a point that makes the case for how falsely defining issues creates diviseness…

…which is then falsely thrown back at the Right as being its perpetrator.

Writing at American Greatness, Ms. Kelly notes “Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates…chimed in on Twitter with a dramatic tweet asking, “When our children ask us what we did when innocents were massacred, the president fomented racism, and immigrants were caged and cast as sub-human, what will we tell them?””

Falsely defining a push for secure borders and strong immigration policy as ‘fomenting racism’ and detaining illegal immigrants as ‘caging and casting illegals as sub-human’ is a deliberate attempt to sensationalize situations…to make it toxic for Republicans.

With her background, Yates – a former Deputy Attorney General – should know better.

The media and Left-wing bomb-throwers will give her cover, but the fact of the matter is such efforts by this cohort create divisiveness, not Republican efforts to enforce law.

All their lies are meant to drive a wedge between minorities and the President…and to intimidate the meek among undecideds who may be riding the fence or leaning to him.

‘Hands-up, don’t shoot’ NEVER happened…it’s a LIE.

‘Praising Charlottesville white supremacists’ NEVER happened…it’s a LIE.

‘Russian collusion’ NEVER happened…it’s a LIE.

‘Fomenting racism’ NEVER happened…it’s a LIE.

‘Casting illegals as sub-human’ NEVER happened…it’s a LIE.

It won’t stop unless and until they see such tactics are creating a huge backlash.

Hopefully, that’ll be no later than Nov. 2020.


Hitler’s propagandist Goebbels famously said ‘Tell a lie often enough, it becomes truth’.

Isn’t it telling, that the Party trying to paint Republicans as Nazis use NAZI tactics?

Bam!! Wayne Allyn Root just lowered the boom on ‘Trump-to-blame’ Lefties

“The 2018 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics reports non-citizens (primarily illegal aliens) make up 7% of America’s population, but commit 42% of federal crimes. Isn’t it strange how all these foreign criminals killing American citizens doesn’t bother the Democrat Party, or the mainstream media. No headlines. No hysteria. No calls for action. If Trump is responsible for every white mass shooter, aren’t Democrats responsible for the vast majority of the violent crime committed by criminals they let into the country and then protect in their Sanctuary cities?”

Read his entire article here: “WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: My Confession About Guns”

Those shamed by their ‘white privilege’ must be, by definition…racist

“Rosanna Arquette apologizes for being white: ‘It disgusts me'”

Don’t feel alone, Ms. Arquette…you disgust many with such racist comments.

You see, Ms. Arquette, to feel embarrassed/disgusted by your ‘white privilege’ you must have – at some point – USED that ‘privilege’ against non-whites. Are you a Racist?

We see opportunity for all. We reward based on merit. We applaud honest effort.

We never relied on a privilege color and see any who do as, well…RACIST.

No worries, Ms. Arquette…the first step to recovery is admitting your problem.