Ghoulish political fund-raising vs thoughts-&-prayers…who’s really AGAINST tragedies?

Begs the question, no?

The definition of a split second for Democrats is that amount of time which elapses between when a tragedy (mass shooting etc.) occurs, and fund-raising begins…

…even as they sneer at any mention of ‘thoughts-&-prayers’ by the Right.

Who doubts a Party that profits from tragedy hopes MORE tragedy occurs?

On ‘red flag’ gun laws, Judge Napolitano’s right on

Rarely lately have we agreed with Judge Nap (who seemed to go anti-Trump with a vengeance), but on this gun-control red-flag issue he hits the nail on the head:

“The concept of a “red flag” law – which permits the confiscation of lawfully owned weapons from a person because of what the person might do – violates both the presumption of innocence and the due process requirement of proof of criminal behavior before liberty can be infringed.”

(bold, underline, color emphases added)

No further comment of ours is necessary.

What idiot thinks immigration laws work in a vacuum?

(If you guessed Democrats & Left-wing nut jobs, you’d be right.)

“Trump restrictions on legal immigration betray America’s immigrant heritage”

How does a shifting American dynamic get held hostage to ‘immigrant heritage’?

That’s like claiming a company’s hiring practices should never take into consideration its evolving structure as the company grows…try selling such an idea to John Deere.

Following the Left’s concept, bullwhip and plowshare makers would still be sought.

Immigration should be based on the needs of a Nation, and those needs change.

Our ‘heritage’ is seeking contributory immigration…not mindless immigration.

Get a grip, people.

Are street re-namers dog-whistling a deathwish?

File this under ‘Be Careful What You Ask For’

In the latest game of Trump-torment, the anti-OrangeMan crowd want to re-name that part of Fifth Avenue where the Trump Tower is, to honor former Pres. Barack Obama.

But, regulations state an honoree must be dead for 2 years before such actions.

Hmmm. Is this a case of regulation-ignorance, or a hidden death-wish?

Here’s a way to get around pesky regulations…

…just re-name that street section as “Surveillance Row”.

Everyone will understand who the street is named after…and no death is necessary.

Wait…ONLY 1-in-5 California lawmakers ID’d as criminals…?

Can’t make this stuff up – as reported by Breitbart: “Report: Amazon’s Facial Recognition System Identifies 1 in 5 California Lawmakers as Criminals”

‘1 in 5’…That’s all???? That’s only 20%…buttt…

…considering what the Democrats have done to California and its citizens, we think it should be more along the lines of 4-in-5…80%. Witness San Francisco, or Los Angeles.

That’s all the proof anyone needs.

(If more proof is needed, drive the crumbling roads, buy highest-taxed gas, or visit a nearby failing school system…we could go on, but any honest person must see it.)

A tech-giant like Amazon is hardly necessary to ID criminals in our midst…

…who needs Facial Recognition, when Failure Recognition is EVERYWHERE? 

(Yeah – we know the Breitbart story is about mistaken identity…but this is where the actual Reality runs wildly headlong into a ‘No, Seriously…They ARE Criminals’ irony.)

…defining the height of political arrogance…

Political arrogance, defined, as reported at this morning: “Democrats Threaten Supreme Court: Reject Second Amendment or Face Court-Packing”

Democrat-controlled Chicago and Democrat-controlled Baltimore should, one would think, be a very negative example of how effective Democrat gun-control policy is.

“3 Democrat-Run Cities… Most Responsible For National Murder Rate Increase”

(The 3 cities run by Democrats for decades: Chicago, Baltimore, and Houston)

What part of that 2017 headline gives any confidence in Democrat policy on this issue?

In Chicago over 2017, 4331 shooting victims…over 2018, 414 dead by gun violence and in Baltimore, over the year of 2018, that city suffered 309 deaths from gun violence.

Where was the media outrage over those mass shootings?



Yeah, yeah, ‘Democrats threaten Supreme Court’…that’s the ticket.

BOOM! Abortion defines its supporters as RACIST

Hmmm…trouble in Left-ville? “So which party is truly more racist?”

“White supremacists support abortion…like all the Democrats running…because they know…brown & black babies are aborted at a much higher rate than their percentage of the population. By default, abortion makes America whiter.” (emphasis added)

If support of any given cause can define its supporters any old way Democrats and their media masters choose…then pro-choice advocates have just been painted as racist.

By the very group that falsely exploits guilt-by-association principles daily.

What say you, Alyssa Milano???

Dueling ‘nuclear supremacy’ narratives…Russkie-style

Aug 12 – Monday 

“5 Russian nuclear engineers buried after rocket explosion”

Aug 13 – Tuesday

“Kremlin Spokesman: Russia Is Winning Arms Race with U.S.”

Aug 14 – Today

“Mystery Surrounding Russia Accidentally Nuking Itself Continues To Grow”

If the race involves who can bury nuclear engineers faster…OK, Russia wins.

Visualize Nikita Khrushchev sitting up in his grave, yelling ‘Nyet, Nyet…

…Fools – we were to bury Americans…NOT US!!!’

The real ‘mystery’ is why anyone’s surprised Russia accidentally nuked itself.