Talk about tone deaf…

House Democrats continue beclowning themselves.

Watergate involved a low-level bungled attempt to spy on a Democrat campaign.

Bringing Watergate-infamous John Dean before their committee highlights the effort to spy on a Republican campaign…by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Democrats…

…what are they thinking?

Sure, the Democrats are trying to drive the ‘obstruction’ message, but using John Dean for that is a HUGE fail, as the Watergate foundation issue was spying on a campaign.

In the annals of political theater, that’s BEYOND clown-car crazy.

Wait – isn’t that what editors are for?

“New York Times Ends Political Cartoons After Antisemitism Scandals” which is nothing less than a tacit admission that 1) editors are biased, or 2) editors are ignorant.

As reported at “The international edition of the New York Times will no longer feature editorial cartoons. The move to self-censorship follows the uproar sparked by publication of a widely denounced anti-semitic caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Basically, the NY Times is admitting they can’t employ decent editors.

(Can’t wait for them to realize they need to end print journalism as well.)

PROOF – To sabotage an economy, just mandate ‘renewable energy’

“‘Low-Cost’ Renewable Energy Is Breathtakingly Expensive”

As reported at American Thinker, a new study “…examining energy prices in places that have already deployed large measures of renewable energy…” compared to “…those of adjacent places that have forgone this option…” reveals “No matter what renewable energy boosters contend, the evidence is incontestable. High levels of renewable energy integration are boosting electricity rates quickly, and the higher the degree of penetration within a state, the higher the multiple by which rates increase over those states that have forgone renewable energy integration.”

Facts are, for climate-hoaxers, a very inconvenient thing. Their dire predictions based on nothing more than computerized climate models, and the actual cost of initiating a serious deployment of ‘low-cost’ renewable energy ISN’T low cost.

Every step in our economic producing process requires energy; it affects the cost of doing business from start to finish, and keeping such costs low make us competitive.

But, if you wanted to slow an economy down, or sabotage it…

It’s long past time to look into what forces are really behind this lunacy.

California bringing back health-care mandate penalizing citizens…to fund healthcare for illegals

Legal California citizens without healthcare BAD; illegals without healthcare…OKAY?

Got that? This is beyond bizarre. As reported at the Daily Caller “California Set To Give Full Health Care Benefits To Low-Income Illegal Immigrants”

“California will begin taxing residents who don’t have health insurance in order to help ease the program’s financial burden, creating an individual-mandate penalty.”

Penalizing legal residents, because illegals broke the law coming here?

Yeah, yeah…that’s the ticket!!

Insiders confirm…the Mueller probe itself was an obstruction of justice

DC insider sources have confirmed the Special Counsel investigation itself was a front to veil the deep-state’s desperate efforts to destroy or otherwise mask wrongdoing…

…by the Democrat campaign, frantically trying to elect Hillary Clinton.

Pre-election, they colluded with foreign agents to compile a false narrative against Trump to ensure a deeply flawed Democrat candidate was elected to the White House, which would effectively close off access to what Obama/Hillary were up to for 8 years.

This isn’t only about Hillary, folks. So much back-room shenanigans were going on it was hard to keep track without a scorecard; they did all this to hide their misdeeds.

And the obstruction continues, as they hurl all the accusations and dirty lies they can in order to keep wolves at bay…including ‘obstruction’ they’re blaming on the President.

But the investigation itself is a hoax…an obstruction…a cover-up.

Trump-Russia collusion’s a hoax. There was no crime…except theirs. And when they lost the election, there was panic: loads of under-handed chicanery needed hiding.

The investigation itself was meant to obstruct real discovery of real crimes, with real evidence…against real perpetrators: the Democrats. Let The Following Sink In…

The FBI never confirmed hacking of Democrat computer servers: they weren’t allowed access. A Democrat contractor made the analysis, and all the allegations against ‘Russians’…and a Democrat-funded company financed the dirt-dossier.

All charges/allegations driving the ‘probe’ stem from Democrat-funded sources.

And it blew up in their faces. They can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Two years later, no evidence against Donald Trump; but tons of evidence…against Hillary.

It’s time for the lies to stop. It’s time to recognize the Mueller probe for what it is and was intended to be – a smokescreen; an obstruction…to give them time to cover up.

(Why else does anyone think ONLY Democrat partisans were on Mueller’s team?)

Now it’s time the players in this farce answer for their crimes.

D Day, June 6, 1944 Remembering Sacrifices

(Photos, details from

Built on a bluff overlooking Omaha Beach this cemetery is the resting place for 9,387 soldiers, 307 of whom are unknown.

Image result for pont du hoc cemetery

Les Braves monument


On the center of Omaha Beach is the ‘ Les Braves‘ monument for the American soldiers who helped to liberate France. the sculptor Anilor Banon said this:

I created this sculpture to honour the courage of these men:

Sons, husbands, and fathers, who endangered and often sacrificed their lives in the hope of freeing the French people.

Les Braves consists of three elements:

The wings of Hope

So that the spirit which carried these men on June 6th, 1944 continues to inspire us, reminding us that together it is always possible to changing the future.

Rise, Freedom!

So that the example of those who rose against barbarity, helps us remain standing strong against all forms of inhumanity.

The Wings of Fraternity

So that this surge of brotherhood always reminds us of our responsibility towards others as well as ourselves.

On June 6th,1944 these men were more than soldiers, they were our brothers.

Unhhh…do they realize WHOSE sanity is being put in question here…???

You can’t make this stuff up…as reported at the Washington Examiner: “Democrats plan Capitol Hill event to put Trump’s mental health under fire”

“Democrats are planning to host a Capitol Hill event featuring psychiatrists who will warn that President Trump is unfit for office based on his mental health.”

Got that? These are psychiatrists who have never met Donald Trump.

“The position is controversial because psychiatric associations urge members never to diagnose patients they haven’t personally evaluated, saying it undermines the scientific rigor of the profession.” Talk about Theater-of-the-Absurd.

‘Undermines the scientific rigor’? No Kidding!

And the Democrats think this puts Trump’s sanity under the spotlight?!?!?

You can’t make this stuff up.

Seriously…we already knew Democrats were unhinged, but…

you’ve gotta admire a man who can drive psychiatrists over the edge.

A front-row seat to watch “the biggest economic disaster in modern history”

To the lovers of Socialism: Welcome to Venezuela…

…and a 130,000% inflation rate.

“Even while surrounded by military dictatorships and poverty, Venezuela at one time prospered with a strong economy and stable society. Today, three Latin American nations produce more oil than Venezuela, though it has the world’s largest proven reserves of crude, and just getting sick is nearly the same as death for some children.”

Yeah…Venezuela, the OPEC founder, has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia.

“In 1950, under a military dictatorship that would last another nine years, Venezuela had the fourth-richest economy in the world on a per capita basis. By 1982 it was still the richest nation in Latin America. Today it’s reverted to Third World status.”

Socialism kills. It has ruined Venezuela through price controls, the nationalization of industries, wealth redistribution, and an expansion of the raw power of government. Foreign investment has been driven out, the profit motive robbed. Opponents of the regime are imprisoned.” The only ones who benefit from Socialism are its leaders.

Everyone else simply pays the price (or, if healthy enough, leaves the country).

Venezuela was the “4th-richest economy OF THE WORLD” in 1950; has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, yet pumps less oil than Mexico, Columbia, and Brazil.

What part of this picture would any reasoning human being think attractive?

But why did you push your grandmother…down steep stairs?

BlueCollar reader Sharon G is indignant over the deceptive excerpts of a voice mail conversation that Robert Mueller wrote up in his report (we posted on this earlier).

(Mueller’s selective editing of a voicemail effectively portrayed a lawyer making the call as being deceptive and unethical, editing out the exonerating phrases in the message.)

Lawyers take an oath when they pass the bar exams; they become ‘officers of the court’ (you know, that place where people go to, hopefully, GET JUSTICE when it’s needed).

Sharon writes “I was thinking an email I got today could be selectively edited to make it look like I deliberately committed an act to hurt my grandmother, by such a nasty trick.”

The friend’s email commented on a Facebook posting about her recent mall shopping trip with her elderly grandmother; Sharon used it to expand on the Mueller deception.

Her email read “Hey Sharon, saw your Facebook post on the mall shopping and how your grandmother loved it, getting out and being with family. Looks like you had a great time too, but why did you push your grandmother in that wheelchair on such a long and convoluted route, going down steep stairs, when you could’ve used the elevator?”

Sharon’s edit: Hey Sharon, saw your Facebook post on the mall shopping and how your grandmother loved it, getting out and being with family. Looks like you had a great time too, but why did you push your grandmother in that wheelchair on such a long and convoluted route, going down steep stairs when you could’ve used the elevator?”

Context is everything. In volume 2 of the Mueller rpt, pg 121, he selectively omitted key voicemail sections by a Trump lawyer to Flynn’s lawyer, most notably “…if we can…” and “…without you having to give up any confidential information…” that effectively and deliberately paints Trump in a bad light, falsely feeding the ‘obstruction’ narrative.

And we say ‘deliberately’ because there’s no other way to describe the act of editing out such key phrases – sadly, we can predict that more selective editing will be exposed.

Mueller’s ‘officer-of-the-court’ role isn’t as important as officer of the deep-state.

‘Cuz…that’s how they roll.

Mueller’s done it beforehe did it again…and he’ll keep doing it until he’s reined in.

Attorney General Barr…are you listening?