President should declassify documents so Americans know the truth

Declassify the documents covering FBI and FISA court abuse, and criminal leakers.

Interestingly, in September Democrats Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, and Warner wrote to the intelligence agencies, complaining that declassification would ‘interfere’ in any probes.

We’re under the impression that the real reason is self-serving…exposing their acts.

Open message to President Trump – Declassify, and let the sunshine in.

It’s a ‘No Guts…No Glory’ time of year for House GOP

Republicans who stood on the floor of the House declaring great cause for policies that gave power back to the people should put their legislation where their mouths are.

They campaigned at great length declaring their policy just and righteous, and forebode dark times should the opposition Party win back power, and destroy many recent gains.

Will they stand tall…or slink off in disgrace, deserting the American people?

BlueCollar made the case Wednesday for passing much needed legislation in the days remaining to Republicans while control was still theirs until this coming January. They have less than 2 months to show if they serve the people, or their own selfish interest.

Deroy Murdock lays out a wishlist of GOP legislation that serves the American citizen, and, while more expansive than our earlier suggestion, deserving of consideration.

Echoes of Thomas Paine, Dec 23, 1776, should resonate through Congress halls…

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

These ARE the times that try men’s souls…

…are the GOP ‘summer Republicans & sunshine patriots’…or made of sterner stuff?

Is their talk cheap…or are Republicans willing ‘to put a proper price upon its goods’…?

Paraphrasing from the words of the immortal ‘Tin Cup’ Roy McAvoy…

…House Republicans can define the moment, or let the moment define them.

Taking bets…Rosenstein will resign in the next few days

Right after AG Sessions was asked to resign, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was called to the White House, and we’re betting his visit wasn’t cordial…he’s got serious issues.

Rosenstein signed one of the FISA application renewals, knowing full well the criteria for that app had not met the rigorous standards necessary for such court actions.

He’s also in the middle of the Comey firing brouhaha, which makes him a witness as the Mueller probe focused part of its attention on obstruction because of the firing.

Conflicts of interest? You bet.

Wonder what the Vegas bookie odds are, on his retaining his job?

Clueless leftist celebrities don’t understand simple civics…

Joy Behar: Dems Lost Senate Because of Gerrymandering

Can someone please explain to this idiot that senators for each state are not affected by re-districting shifts within the state…because the entire state votes on senate choices.

Only the House Representatives are affected by gerrymandering districts.

Was she sleeping during her civics classes? Or is stupidity the explanation?

2 months to clear Hillary from PROVEN felonies…why is it taking 1-1/2 years on a HOAX?

MSNBC’s Maddow is organizing street protests because AG Sessions was fired, which she claims ‘threatens’ the Mueller probe of the Democrat-driven Russia collusion hoax.

Guess that’s the FakeNews version of objective journalism…???

Begs the question though: no sooner was ink dry on initiation of an Hillary email probe than an exonerating memo was drafted by her investigators, yet Mueller – with the full power and scope of the Justice Dept – has taken 18 months investigating a hoax?

Of course, the only provable collusion with foreign agents to date has been the Clinton campaign and the Democrat National Committee…but Maddow seems oblivious to that.


It’s about time – CNN’s Acosta gets banned from WH press briefings

Jim Acosta is a pathetic Democrat-partisan hack who should have had his press pass privileges to the White House briefings revoked a long time ago, for his disrespect.

Finally, after months of mistreating Sarah Sanders, he went hostile on the President, and learned in no uncertain terms his journalistic badgering was coming to an end.

“CNN’s Jim Acosta Denied White House Entry After Trump Presser Dust-Up”

Those who practice incivility shouldn’t try to force THIS President to take it quietly.

Jim Acosta pushed back against a female White House intern who was trying to do her job by taking the microphone from him after being denied further chances to badger.

Video shows he pushed against her. His claims that he did it ‘gently’ may play well with the forgiving Left, but…Jim…we’re talking about respect, decorum, and professionalism.

All lacking, where you’re concerned.

Those who claim the President is retaliating against CNN have no basis in fact, since, to our knowledge, the White House hasn’t banned CNN…just the rude and boorish Acosta.

Send a message, Mr. President We suggest the Acosta ban be made permanent.