So, what good is a ‘conservative’ Democrat, who, once elected stands united with Liberal Democrats?

A Drudge byline “Rise of the conservative Democrat”

…feeds through to a Washington Post article that headlines: “Pennsylvania vote shows that Trumpism has its limits — even in Trump country”

But the liberal journalist writing this article with glee that Trump may have been, well, trumped in a district the President won handily in 2016 ignores one very big fact…

…that Democrat candidate ran on Trump’s agenda.

That fact should send a big signal to Republicans, who need to develop some strong messaging to counter-act the ‘faux conservative’ strategy Democrats may invoke.

We noted in an earlier post that talk is cheap…regardless of how a Democrat promises to work with the President on simpatico issues, their voting record proves the lie.

Once in Congress, regardless of promises, they vote in lock-step with Democrat cohort.

Republicans should ask the question…

…will you vote for the LIE – or vote for the GUY who will actually support the agenda?

Because, guess what Pennsylvania? Those once-shuttered mines and steel mills that re-opened due to Trump’s agenda would’ve never opened if Democrats were elected.

And, (it bears repeating) REGARDLESS of promises.

Reminder to Pennsylvania – our Constitution does not give judiciary re-districting authority

While we’re on the subject, it might be worth noting that the re-drawing of voting districts in Pennsylvania is not Constitutional…because it was done by the court, not legislature.

(The supreme court’s weighted ‘D’, but Republicans won the state electorally in 2016.)

The (weighted Democrat) state supreme court jumped on the term “fair and equal” in its state constitution, and re-drew districts because of what wasn’t fair and equal in the last election cycle…according to their standardsof proportional representation.

But that standard applied across all state districts doesn’t reflect voter preference, if 1 or 2 districts are overly weighted, and remaining districts are closely won by opposition.

It’s much the same argument against the electoral process used by Democrats, only applied on a state level, but it does not adequately reflect overall voter preferences.

A great example demonstrating this is discussed in an article at NRO…a state with five districts of 100,000 per district, where one party wins 1 district by 80,000 votes, but lose the other 4 by 49,000 votes in each. Proportionally, that party won 276,000 votes state-wide (55%), so by judiciary reasoning there should be 55% representation by that party.

But four districts went for the other party by a 51% majority, which would mean in such a statewide government that 80% of representatives should be from that party. Thus, the proportional representation flaw is exposed…but Democrats will keep trying.

That said, constitutionally, supreme courts don’t have power to re-draw districts.




Suckered by promises that will never…EVER…be kept?

The special election in Pennsylvania is still too close to call, but campaign promises made during that election indicate a developing strategy may be used by Democrats.

Their candidate agreed with President Trump on several key issues, thus by implication planting thoughts he’d part with Democrats to support such votes when in Congress.

While it sounds good on paper, constituents would be well advised to look at the voting record of Democrats in Congress…they join lock-step against the GOP continually.

Case in point – the tax cuts passed late last year, with NOT ONE Democrat vote.

Despite the fact nearly every working American will see benefits of tax cuts, knowing that Democrats stood shoulder-to-shoulder against them should give pause to anyone who votes ‘D’ simply because that candidate agrees with some part of Trump’s agenda.

Pre-election promises don’t matter…post-election deeds do matter, and Democrats have demonstrated they plan to oppose Republicans…in solidarity…on every issue.

Republican candidates would be well advised to remind voters of this, every day.

Republican tax cuts and President Trump’s de-regulations will benefit the economy as a whole over the next several months. Politicking Democrats jumping on that band-wagon should be shoved off quickly, by reminding voters…

EMPTY promises mean nothing.

Do the Democrats REALLY want the House Intel panel to follow the only evidence of Russia collusion?

Democrats agonizing over the final House Intel committee report finding no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion wring their hands over the GOP decision to end the debacle.

Do they really want that committee to stay open and follow the only evidence there is that proves there was Russian collusion – but only by Democrats…not Republicans?

Are they that stupid?

New effort to bring ‘fraud against U.S.’ charges without actually proving a crime could bite Democrats

Looks like the Democrats’ favorite flunky, Mueller, may be setting up a snare to trap the Trump campaign team (and its leader?) with a ‘conspiracy to commit fraud’ against the U.S. government even if the conspiracy is not linked to a criminal act. 

While Democrats are gleefully rubbing hands, they might want to consider how such a charge could be used against one of their own – with actual evidence involved.

Let’s face it: “…impeding, impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful governmental functions of a government…” is what politicians do – if you consider the endless broken campaign promises and election-tampering they’re famous for, every election cycle.

And no one does it better than a Clinton.

Hey, Hillary – how could this affect you?

All the porn that’s fit to report…and all the REAL news they won’t report

CBS president David Rhodes (yeah, the brother of Obama flunky Ben Rhodes, who bragged about creating an ‘echo chamber’ to get Iran their nuke deal) is aflutter over all of the reporting left to do so CBS can air their ’60 Minutes’ interview with a porn star.

(‘Cuz the porn star claims to have had a long-ago relationship with citizen Trump!)

Forget that there’s scads of reporting NOT BEING DONE on the Democrat collusion-with-Russia story, or about the House Democrat national security breach and scandal brewing over the unqualified Pakistani IT aides allowed to run riot through Congress.

And, by all means…ignore the Obama-era legacy of leniency that enabled the Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz to brutally gun down dozens of school-kids, killing 17.

(Yeah, yeah…gotta concentrate on that pornstar story. Hey, it can hurt Trump!)

This is mainstream journalism today.

Hopefully, honest Americans won’t put up with it too much longer.

Is the Democrat IT aide scandal trial being delayed to give Democrats cover in Nov election?

House Democrats have a HUGE scandal on their hands…and a federal judge may be covering for them…at least, until after the upcoming November midterm elections.

Some 40+ Democrat members of the House of Representatives hired an unqualified group of Pakistanis to run their information technology, giving (as it turns out) illegal access to in many cases very highly classified congressional information.

The aides weren’t properly vetted, would never have qualified for security clearances, have since been exposed (some arrested), and Imran Awan is scheduled for a trial that inexplicably never seems to materialize…in the ‘land of the right-to-a-speedy-trial’.

Turns out the (Bill Clinton-appointed) judge delaying proceedings may be trying to keep all of the scandal this story represents under wraps until after the November elections.

California’s attorney general Xavier Becerra was leading the House Democratic Caucus at the time – it was his server Awan used to stash illegally accessed information. Up for election in California in November, he doesn’t want a bad national security scandal.

For that matter, quite a few House Democrats would be hurt by a trial that exposes the very real story of how seriously they jeopardized our national security, allowing massive data breaches that could even have been done remotely while they were in Pakistan.

Shouldn’t the media be all over this huge scandal?

National security continues to poll as a strong issue among American voters. How long will it take before Republicans start using campaign platforms to expose this failure?

…and now Hillary implies that women are too stupid to realize their vote is a secret thing

Clinton Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands

Her contention being that wives were compelled to vote Republican by husbands.

Evidently Hilllary’s under the impression that American women are so stupid they didn’t realize they could vote however they wanted behind the polling place curtains.

(Either that, or she thinks we’re too stupid to realize her comments are illogical.)

Did the ‘Oprah Effect’ bite The View’s Joy Behar in the butt?

Joy Behar finally publicly apologized to VP Pence for her remarks about his Christian religion, but we can’t help but wonder about the motivation behind that apology.

In February on ‘The View’ she mocked his Christian beliefs: “Like I said before, it’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you,” Behar said. “That’s called mental illness, if I’m not correct. Hearing voices.”

Now she says “I was raised to respect everyone’s religious faith…I fell short of that…”

Did she ‘fall short’…or was it because she heard Oprah’s remark that she’s waiting to hear from God before making any decision about running for office in 2020?

After all, it’s one thing to mock a Republican…quite another to mock The Oprah.

Put Up or Shut Up, Part II…Eric Holder exposed as a liar-by-innuendo also

Now the only attorney general ever to be held in contempt by Congress joins the typical Democrat anti-Trump smear effort, over the House Intel report clearing the President of Russia collusion…although GOP Rep. Nunes does say Democrats colluded with them.

Now we’re finding out Obama hired Russia-colluding FusionGPS to dig dirt on Romney.

Russia collusion? You bet…too bad it’s the wrong Party where evidence is available…

…otherwise, FakeNews media would be all over it.

If ethics were a criteria for public office, the Democrat Party would be an empty room.