It’s obvious that obstructing Republicans from governing is their plan

While everyone gets down in the weeds over whether the President misspoke here, or mis-stepped there, the fact is even if all were perfect this deranged attack will continue.

The sham-stream media and their lapdog Democrats don’t care about Comey, don’t care about Flynn, and sure as hell don’t care about Trump…they care about losing control.

So, it won’t matter what cowed Republicans do to appease these unhinged lunatics, it will never stop until they regain that control, and drive a scattered GOP into the woods.

The deep-state Obama-ite leakers are given cover by the media; until they’re flushed from the undergrowth, the only alternative to ending this madness is to focus on the enablers…

…the sham-stream media.

If Republicans are to govern, this madness must end. A good offense is the best defense

So, where the law allows, publishing classified leaks should be answered with a swift frog-march of journalists doing so, into halls of justice to be held accountable for their crimes, and if they refuse to reveal deep-state leaker sources…throw away their cell key.

We also suggest the Clinton illegal email activity investigation be re-opened.

There’s all sorts of ways to drain a swamp.

Finally, idiot Republicans better get behind Trump, because this isn’t just about him…and the sooner they realize it’s a campaign against the entire GOP, the better off we’ll be.

Responding to the fever-swampers…

Our previous post struck a nerve, with demands to explain our “flimsy claim fomenting a spectacle of faux outrage”…as, of course, the Left believes all anti-Trump claims are solid.

(FYI: we define flimsy as ‘fragile, weak, insubstantial, slight, rickety, thin’)

Flimsy Claim 1: Trump worked with Russians to hack the elections. A) no evidence, since last year when the claim started, has been produced to substantiate this claim, and B) an election involves 1) voting and 2) counting votes…so it can’t be ‘hacked’.

Flimsy Claim 2: Trump gave classified information to the Russians in a meeting. A) As the President, he has the authority to declassify and discuss anything, with any nation…so he’s basically being accused – in an inflammatory way – of doing his job.

Flimsy Claim 3: Trump ordered Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. This one’s a doozy, regarding A) a memo NO ONE HAS SEEN, B) supposedly written by Comey to himself, C) AFTER a private meeting with the President, D) that Comey HASN’T VERIFIED, E) in which the President ‘hopes’ Comey will see his way clear to dropping an investigation, F) a few weeks AFTER the FBI announced it found no wrongdoing by Flynn.

Since when is hearsay – from a memo no one has seen, may not exist, and even if it does exist can’t be credibly dated – evidence of anything? Even if it does exist, since when does ‘hope’ become re-defined as ‘I order’? And why isn’t it right to ask that a costly investigation be dropped when the FBI admits no wrongdoing has been found?

Democrats and the media had no problem with Obama coercing the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s PROVABLY illegal email activities…yet now scream from the rooftops?

Yeah…we said it…FLIMSY.

There’s only one way to fight back against the savaging of Trump

When you tweak the swamp creatures, you should be ready for the savagery.

In his inauguration, President Trump promised to return power to the people, and he promised an end to the process of a small group of elites reaping “…the rewards of gov’t while the people have borne the cost.” He put the swamp creatures on notice.

And they are attacking, with any flimsy claim fomenting a spectacle of faux outrage, in the wake of a sham-stream media tsunami whose pretense of objectivity has long been shed.

Trump supporters better understand there’s only one way to fight this relentless attack: keep supporting your President, because the swamp creatures will not go away quietly.

Several weeks ago, Democrats discovered they were revealed as the true enablers of the wealthy elite, when Democrat focus groups admitted their reasons for voting Trump.

Who could blame them? Due to Obama’s quantitative easing policy they saw historically huge siphoning of middle class and elderly wealth ending up with elite financial interests.

Wall St banks and corporate America profited as working families saw their money-market funds and savings account incomes shrink (per economic consultant David Smick).

So, when an upstart new President says he’ll drain the swamp, and effectively stop the lucrative Democrat policies benefiting the swamp creatures, all hell breaks loose.

The best way you can support this man is by continually hounding GOP congressmen to support President Trump, or face massive recrimination and/or recall processes.

And keep hounding them.


A definition of chaos…is when burden-of-proof no longer matters

If a memo-to-self about a private conversation is actionable, anything can be fabricated.

Comey’s supposed ‘memo-to-self’ – said to have been written after a meeting with President Trump – doesn’t pass the smell test, but you wouldn’t know by the reporting.

In an intelligence world where anything can be intercepted and known about anyone, it’s entering a world of chaos to accept such nebulous, unproven data as factual…

…or newsworthy.

What’s truly amazing is how the entire journalistic environment is suddenly discussing the mechanics and ramifications of what is basically the most specious form of hearsay.

Democrat politicians, most of them lawyers, know this…and must be dancing with glee.

We have no doubt more ‘memos’ of this nature will soon surface.

After all, when legitimacy isn’t an issue, anyone can write a memo…about anything.

Pssstt…hey buddy, wanna buy a memo?

Just when you thought the shamstream media couldn’t be any more disingenuous…

…they come out with a more ridiculous concept: i.e., that a handwritten memo that could have been penned at any time and may not even be reality is considered ‘ hard evidence’.

Got that? The NY Times is headlining a story to damage President Trump…

“Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation”

What’s missing from that headline?

“…according to a memo MR. COMEY WROTE…

… SHORTLY AFTER the meeting.”

Yep, just ask McCain…this has Watergate written all over it.

Hey! We have a memo we wrote shortly after a call from the NY Times owner, recording that they’re willing to sell their entire journalistic operation to BlueCollar for $1.00!

Wonder if that can be used as evidence?

Wouldn’t you love to see a Trump-twitter soon…

“Trump memo to self: Comey admits collusion with Obama, Hillary over emails, asks forgiveness, recommends investigation be re-opened.”

Rush Limbaugh is wrong…the Right does have a ’cause’

Rush was talking about how unswerving the Left is because their ideology is their cause.

But, then he says the Right doesn’t have a cohesive cause, that we don’t have the same type of ideological agenda that puts us forever on the front lines forcing it on others.

We disagree…the Right has a cause: honoring individual Liberty, and the Rule of Law. And its that belief in Liberty of the individual that precludes relentlessly forcing it upon others.

That restraint doesn’t work with the Left, because they don’t want individual Liberty. So, in pushing their agenda relentlessly they’re freed from the bonds such a principle inflicts.

The problem with Rush’s thinking is that he addresses the Left’s tactics as a cohesive cause, but really, their overarching cause is Control, or an anti-Individual-Liberty agenda.

Their tactics must, by definition, allow whatever methods are necessary for Control.

The Right’s cause, by definition, restrains from the lawlessness the Left’s cause allows.

Sucks to be Us, but then at least we’re not like Them.


Treason? The Washington Post has some explaining to do

Those ‘experts’ wailing that Pres Trump may have exposed foreign sources should think about the published leaks effect of advising terrorists what we know, and how we know it.

After all, terrorists read newspapers too.

By publishing a leak, the media revealed to EVERYONE what a man in the street didn’t need to know…the leaker, AND THE MEDIA, are the ones to be held responsible here.

For reasons of global security, the U.S. shares info with other nations all the time

Trying to bloody President Trump has become a Washington Post pasttime, and this latest story about the President passing Russia classified info is much ado about nothing.

Of course we work with other nations; global security and a war on terrorism rank among the highest priorities that would encourage information sharing on a need-to-know basis.

And our intel-agencies work with their intel-agencies, as necessary, to get the job done.

In a DC-world where a murdered DNC staffer has just been linked to WikiLeaks days prior to his death, you’d think the Washington Post would find time to report such an event.

Right? In a tizzy over ‘Russia-hacked-the-election’…but nothing on a DNC staffer whose July 2016 murder seems more closely related to the real story than Vladamir Putin?

But they choose ankle-biting the leader of our country instead, and who knows how much this disruptive tactic will affect the way our allies choose to work with us going forward?

The sham-stream’s bloody-Trump efforts border on treasonous.