Defining cowardice, one racist Attorney General at a time

An earlier post defining AG Holder as a coward has prompted typical Liberal whining.

Simply put, Holder says opposition to Obama’s policies is racially motivated.

But, any honest person would recognize there will always be at least two views in a debate on issues, sometimes more; usually, each view has strong supporting points.

While there may be a scattered few who just don’t like the person or Party involved, their numbers are low – and proving such an allegation is difficult…if not impossible.

Then, there’s the question of why ‘dislike’ is present…is it because they’re a man, or a certain political party? Is it because he has an insulting smirk? Or he’s a certain race?

AG Holder doesn’t care – he simply paints opposition ‘racist’. Why?

Deceitfully playing the race card closes the door on honest debates he and Obama can’t afford to get into…because their issues are not supportable by the facts.

Case in point: during a Sunday news interview, he pulled ‘voter-ID-as racist’ out of the hat, claiming the need for such identification is meant to suppress the black vote…but that claim doesn’t even meet the laugh test, on several different levels.

  • Anyone entering Justice Department buildings is required to have photo ID; is Attorney General Holder racist, denying minority blacks the right to Justice?
  • Studies reveal voter photo-ID requirements result in more blacks voting!

Holder knows this!

And that’s why the COWARD needs to play the race card.


Remember those FEMA ‘camps’ everyone was speculating over a few years back?

Democrat legislation HR645 designated FEMA to build facilities for civilian internees.

It didn’t pass, but was reintroduced by Democrats in 2013 as the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, HR 390, “… to provide: (1) temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency…”

Makes you wonder if this border chaos wasn’t being gamed out a long time ago?

Climbing the Green Energy billionaire beanstalk…?

A Great Redeemer article on the Green billionaire every Liberal loves (Tom Steyer) runs 2 days after another article had published…that just might explain his motives.

Seems it’ll cost $45 TRILLION to take us down the green energy path over 35 years…

…and with Steyer heavily invested in Green Energy…

…that means over a TRILLION DOLLARS a year in low hanging subsidy fruits to pluck.

Yeah…he’s doing it to save the world alright.

Between a rock and a hard place…

Shades of Dumb & Dumber…

Millennials (youth voters, age 18-29) demonstrate the GOP challenge for November.

  • They see this Democrat-led government as hugely wasteful and inefficient;
  • 57% prefer a smaller government, directly opposite Democrat preferences;
  • They HUGELY favor private Social Security accounts, which Democrats reject;
  • 64% of them want to cut gov’t spending – Democrats want spending increased;
  • 57% believe in reward based on merit – Democrats reward by need;
  • The majority (55%) want to reduce regulations, Democrats want more regulations;
  • 59% favor cutting taxes to help the economy, Democrats crave tax increases;
  • And a huge majority reject the Democrats’ big-government nanny state mindset…

…yet the majority of Millennials say they’ll vote Democrat in November?

Winston Churchill once said ‘if you’re young and not a Liberal, you have no heart…if you’re mature and not a conservative, you have no brain…’

On social issues, Millennials act with emotion…and Democrats manipulate this well.

  • 74% say gov’t should guarantee citizens a place to sleep, and enough to eat;
  • 69% say gov’t should guarantee citizens access to health care;
  • 66% say raising taxes (on the wealthy) would help the economy;
  • 63% say gov’t spending more on job training would help the economy;
  • 54%-58% want more gov’t spending on assistance to the poor, infrastructure, more services, and for providing a ‘college-education guarantee’ for all…

Thus the paradox: Millennials reject Big Gov’t…until heart strings are tugged.

What they don’t understand is, in America, a free-market system deals with these social issues a lot more efficiently, and compassionately, than any gov’t program could…

…just ask any veteran being abused by the VA.

News media validates June12 BlueCollar post…Mexico, Central America in cahoots smuggling illegal kids to USA


…journalists are waking up to realize Guatemalan kids don’t take 1800-mile hikes…


BlueCollar posted the obvious on June 12…30 days ago. Why it takes news media that long to get up to speed indicates blinding ignorance…or willful incompetence.

America’s border chaos is an internationally coordinated effort…

…and you can bet Democrat leaders have their fingerprints all over the master-plan.


Supreme Court favorability rating SOARS amongst Independents after Hobby Lobby ruling

Hat tip Weekly Standard:

Before the Hobby Lobby contraceptive ruling, Supreme Court favorability was negative 20 among Independents (32%approved, 52% disapproved). After the ruling, approval for SCOTUS among Independents soared to 53% (37% disapproved), a plus 16 move!

From a negative 20 to a positive 16 means a 36 point swing.

You wouldn’t know, from all the wailing and gnashing of teeth among Liberals, that only a few objectionable forms of contraceptives were exempted for Hobby Lobby.

You wouldn’t know Hobby Lobby health-plans still offer a wide range of contraception.

Then, there’s that other question…

Wonder why Liberals aren’t so vocal about the way Islam treats its women?