If 2/3 of elected Washington, D.C. is Democrat, and Obama says ‘Washington’s not working…’

Obama’s favorite campaign pitch is ‘DC is broken…Washington’s not working’.

And the only way that tired line works is if his supporters dumb down

…because 2/3 of elected Washington D.C. is Democrat-led!

Consider this: The Republican-led House has passed dozens of bills to help get our economy back on track, and create effective job growth for legions of unemployed.

Over 240 bills passed in the GOP-led House are stalled in the Democrat-led Senate.

Now ask yourself…why is Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refusing to give these House-created bills a chance to be voted on in a Democrat-controlled Senate?

Democrats have a 55-45 vote advantage. If they don’t like a Republican-created House bill, why not just vote them down in the Senate and be done with it? Just one reason…

…those Republican House bills make sense and could work, and many of Harry Reid’s Democrat Senators don’t want to be on record as voting against them.

Over 240 bills NOT being considered in the Senate.

Dozens of job bills…stalled in the Senate.

So, when Obama says ‘Washington’s not working’…

…he’s talking about Harry Reid and his Democrat Senate cohort.

Think about what an America rigged by the Democrat$’ Steyer, Soros, Buffet would look like…oohhh, wait…

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid may want to re-think his latest anti-Koch tirade.

His “think about what an America rigged by the Koch brothers would look like” comment begs the question of what America would look like rigged by Democrat billionaires.

Problem for Harry Reid is…we’re living that Democrat-rigged America now!

Negligible economic growth; high rates of unemployment for minorities, women, and our youth; HUGE food stamp recipient increases; O’care-caused rising health care costs; a huge increase in prices at the fuel pump; energy policy hiking food and heating costs.

Senior citizens, women, youth, minorities, low-income, and the poor suffer most.

So, compared to the current ‘Democrat-rigged’ misery, it might be wise to believe…

…a ‘Koch-rigged’ America is the most preferable alternative!

(Lemming Democrat voters in hard-hit demographics noted above would do well to…

…have a Koch and a smile this November…and vote the Republican ticket.)


Rush misses the point of John Kerry’s “terrorists don’t offer a healthplan” comment

Rush Limbaugh ridiculed John Kerry for a disjointed comment Wednesday.Did he miss what Kerry (and every Democrat politician, this election cycle) is attempting?

Quick – what other ‘group’ has been (wrongly) accused of ‘not offering a health plan’?

Kerry’s comments were made in conjunction with the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls.

At the risk of being accused of paranoia, we expect any minute now that Obama and Harry Reid will soon be linking this to their manufactured ‘GOP war on women’ mantra.

Choose your voter demographic…

Elderly, senior citizens?

Under Obamacare, health care is already being denied them.

Democrat plan? Blame the health-insurance companies.

Women, youth and minorities?

After 8 years of Democrat policy, unemployment is at its highest level in decades.

Democrat plan? Blame the businesses in the private sector.

Poor and low-income?

Record numbers on food stamps and other gov’t assistance. Why? Democrat policies drive cost-of-living expenses sky-high, most notably energy costs. Driving to work, heating and lighting your home, feeding your family…all affected by energy policy. And a low-income earner’s paycheck is hit disproportionately harder as energy costs go up.

Democrat plan? Blame the Big-Oil companies.

Who wrote and passed Obamacare, and the many laws that regulate the businesses Democrats blame? Who restricts energy supplies, driving up the costs of energy?

The same party that controls the mainstream media, refusing to objectively report this.


And this just in – affecting the Jewish vote…

White House Escalates Secret Media War Against Israel


On Benghazi scandal priorities and survivor uncertainties…

Reader Mark F believes Obama lying to Americans is the bigger scandal.

Reader Keith K asks how the number of Americans left to their fate was determined.

Politicians lie every day…to get your vote, push an agenda, and hide misdeeds. Sadly, we all know this to be true (‘if you like your health plan’, ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’), and, unfortunately, (partisan) Americans are okay with this reality.

BlueCollar maintains embattled Americans in Benghazi would have had no problem in accepting U.S. military help from a lying politician. Whether honest or not, an American President’s first responsibility is to protect Americans. Obama protected his re-election.

Lying just doesn’t rise to the same despicable level as a dereliction of duty that results in dead and wounded Americans summarily left unprotected in harm’s way.

As to the number of Americans left to their fate by that dereliction of duty: various news accounts have guesstimated the survivor count at 30-35. Obama continues hiding them, so, that number is vague. But add the 4 murdered, and that number jumps to 34-39.

40 isn’t a stretch. If Obama et al want to challenge the number, let them present the survivors. (But we would suggest it’s not a good idea holding your breath ’til they do.)

As a former Marine, we don’t care – regardless of the number, to protect Americans…

…real men run TO the fight…not away.

WARNING: Your elderly family members ARE at risk!

Mark C. reminds us just how seriously Obamacare puts our elderly at risk.

  • Medicare recipients face huge financial costs for ‘under observation’ treatment;
  • Many life-saving medicines for elderly conditions are not being covered;
  • For patients 70-or-over, many procedures (colonoscopy, etc) will be dropped;
  • For patients over 76, Obamacare is dropping cancer treatment coverage;

(Unless they’re rich) only two classes of people aren’t at risk…

  1. Illegal immigrants;
  2. The politicians, who forced Obamacare down your throat!

And there’s only one way to protect your elderly family members from this threat…

…on Nov. 04, 2014, VOTE for the political party that fought against Obamacare.

Boehner applies the Obama-rule to Benghazi special hearing makeup, Pelosi displeased

Remember Obama’s 2009 retort to (then) House minority GOP members…“I won”?

(Then) Speaker Pelosi (d-CA) nodded approvingly…now, finds it a bitter pill to swallow.

Current political makeup of the House has 233 Republicans, 205 Democrats.

(Now) Speaker Boehner should remind Pelosi how it works, this go-round…

…the GOP won the House of Representatives in 2010. And 2012.

But, then, should remind her of who lost…

…Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.

Benghazi accountability-deniers & GOP enablers lose sight of Obama’s true disgrace…leaving Americans to die

Rep. Pelosi (d-CA) and Schiff (d-CA) spent Sunday on talk shows scoffing Benghazi accountability, alluding to the ‘it-was-a-video’ lie as old news and partisan retaliation.

They and their political advisors don’t see any value in helping GOP investigations.

Then there are the GOP groups, shrugging  a collective shoulder at ‘just another lie’.

They all ignore the REAL scandal – an American president (writ small justifiably) who deliberately left 40 Americans to their fate in Benghazi, unwilling to send them help.

The attack started around 8pm, and lasted ’til the following morning. Obama and his gutless minions had no idea how long it would last, or how many Americans would die.

For all intents and purposes, he left Americans to die. Why? Because he’s a coward, and made a cold-blooded calculation: better to lose them…then lose an election.

See, sending in the U.S. Military would have revealed his ‘al-Qaeda on its heels’ lie.

Obama has drone-killed – with impunity – in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, etc; and who can forget our Navy SEALs ‘visiting’ Pakistan to deliver greetings to Usama bin Laden?

He respects no boundary when it comes to killing terrorists at training seminars, high-level meetings, weddings, and camel-auctions…yet not Benghazi on 9-11-2012?

A coward willing to kill terrorists in their daily travels by drone, but unwilling to drone terrorists implacably overrunning an American consulate with murderous intent, makes no sense…except in the context of that ‘protect my re-election’ explanation.

‘The president lied about the video.’ So What? Add it to all his other lies…but focus!

Obama’s laughing his ass off, pleased that everyone is playing in the weeds of ‘lying-about-videos’ and ‘lying about al-Qaeda’, seemingly oblivious to his dereliction of duty.

But there’s no more important duty for a president, than protecting America’s citizens.

And that’s exactly what DID NOT HAPPEN on 9-11-2012. He left them to die.

Only Obama could have authorized that military assistance.

Will anyone in the media focus on the real scandal? Will Democrats stay in denial?

Will voters understand this when they go to the polls this November?