American vets left to die in Benghazi, left to die in Phoenix…all the same to this administration

Looks like it doesn’t matter to this administration whether vicious al-Qaeda terror attacks or callous, bonus-hungry American government workers kill our veterans…

…or how long the warning is sounded before those deaths begin.

Now we learn the just-elected Obama and his transition team were warned in 2008 that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times for veterans.

Some argue that demands for a resignation by VA Secretary Shinseki are uncalled for.

How many years advance warning should he have had before a resignation is justified?

And, more importantly, exactly how many veterans should be left to die before someone in this administration is held accountable? Anyone…anyone…?

Just asking….

Is the GOP really intent on immigration-reform suicide…?

Several respectable GOP voices seem convinced Americans want immigration reform.

Maybe it would be more convincing, if those polled knew the real consequences.

Anyone should be in favor of reforming law…to make it better. Trouble is, rarely do the polling questions note the context within which this particular debate occurs.

If existing law isn’t being enforced, for example, or, if borders aren’t being secured properly despite laws requiring they be secured, will making more law be the answer?

Of course not. Many Republicans who ‘agree’ on pro-reform are actually simply trying to assert that existing law needs to be enforced…not that new laws are needed.

Then there’s the question of why Republicans would like to remain a party out of power.

If Republican voters polled on the need for immigration reform were reminded that new immigrants always tend to vote Democrat (vs Republican) because they want larger government and entitlement safety nets, would their response still really be ‘yes’?

We suggest that, before learned voices like Larry Kudlow and Fred Barnes assert ad nauseam that ‘even Republican voters are in favor of immigration reform’, it would be a good idea if they first check on how the polling questions were framed.

Or are GOP voters really approving of creating new laws that won’t be enforced…

…and indifferent to the fact new immigrants tilt the balance Democrat for decades?

Yeah…the majority want immigration reform, but the Left just wants to get more voters.

(If these new ‘citizens’ were likely to trend GOP, would the Left be hellbent on reform? And, if immigration were anything but an election-year ploy, wouldn’t Democrats have done something about it when they were in total control during 2009 and 2010?)

The Right wants reforms that will be enforced, including strong effective border control and an honest, fair approach to citizen status for those who have been here illegally.

Not too much to ask…just too much for this current political class to give.

Tea Party efforts yield good economic news

A chief economist at the Heritage Foundation says the Tea Party’s a huge success.

According to Mr. Moore, the budget deficit has been dramatically reduced, primarily due to the success of the Tea Party movement to stop run-away government spending.

Tea Party efforts brought Republicans to power in the House in the 2010 mid-terms, Spending control is a primary function of the House, and the GOP reined it in.

But 2012 elections kept the Democrats in control of the Senate. Budget deals hit rocky roads, and future spending will go out of control again unless 2014 elections intervene.

Voting to put Republicans in the Senate majority will send a mandate message to DC.

Just one more reason to get out the message for change this year.

If you liked your low-cost healthcare premium…Lose Your Democrat Senator

As Obamacare premium notices indicate…plan prices will skyrocket soon.

But it’s not only monthly plan premiums going up. Your out-of pocket costs (co-pays, deductibles) are being hiked as well, and you can thank Democrats for that too.

Obama delayed the law’s cap on out-of-pocket costs until 2015. The caps would have driven premiums up, resulting in a huge voter resentment  backlash against Democrats (after all, it’s their law). His delay was meant to stop an election-year rate shock.

But, like a many-headed Hydra, the hits from this travesty of a law keep coming.

Many Americans are being slammed with HUGE hikes in their co-pay and deductibles, and fewer healthy signups mean premiums on all have to rise to cover insurer costs.

Paraphrasing one Republican running against a Democrat Senator this year…

“…if you like (or liked) your healthcare plan…LOSE your Senator.”

REMINDER – Only with a Republican Senate can Obamacare be repealed.

The plain fact is…facts don’t matter

If facts were votes, Republicans would reign supreme.

Reading an “Inequality Myths” article on National Review offers the perspective. Mr. Tanner thoroughly destroys Democrat talking points on Income Inequality.

For that matter, on a daily basis, with a barrage of facts, conservative sites destroy Democrat myths like ‘war-on-women’, racial inequality, etc, used to attack the GOP.

Unfortunately, for much of the opposition electorate, facts don’t seem to matter.

Democrat politicians veil their special-interest-favoring policies with deceptive slogans that play on class resentments, envy, and anger of the lesser fortunate – and gullible.


The GOP is blamed, Democrat politicians get votes, and they and their cronies get rich.

On issue after issue, if Facts and Truth were coin of the Realm, Democrat politicians long ago would have been cast into debtor’s prison.

That Democrats still rule is a testament to their ability to LIE…

…and their supporters’ unreasonable ability to let emotions be manipulated.

Looks like Democrats are REALLY hoping their voters are stupid

A May 13 Wall St. Journal story notes Democrat Senators ‘touting their roots’, hoping that their long line of family political activity will save them, come November.

Mary Landrieu’s pitch is especially priceless, additionally citing how she ‘took on Obama’ to get the Keystone XL pipeline project to become reality.

Problem is, looks like her Democrat Senate cohort just killed Keystone for this year.

What Landrieu and her other endangered Democrat Senate colleagues are hoping is that Democrat voters are too stupid to realize it doesn’t matter if any one Democrat Senator ‘takes on Obama’…when the balance of a Democrat majority supports him.

It’s what the Senate majority does that counts…and Democrat Senators in peril this November (Landrieu, Begich, Pryor, etc) hope voters don’t understand/know that.

Any legislation that could help the jobless, drive down gas and electric prices, and grow the economy is now at the mercy of the Democrat Senate majority (dozens of stalled GOP House bills that would help are still hidden in Harry Reid’s closet ‘lock-down’).

No amount of individual ‘but-I-fought-Obama’ Democrat posturing changes that…

…so their only hope is that their loyal-at-any-cost voter base is that stupid.

The Wall Street Journal summed it up very succinctly today…

…”(if voters) want anything meaningful done in the last two years of…Obama…they will have to elect a Republican Senate.” (emphasis added)

The secret to getting Attorney General Holder to investigate VA ‘waiting list’ deaths

AG Holder has stated the Justice Dept. has no plans to investigate deaths of veterans who were allegedly put on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals.

Considering his ‘prioritizing’ track record, it’s really no secret how to get him involved…

…just tell him there were black veterans that died.

He’ll be all over that ‘secret waiting list’ VA death issue in a New York minute.

Obama briefed on MERS virus…what, no Situation Room photo-op?

Evidently Obama is ‘very seriously’ all over this MERS coronavirus situation.

Any minute now, we expect to see photo-ops of him in the Situation Room, no doubt surrounded by serious looking doctors and scientists with clipboards and med charts.

Too bad the Benghazi terrorists didn’t have the MERS virus on 9/11/2012. Maybe then Obama’s team would have been “watching it very closely“, and “coordinating“.

They might have even sent our endangered American personnel some assistance.

Next time American foreign-service personnel come under attack by terrorists in some  3rd world cesspit, they should advise the White House that the terrorists have MERS.

Maybe that will get them the help they need?

A solution for resolve-challenged Republicans

Representative Gowdy (R-SC) heads the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Their purpose is to get answers. Democrats will scream ‘partisan witch-hunt’, and that all answers have been learned…BlueCollar believes there’s a HUGE one unanswered.

BCP has long held the view that failing to assist Americans during the fatal Benghazi attack is the most egregious act of this administration and its ruler – Barack Obama.

But, House Republicans have shown a remarkable lack of spine in this matter, we presume intimidated by an ‘historic’ cachet of this ‘First Black-American’ president.

The orchestrated White House ‘it-was-the-video’ lie has been proven. Hearings have already divulged the State Department did not request military assistance. But in the matter of where Obama was during the 8-hour+ attack – stonewall: nobody’s talking.

Only a president can authorize sending U.S. forces in to help embattled Americans in a foreign nation. But this president not only didn’t…he refuses to answer where he was.

But, one might ask, Americans were killed…why would a president be willing to suffer the justifiable criticism of ‘unknown whereabouts’, under such dire circumstances?

We suspect the reason for this stonewall is simple…Obama was too busy prepping for next day’s Vegas campaign stop, and his next pre-election debate. An op-ed alludes to a POTUS prep meeting with 3 consultants when Obama’s whereabouts are a mystery.

And, that Washington Post article by Marc Thiessen provides a method for backbone- deficient Republicans to get their answer, without giving ammo to media ‘pc-police’ (who seem to scream ‘racist’ every time this president is asked for an accounting).

Subpoena those consultants for the hearing now. Separate and isolate them, so they can’t talk to each other. Then, put them all under oath, and grille each separately.

Plus, subpoena the White House Visitor Log, to determine when they arrived and left that fatal night. The Benghazi annex assault ended around 11:30pm, DC time. If those consultants logged out after spending hours there, you can bet Obama was with them.

BCP is convinced you’ll learn Obama prepped for re-election…while Americans died.