The big problem when ‘kicking a can’ down the road…

House GOP members claim the budget deal just passed was the best they could do.

BCP has a tendency to trust the instincts of Paul Ryan, even if we don’t agree.

A popular conservative talk radio host believes the only way to deal with Liberals is to attack them and their policies relentlessly…BlueCollar strongly agrees with this tactic.

Past blogs have made a strong case for impeaching the Democrat Senate & Obama, for the fraudulent nature of their assurances about keeping health plans and doctors, as well as the lawless and unconstitutional acts of this Democrat Party as a whole.

Ryan and his colleagues don’t see that as an option, and are hoping for the election of November 2014 to win back the Senate before pushing the GOP agenda.

To that end, they took the best deal available to get a budget deal behind them, & keep O’care front-and-center as the big issue between now and November 2014 elections.

Willing to trust Congressman Ryan’s instincts, we would issue one note of caution…

…when you kick a can, you never know which way it will go…or where it will end up.

Stop his lawlessness, or suffer the consequences…

Using executive orders to create law is unconstitutional, but Obama’s doing it.

BlueCollar predicted it would get worse if unchecked…stacking the DC Circuit Court guarantees that reality, as this article from the Washington Examiner reveals.

Podesta confirms more executive orders skirting Congress are on the way.

The House of Representatives must either dry up funding of the departments Obama will rely on to carry out his lawless activities, or impeach as noted previously.

Nothing less will halt his lawless activities.

Why impeachment wouldn’t necessitate removal from office

Some may note the Constitution, Article 2, Section 4, calls for ‘removal from office’.

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

But the pertinent section above reads “…impeachment for, and Conviction of…”

This president is a narcissist. If the impeachment proceedings are going against him, he will not want, as his legacy, to be known as the first ‘impeached’ black president.

Congress can force him to cease his lawless activities, in exchange for no conviction.

And, if he’s not convicted after impeachment…he won’t be removed from office.

Senate impeachment requires 2/3 voting ‘for’ (Article 1, Section 3). And, if the deceitful Democrat Senate cohort are sitting on trial next to Obama, the GOP has that majority.

Better legal minds can work out the details, but ’twere best done quickly…

…because with this president, there’s not a lie that can’t be spoken…

…and there’s not a law that can’t be broken.

De-fang him (but, don’t let the Democrat Senate off the hook).

Permissiveness begets tyranny…

While the DC chattering class warns impeachment is not an option, consider…

If Congress fails to check Obama’s trampling of the Rule of Law, he has every right to interpret that as condoning of such activities…and sees no reason to curtail them.

Silence implies consent.

The House has two controls in our checks-&-balances system…

1) cutting back on funding (where ‘Obama-overreach’ occurs);

2) impeachment.

Cutting funding provides Democrats with a ‘government shutdown’ blame-game, and, when aided by a duplicitous media, manages to foment anti-GOP sentiment.

Impeachment carries with it a certain ‘racial’ hysteria, and the usual lap-dog media will carry that water for Democrats enthusiastically, energetically, and endlessly.

But the alternative is… Silence Implies Consent (and invites more of the same).

An earlier blog noted that impeachment doesn’t necessitate ‘removal from office’. We Americans are fair-minded, and sentiment is growing against government overreach.

Americans also (finally) recognize they were subjected to a slew of Obamacare lies. They see the overreach, and don’t like the way this administration is operating.

Impeachment as a due process ensures the Rule of Law is honored. Those involved get their day in court, and have an opportunity to defend their actions, if they can.

GOP leaders must choose their path, or understand inaction begets more tyranny.

In the presence of Executive lawlessness, doing nothing may be politically expedient…

…but it’s morally, legally, (and Constitutionally) wrong.

Members of Congress swear to ‘support and defend’ the Constitution.

Inaction when its being trampled violates that oath.

Message to a nervous GOP – Impeachment doesn’t necessitate removal from office…

At a House Judiciary hearing, ‘Impeachment’ talk has resurfaced on Capitol Hill.

Even a liberal George Washington University law professor openly stated during the Congressional Hearing that Obama’s lawless acts deserve a Constitutional rebuke.

House GOP leaders are nervous. They resent Obama’s unconstitutional acts, but are also skittish about the “i” word, seeing little public sentiment to support such an act.

None of them want to be involved in impeaching Obama, for a variety of reasons.

Are they missing a larger point? None want responsibility for removing the first black president from office…but fail to realize ‘impeachment’ doesn’t dictate removal.

Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution states

“Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”

“Judgment…shall not extend further…” That leaves a lot of room for actions that can halt Obama’s lawless behavior without necessarily going as far as “…removal from Office…”

Andrew McCarthy has written brilliant, focused impeachment articles on this very issue.

The Weekly Standard’s Barnes notes Obama’s under-water in 5 crucial polling issues. It begs the question of why the GOP is still afraid to go down an impeachment path.

Obama’s lawlessness must be stopped – otherwise, at what point is there a Red Line?

Our August 27 blog pointed out the problem of SELECTIVELY enforcing the Law..

…with such an act, Americans no longer become subject to the Law

…we become subject to those who do the selecting.

Impeachment is a final Constitutional check on a branch of government running rough-shod over the Rule of Law, thus subjecting American citizens to a Rule of Elitists…

Impeachment is possible. The House initiates the proceedings, but first must de-fang a  Democrat Senate willing to be complicit in Obama’s lawlessness.

An earlier BCP blog laid out the path…impeach Obama and Senate Democrats who, as co-conspirators, were guilty of the ‘if you like your health plan, you can keep it’  fraud.

The Senate Democrats are thus removed from hearing the impeachment process, and the balance of Senate power hearings then shifts to the Senate GOP, as the majority.

Impeachment gives the Congress power to check Obama’s lawless activities, right up to the doorway that could remove him from Office…if public sentiment swings that way.

If not, leave him in Office, but de-fanged.

(After all, a de-fanged Obama is preferable to a President Biden…!)

And we ALL know what happens when the back-end isn’t working…

Reflecting on the joke about the organs of a human body arguing which was most powerful, it’s particularly laughable when you see a headline like this on Obamacare…

…”CBS: Backend of Obamacare Website Is Not Functioning…”

As the story goes, the brain and heart made their case, then the stomach chimed in…

But when the ‘back-end’ stopped working…

After 3+ years, still hyping the unworkable…?

Obama’s hitting the road again, to campaign for support of Obamacare.

But, if a law only works when it’s foundational mechanisms are delayed or not enforced, how does he expect to hype its benefits? And who does he expect to believe the lies?

Someone should explain to him – his problem isn’t that Americans aren’t buying his hype…

…his problem is he can’t sell it…