GOP can brand every O’care Democrat in Congress as a liar and felon

There’s one way Republicans can brand the Congressional Democrats who forced Obamacare down America’s throat – impeach every last one of them. Now.

Obama’s trying to shift the failures of Obamacare (i.e., cancellations) onto insurers.

Democrat Senators are trying to deflect the blame with avoidance legislation.

But Obama and his 314 Congressional Democrat House & Senate cohort forced this nightmare on America, and shouldn’t be allowed (with media help) to dodge that now.

House Speaker Boehner holds the solution.

254 House Democrats, & 60 Senate Democrats (counting 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats) were culpable in forcing Obamacare on the American citizenry.

They crafted it behind locked doors, and knew every nuance of what was in the law.

By staying silent for 3 years while Obama spread his “if you like your policy, you can keep it” lie, they are every bit as responsible for the fraud perpetrated as is Obama.

“When a person has a duty to speak, silence may be treated as a false statement.”

Congressional Democrats, House & Senate, had a duty to speak when Obama lied.

They can be arrested for a felony (fraud) per the Constitution, and impeached.

That impeachment will brand them as the liars and perpetrators they are, and preclude them from trying to deflect their chicanery onto insurance companies, or at the GOP.

Branded as the Obamacare enablers, they can run but they can’t hide from their acts.

Do your job, Mr. Speaker.

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