Take a deep breath and think, people…

Gun Control advocates in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook School shooting are screaming for the need to eliminate gun ownership by private citizens.

What they ignore, or don’t know, is that “gun-free zones make us LESS SAFE” (John Fund, “The Facts about Mass Shootings”, National Review Online, Dec 16).

He goes on to say research has shown over the last 62 years, with only 1 exception, that every public U.S. shooting where more than 3 people have been killed occurred in gun-free zones (schools, theaters, shopping malls etc). Why make it easy for demons?

Putting this in perspective: There were 31,672 gun-related deaths in 2010 (a little over 11,000 attributed to homicide and 19,400 suicides), according to the CDC. In that same time-frame, there were 33,687 traffic fatalities. Does anyone suggest auto-free zones on the highway…? (Other than Ralph Nader, that is)

Please…stop wasting time and use some logic. Taking a law-abiding private citizen’s guns away simply makes it easier for the next evildoer to perpetrate the unthinkable.

John Lott (Fund’s research consultant) notes that the Aurora, Colorado theater-shooter had 7 movie houses showing the Batman film he was obsessed with. The killer’s choice wasn’t the closest to him… it was the only theater which had posted signs stating that legal concealed weapons were not allowed. 12 victims died in that ‘gun-free’ zone.

If just one of the administrative staff at Sandy Hook had had a concealed-carry weapon on their person last week, today’s story may have been about a thwarted killer’s lone funeral, rather than 20 children and 6 adults.


What ISN’T an ‘assault weapon’?

The Washington Post is an assault weapon. Unconvinced? Ask Mitt Romney…

Merriam Webster primarily defines ASSAULT as: ‘a violent physical or verbal attack’.

Merriam Webster primarily defines WEAPON as: ‘something used (as a club, knife, or gun) to injure, defeat, or destroy’. Defined secondarily: ‘a means of contending against another’.

A brick is an assault weapon. Ask Reginald Denny, the trucker who was nearly beaten to death during the Rodney King riots in Southern California in the ’90’s.

Senator Harry Reid is an assault weapon. Again, ask Mitt Romney (who, in August, pre-election, was accused of tax evasion by Reid – without Reid offering a shred of proof).

A nail file can be an assault weapon. Or a pillow.

So can a ’67 Oldsmobile Delmont 88.

The point is, the object doesn’t define itself as an assault weapon. The ACT of using it in an assaulting manner does.

Until then, it remains an unspoken slander, a pillow, an Oldsmobile, a nail file, an unwritten string of negative articles, a brick…

Or, yes, a Smith & Wesson.

Invoking the ‘concussion’ amendment…


No other words can describe our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who seems to have chosen to protect herself from Congressional hearings by hiding behind a new creation:

…the ‘concussion’ amendment.

Innocent and guilty alike have chosen to invoke the Fifth, but our intrepid Secretary has broken new ground in her attempt to dodge accountability. Bill must be proud!

Congressional hearings on Benghazi are being held at the end of this week. But news sources say Hillary can’t be there.

Americans want to know why a terrorist hotbed like Benghazi didn’t deserve beefed up U.S. security to protect our people in the area BEFORE the attack on Sep 11; why our people were denied U.S. support DURING the 7-1/2 hour siege that led to 4 dead and many more wounded; and why administration lies were so prevalent for weeks AFTER the attack.

But Secretary Clinton reportedly fainted and suffered a concussion over a week ago. Evidently she’s working from home, and Washington DC being the backward locale that it is, Skype can’t penetrate the fog. Too bad…we’re sure she was eager to testify.

(No word on how world leaders feel about the necessity to deal with a concussed State Department leader in the meantime…)

Selective outrage…

In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, many on the Left are now screaming to take away guns.

Yet this year in America, approximately 1,000,000* unborn will be destroyed, but not one word is heard from the Left about closing down abortion clinics…

Just sayin…..


(Although it did take a few hours, at least we know informed readers are out there!!)

Angus K points out in an email that the 400,000 annual abortions number originally noted in the above article was pretty low. It’s actually about a million every year, when all demographic groups are counted. BCP has made the correction, and notes…

(The 400k number is estimated to be those committed within a certain minority segment of our population annually. Tragically, that minority population makes up only 13% of our society, yet accounts for 40% of total annual abortions.)

BCP will leave it to readers to decide if the numerical error was intentional (to see who’s paying attention) or inadvertent. Keeps you on your toes.

A question for the Left…where do you draw the line between selective and real outrage? One million babies – that’s a lot of abortion clinics to shut down, no?

(Or are you still too busy worrying about guns?)

Stop headlining demonic villains…

Is it just BlueCollarPerspective, or are there others out there who are willing to hear more about the heroes and victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and LESS about the evil twisted demon who killed 20 small children and 6 adults last week?

Seems to BCP that headlining photos and details of the killer non-stop serves only to encourage more of the same acts by other demented ilk to emulate, in their disgusting search for notoriety.


For the ‘tax-the-rich’ voter…Ignorance is blis(tering)…

In response to our “It’s not a zero-sum America…” article, a reader commented by email that they’d be willing to bet “70% of Americans don’t know the House of Representatives originates tax bills.”

While not sure about the percentage, it’s possible many voters 1) don’t listen to news in that much detail, or 2) slept through Civics classes on the Constitution in school.

Either way, how is ignorance a legitimate excuse? And as BCP pointed out in response, it’s logic-defying for Democrats to say an ‘informed’ electorate gave them a tax-the-rich mandate…yet then contort into arguing that an uninformed electorate gave the House it’s ‘no higher taxes’ mandate.

‘Tax-the-rich’ is a paradox for Democrats – empirical govt data show revenues increase to state and federal coffers when tax rates go down. That’s why the only argument they can make (effectively, it would seem) is a class warfare ‘fairness’ mantra.

Paradoxically, if Dems let tax rates stay low and allowed revenues to pour in, they would have even more money to spend on their Solyndras and union cronies. But they need the ‘tax-the-rich’ class warfare to get elected, then are forced into doing just that.

Dem politicians real concern should be IF their constituents ever realize they’ve been played for fools with this tactic, since it’s the SAME politicians who – once elected – write laws that allow their (rich) corporate fat-cat buddies to dodge taxes and raise the cost of their products and services with (legal) deductions/loopholes…then the Dem voters actually end up paying those dodged taxes by way of higher costs & inflation.

So…a case could be made that – for the Dem politician to get elected – ‘ignorance (of the voter) is bliss’…

…but, for the Dem voter who elects them, then gets burned with hidden taxes and higher costs for products and services …

…’ignorance is… blistering’…

This isn’t a zero-sum America, Mr. Boehner…

One party claims low taxation and limited government is best for America because economic growth and prosperity result, which benefits everyone. The other party claims high taxation and big government is best for America because only government can ensure the lesser fortunate get a break.

And even though statistical data prove… 1) lower taxes and less government actually creates MORE state and federal revenue; and 2) higher taxes and more government actually creates LESS state and federal revenue…

… the ‘politics’ at issue have sadly become more important than the logic.

For better or worse, in our November election, ‘high-tax, big-government’ Democrats retained the Presidency and Senate control. They claim that success means they’ve earned a ‘tax-the-rich’ mandate.

But that claim is faulty, if for no other reason than can be found in Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives…” And in that same November election, Americans ensured that the Republicans retained control over this governing body.

And, biased as the main stream media may be, as dysfunctional as our public education system remains, both institutions have reminded Americans incessantly of the role the House of Representatives plays in originating ‘all Bills for raising Revenue.’

That being stated, then – by virtue of the November election results, Speaker Boehner – House Republicans had their mandate reaffirmed… to extend the existing tax rates.

Pass that legislation, send it to the Senate and President, and let that Democrat cohort follow their mandate as they see fit, and as the U.S. Constitution provides.

Mr. Speaker – Honor. Your. Mandate.

…there is no other option.

The Democrat’s “Oh look…a squirrel…!” tax-rate policy

So, if the 2001 & 2003 Bush-Republican tax rates were so bad, so unfair…

…why were top income tax-rates cut only 13%, while the lowest tax-rate was cut 33%?

…why did this Republican-led policy result in a record 52 consecutive months of job growth, producing over 8 million new jobs and resulting in 4.4% unemployment?

…why did the top 1% of income earners pay $84 billion more federal income taxes in 2007 during W’s term, while the bottom 50% paid $6 billion less?

…why did total federal revenues climb from $794 billion in 2003 to $1.16 trillion in 2007? Why did federal revenue from capital gains double from 2003 to 2005?

Oh look…a squirrel…!

…and, finally, why are the ‘W’ tax rates even being blamed for the last 4 years of economic misery, when it was the subprime mortgage crisis created by Democrats (in the ’70’s), and put on steroids by Democrats (in the ’90’s), that led to the economic meltdown in 2008? (Doubters? Honestly,ask yourself: if there was no subprime crisis…)

So…why aren’t these questions being asked of the Democrats and President?

Because the answer to the last question exposes the truth in all the previous questions.

Oh, just one more question for Mr. Obama…if your Federal Government statistics show the first four questions to be true (and they do, if anyone cares to check online)…

…and thus Bush-Republican tax rates are GOOD for America, and all Americans…

…is it then just coincidence that forcing those beneficial tax rates to expire while denying all statistics and spurning empirical proof – and thereby driving up the capital gains & dividend rates – would, as a result, push high income earners OUT of those investments and INTO one of the largest American tax shelters not hit as hard by your tax policy, owned by…

…wait for it…

…your pal, Warren Buffett?

Yeah…probably just a coincidence…

Oh, look…another squirrel…!


(ref. Bureau of Labor Statistics, IRS, & special thanks to Heartland Institute)

Now, how does that work again…?

Your family income is $1000.00 each week.

You hire a financial planner to help you manage the family finances.

He lays out carefully designed cost expenditures for housing, food, transportation, the kids education, investments…obligating you and your family to $1600.00 per week.

Got that? $1000 per week income…$1600 per week expenses. Every week, you’re in the hole another $600. Over a year, you earn $52,000. You’re spending $83,200.

Every year.

Oh…and those ‘investments’? Much of that money goes to your financial planner’s pals, disguising themselves and their shady business plans as ‘futuristic’ and ‘forward-looking’, all the while knowing full well their business models are a scam.

What family would accept such a ‘deal’? Who would hire such a financial planner?

The American people just did. The problem is…they didn’t risk just their money…

…and that family planner they hired has a no-cut 4-year contract…

When a ‘tax cut’ isn’t…MAKE IT a tax cut…

C’mon, Congressman Boehner, make it a REAL tax cut…

The media and Democrat party controlling the White House/Senate insist on calling the pending expiration of the current tax rate a ‘tax cut’…despite the fact that taxes will go up on EVERYONE Jan 01, 2013.

They call it a ‘tax cut’ because they’re trying to force the minority party in control only of the House of Representatives to raise rates on top income earners, but leave middle- and lower-income earner tax rates as they are. This will neutralize the Republican primary platform issue of low taxes, and devastate that party’s brand…not to mention further dampen any possibility of economic growth. How do you fight a media and controlling Democrat party who insist on calling a tax increase a tax cut‘?


Speaker Boehner should initiate a House of Representatives bill that will not only leave the current tax rate in place, but add an amendment that further decreases middle- and lower-income tax rates; say, a one- or two-year additional tax decrease of 1-2%.

That’s a REAL tax cut…and Democrats are now in the box. If they refuse the deal in order to try driving up top-income earner tax rates, they’re the ones blocking a real tax cut for the middle- and low-income earners.

Checkmate, Mr. Obama…