Invoking the ‘concussion’ amendment…


No other words can describe our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who seems to have chosen to protect herself from Congressional hearings by hiding behind a new creation:

…the ‘concussion’ amendment.

Innocent and guilty alike have chosen to invoke the Fifth, but our intrepid Secretary has broken new ground in her attempt to dodge accountability. Bill must be proud!

Congressional hearings on Benghazi are being held at the end of this week. But news sources say Hillary can’t be there.

Americans want to know why a terrorist hotbed like Benghazi didn’t deserve beefed up U.S. security to protect our people in the area BEFORE the attack on Sep 11; why our people were denied U.S. support DURING the 7-1/2 hour siege that led to 4 dead and many more wounded; and why administration lies were so prevalent for weeks AFTER the attack.

But Secretary Clinton reportedly fainted and suffered a concussion over a week ago. Evidently she’s working from home, and Washington DC being the backward locale that it is, Skype can’t penetrate the fog. Too bad…we’re sure she was eager to testify.

(No word on how world leaders feel about the necessity to deal with a concussed State Department leader in the meantime…)

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