The Democrat’s “Oh look…a squirrel…!” tax-rate policy

So, if the 2001 & 2003 Bush-Republican tax rates were so bad, so unfair…

…why were top income tax-rates cut only 13%, while the lowest tax-rate was cut 33%?

…why did this Republican-led policy result in a record 52 consecutive months of job growth, producing over 8 million new jobs and resulting in 4.4% unemployment?

…why did the top 1% of income earners pay $84 billion more federal income taxes in 2007 during W’s term, while the bottom 50% paid $6 billion less?

…why did total federal revenues climb from $794 billion in 2003 to $1.16 trillion in 2007? Why did federal revenue from capital gains double from 2003 to 2005?

Oh look…a squirrel…!

…and, finally, why are the ‘W’ tax rates even being blamed for the last 4 years of economic misery, when it was the subprime mortgage crisis created by Democrats (in the ’70’s), and put on steroids by Democrats (in the ’90’s), that led to the economic meltdown in 2008? (Doubters? Honestly,ask yourself: if there was no subprime crisis…)

So…why aren’t these questions being asked of the Democrats and President?

Because the answer to the last question exposes the truth in all the previous questions.

Oh, just one more question for Mr. Obama…if your Federal Government statistics show the first four questions to be true (and they do, if anyone cares to check online)…

…and thus Bush-Republican tax rates are GOOD for America, and all Americans…

…is it then just coincidence that forcing those beneficial tax rates to expire while denying all statistics and spurning empirical proof – and thereby driving up the capital gains & dividend rates – would, as a result, push high income earners OUT of those investments and INTO one of the largest American tax shelters not hit as hard by your tax policy, owned by…

…wait for it…

…your pal, Warren Buffett?

Yeah…probably just a coincidence…

Oh, look…another squirrel…!


(ref. Bureau of Labor Statistics, IRS, & special thanks to Heartland Institute)

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