Black American achievements deserve a Monument…not a riot

It’s more like EmptyLiesMatter, if facts about black Americans are known…but DELIBERATELY ignored – which is what the Left & LIBedia does on a daily basis.

‘Systemic racism’ and ‘disproportionate police encounters’ oppress black Americans?

Systemic Racism? Not according to noted (black) economist/academic Walter Williams.

Oppression? Not really…“Often overlooked or ignored is the fact that, as a group, black Americans have made the greatest gains, over some of the highest hurdles, and in a shorter span of time than any other racial group in history.” (emph added)

Walter Williams, writing today“…if one totaled up the earnings and spending of black Americans and considered us as a separate nation with our own gross domestic product, we would rank well within the top 20 richest nations.” (emph added)

BLM (blacklivesmatter) groups raging across America, tearing down the statues of their ancestors’ oppressive southern Democrat leaders, complain of lack of opportunity?

They complain of America’s continued oppression of the black American community…

…you know, the one that, as a group, would be among the richest in the world.

No opportunity?

Ask Condoleezza Rice, descendant of dirt-poor southern sharecroppers. Ask Ben Carson, who’s single mom worked as a washer-woman in Boston, then Detroit.

Ms. Rice was a Nat’l Security Adviser. Ben Carson’s a noted pediatric brain surgeon.

As for disproportionate police encounters? How about disproportionate criminality?

We noted in a June 05 post“…they wail ‘blacks are only 13% of the population, but make up 36% of police shooting victims’…yet…we’re NOT told (according to a 2016 Dept of Justice report) ‘…blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of all murders, and 45% of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties…even though they make up only 15% of those county populations.’ Strange…no one reports THAT.”

These inconvenient facts put the nail in the coffin of ‘oppressed blacks’ LIES.

A greater question arises: if, as noted economist Walter Williams finds, black Americans have made the greatest gains over the shortest time, of ANY racial group in history…

…why aren’t they marching in pride…rather than rioting in anger?

Why aren’t they marching to erect a monument to such historical achievement…

…rather than tearing down statues of those preceding Black America’s HUGE efforts?

Here’s a simple solution to stop American Flag desecration…

Wait for Congress to do their job? It’ll never get done. The President should declare the American Flag a National Monument, & apply federal laws when lowlifes desecrate it.

Problem solved.

And, please, can someone at Facebook explain this? “Facebook Content Moderator: If Someone is Wearing a MAGA Hat, I’m Going to Delete Them for Terrorism”

So, desecrating an American Flag is okay, but wearing a MAGA hat is terrorism?

What insane world accepts this?

Thought so…’noose’ in NASCAR garage was there 7 months before garage was assigned to Wallace – as a door pull-down

Much ado about nothing…“‘Noose’ Found in Bubba Wallace’s Garage Was Present since 2019, FBI Finds”and evidently, that’s nowhere near the half of it…

…seems it was the pull-cord to close an overhead door.

We’re guessing every garage at Talladega has a similar pull-cord…

…and this little kerfuffle was nothing more than a publicity stunt. This seems to be what’s happening, if you read this article at TheConservativeTreehouse website.

Seems like TheConservativeTreehouse had 2019 photos of that #4 garage door, with the pull-down cord, as well as #5 garage door with the same arrangement…

…only, this week, photos show NO LOOP (‘noose’) on garage 5. Upshot of it all is that the FBI says there’s no ‘there’ there: who knew Wallace would get garage #4…in 2019?

Garages are dealt out randomly just before race week.

But seems like NASCAR and the national publication Auto Week Racing along with Bubba Wallace, are firmly holding onto that ‘RACISTS Everywhere’ false narrative.

Hard to argue with visual evidence (photos), but that’s what they’re doing.

Despicable Race-Baiting…never thought NASCAR would be a part of that.

Doesn’t matter if they bought into it, or got punk’d into it…only a RACIST portrays a garage door pull-rope as a lynch noose…and only Race-Hustlers allow LIES to bait Systemic-Racism traps.

‘Take-a-knee’ NFL sold out Americans with this ‘systemic racism’ LIE…then the NBA…then our national soccer team…now, NASCAR trashes America.

The only thing left to trust is our President…

…everything else is a LIE…built on LIES.

More like EmptyLivesMatter, if facts about black Americans are known…but DELIBERATELY ignored

Systemic racism and disproportionate police encounters oppress black Americans?

Systemic Racism? Not according to noted (black) economist/academic Walter Williams.

Oppression? Not really…“Often overlooked or ignored is the fact that, as a group, black Americans have made the greatest gains, over some of the highest hurdles, and in a shorter span of time than any other racial group in history.” (emphasis added)

Walter Williams, writing today: “…if one totaled up the earnings and spending of black Americans and considered us as a separate nation with our own gross domestic product, we would rank well within the top 20 richest nations.” (emphasis added)

BLM (blacklivesmatter) groups raging across America, tearing down the statues of their ancestors’ oppressive southern Democrat leaders, complain of lack of opportunity?

They complain of America’s continued oppression of the black American community…

…you know, the one that, as a group, would be among the richest in the world.

No opportunity?

Ask Condoleezza Rice, descendant of dirt-poor southern sharecroppers. Ask Ben Carson, who’s single mom worked as a washer-woman in Boston, then Detroit.

As for disproportionate police encounters? How about disproportionate criminality?

We noted in a June 05 post“…they wail ‘blacks are only 13% of the population, but make up 36% of police shooting victims’…yet…we’re NOT told (according to a 2016 Dept of Justice report) ‘…blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of all murders, and 45% of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties…even though they make up only 15% of those county populations.’ Strange…no one reports THAT.”

These inconvenient facts put the nail in the coffin of ‘oppressed blacks’ LIES.

A greater question arises: if, as noted economist Walter Williams finds, black Americans have made the greatest gains over the shortest time, of ANY racial group in history…

…why aren’t they marching in pride…rather than rioting in anger?

Why aren’t they marching to erect a monument to such historical achievement…

…rather than tearing down statues of those preceding Black America’s HUGE efforts?

The REAL smoking gun…is that there NEVER WAS a smoking gun…

What’s never been mentioned is how clean the Trump campaign group was.

Deep-state couldn’t even use ‘Russia-collusion’ as a fake justification for their illegal spying, falling back on the Foreign Agents Registration Act to justify their lawlessness.

Obama’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies pulled out ALL the stops, got any number of false-pretense surveillance warrants, yet failed to find evidence on anyone.

CIA-DIA-FBI-NSA-DoJ-State Dept…you name it, they couldn’t come up with anything.

(Maybe that’s what really scares them…they’re facing a real HONEST man for once.)

NO EVIDENCE. The REAL smoking gun…is that THERE WAS NO smoking gun.

(Unless real honesty is a smoking gun.)

That should tell any honest person all they need to know, about President Trump.

Every other insinuation is just that…insinuation.

Class dismissed.

What you’ll never hear from LIBedia, about the WuFlu virus…

Two things LIBedia won’t report…hospitalizations and deaths from WuFlu are DOWN…

…even as new cases (because of large amounts of new testing) increase.

Sure, they’ll tell you about all the new cases, but they somehow always neglect to tell us how many are asymptomatic…cases where there are no serious symptoms involved.

But, then, why should LIBedia be expected to tell the whole truth?

That way, if there was one death reported yesterday, none today, and two tomorrow, they can still stoke up the fear by reporting ‘Deaths DOUBLE in 48 HOUR Period’…

…evidence of such fear-mongering is available every day.

That’s how they smoke the public…distorting reality, and skewing facts. The New Yorker ran an article on Florida’s 12,673 cases…but that’s a four-month accumulated total.

Despicable…licenses should be revoked.

As VP, Biden was against going after bin-Laden…of course he’d be Usama’s choice

News outlets are besides themselves…Pres Trump says Biden would be UBL’s choice.

Heads are exploding all throughout Lefty-ville. They’re calling it a smear.


As the Vice President, he was against the action that took out bin-Laden.

If that doesn’t tell you who Usama bin-Laden would’ve wanted for President, what will?

California governor goes all-in on voter fraud…

When in political-survival doubt, fall back on Old Reliable…mail fraud? “Gavin Newsom signs bill to mail ballot to every California voter for November election”

The same people bragging about sabotaging Trump rallies with internet fraud are trying to tell Americans that unsolicited mail-in type ballots for November elections are fine?

As Andrea Widburg points out, in her AmericanThinker article

“This was a win for Trump, no matter how you look at it. First, Democrats openly used a Chinese communist media platform (TikTok) to interfere with an American election. That’s not a good look. Second, although this was a digital scam, the game-playing the Democrats are boasting about matches perfectly what Attorney General Bill Barr warns will happen if Democrat states insist on mail-in voting.(emphasis added)

Of course, from the Democrat point of view, all’s fair…even election interference.

We’re thinking a judicial review of that philosophy is in order.