Thought so…’noose’ in NASCAR garage was there 7 months before garage was assigned to Wallace – as a door pull-down

Much ado about nothing…“‘Noose’ Found in Bubba Wallace’s Garage Was Present since 2019, FBI Finds”and evidently, that’s nowhere near the half of it…

…seems it was the pull-cord to close an overhead door.

We’re guessing every garage at Talladega has a similar pull-cord…

…and this little kerfuffle was nothing more than a publicity stunt. This seems to be what’s happening, if you read this article at TheConservativeTreehouse website.

Seems like TheConservativeTreehouse had 2019 photos of that #4 garage door, with the pull-down cord, as well as #5 garage door with the same arrangement…

…only, this week, photos show NO LOOP (‘noose’) on garage 5. Upshot of it all is that the FBI says there’s no ‘there’ there: who knew Wallace would get garage #4…in 2019?

Garages are dealt out randomly just before race week.

But seems like NASCAR and the national publication Auto Week Racing along with Bubba Wallace, are firmly holding onto that ‘RACISTS Everywhere’ false narrative.

Hard to argue with visual evidence (photos), but that’s what they’re doing.

Despicable Race-Baiting…never thought NASCAR would be a part of that.

Doesn’t matter if they bought into it, or got punk’d into it…only a RACIST portrays a garage door pull-rope as a lynch noose…and only Race-Hustlers allow LIES to bait Systemic-Racism traps.

‘Take-a-knee’ NFL sold out Americans with this ‘systemic racism’ LIE…then the NBA…then our national soccer team…now, NASCAR trashes America.

The only thing left to trust is our President…

…everything else is a LIE…built on LIES.

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