Schiff exposed as a LIAR & can’t be trusted on House Intel committee

He’s now the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

His name is Adam Schiff…and he’s a proven liar, by his own written words.

Short story – leaked testimony reveals a senior Justice Dept. associate attorney general, Bruce Ohr, testified during a committee hearing that he told DOJ & FBI officials of the connection between Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Steele ‘dossier’ BEFORE the 2016 election (in July & August, 2016). Despite knowledge of that link, senior officials went ahead with FISA warrant applications, not disclosing its true nature.

When the Republican members of the committee released their memo condemning the FISA chicanery, Schiff and Democrat members wrote a rebuttal, declaring Ohr’s role as mischaracterized, and misleads the timeframe of Ohr meeting with the FBI.

It says “…in late November 2016, Ohr informed the FBI of his prior professional relationship with Steele and information that Steele shared with him…this occurred weeks after the election and more than a month after the Court approved the initial FISA application” (bold emphasis added, underlines are from their original memo)

That’s a flat-out LIE. They lie about the date, then emphasize with 2 ‘after’ assertions.

And, then there’s this: “…By the time Ohr debriefs…the FBI, it had already terminated Steele as a source.” But, Steele was terminated by the FBI after an Oct 30 2016 press report revealed Steele had …leaked his involvement with the FBI.”

Another flat-out LIE. Deliberately sent out to the American people.

They deliberately lie, and have the gall to acknowledge authoring the lie.

Question to HONEST Democrats:

Are you okay with House Select Intelligence Committee members in your Party who are willing to LIE to you indiscriminately, about serious Intelligence matters?

Not only can they not be trusted in that capacity…they shouldn’t be in the House at all.

Great way to force Pelosi to hear from families of victims killed by illegal aliens

Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Families Of Victims Killed By Illegal Aliens

State of the Union address is off: No 2 House Democrat Hoyer


Force her to listen…President Trump should use the State of the Union address. He can televise the process, and send Congress a State-of-the-Union tape (since it seems apparent a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives won’t host the event).

Give the address, but, at the segment of how illegal immigration impacts America, let families of victims who were killed by illegal aliens verbally deliver that information.

Using a video tape to deliver the SOTU-address kills multiple birds with one stone…

  • Democrats have to listen to the impacted families;
  • We get to listen to the unvarnished truth of what’s going on in the U.S.;
  • We don’t have to watch the usual split-screen applause/hand-sitting of Parties;
  • and President Trump doesn’t have to put up with the usual Democrat disruptions.

Mission Accomplished.

There’s no limit to anti/never-Trump mendacity…

If anyone needs to realize the extent to which Never-Trump’ers will go to hobble a duly elected but undesirable president, David French’s NRO article will spell it out for them.

Based entirely on a false premise, he nevertheless makes the case that the FBI was in the right initiating investigations into President Trump…’cuz Ronald Reagan said ‘ok’.

Boiled down, there was this 1981 executive order which, French claims, gives the FBI the right to violate the U.S. Constitution and its checks-&-balances system by doing their own version of ‘checks’ on the very Executive branch leader who is their boss.

Specifically, the e.o. reads (Sec. 1.7, g):

(g) INTELLIGENCE ELEMENTS OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. Under the supervision of the Attorney General and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall:

(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions, in accordance with procedural guidelines approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Director;

(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities; and

(3) Conduct foreign intelligence and counterintelligence liaison relationships with intelligence, security, and law enforcement services of foreign governments or international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order.

Beyond the fact that executive orders cannot overturn, or otherwise be in violation of our U.S. Constitution, we emphasized ‘national missions’ because, guess what…?

President Trump defines the national missions. (That being said, and false premise aside, the FBI has no right to decide how a president defines the ‘national mission’.)

So, if anyone wants to read a couple thousand wasted words using a false premise to justify ILLEGAL activities of the FBI, feel free…but the end result remains the same…

…it’s a FALSE PREMISE…but it is a very good insight…

…into how far a Never-Trump’er goes to hate on this President.

Elitists should pull down their walls, show they’re ok relying on ‘technological walls’ first

Townhall: “Democrats Want ‘Technological Wall’ That Won’t Keep Anybody Out”

“Instead of building an actual physical barrier of steel, concrete or some other material, Pelosi, Clyburn and other Democrats advocate employing an array of high-tech devices — drones, infrared sensors, surveillance cameras and more — to keep track of activity at the border without physical impediments to discourage illegal crossings.”

Those advocates should tear down their walls, and use that idea for their own security.

But then, these mental midgets never practice what they preach.

Is downsizing gov’t an objective behind this borderwall-shutdown empasse?

American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson expands on the concept…

“Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy?  In only five more days of the already “longest government shutdown in history” (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.” (bold, color emphasis added)

Smaller government? Yeah, we’re down with that.

But…if “walls don’t work”…isn’t that what Democrats want?

First, where we come from, the ones NOT willing to negotiate are the problem.

If Democrats voted for physical barriers in the past, but then refused to fund the barriers at the border they voted for, that’s called false posturing and legislative malfeasance.

And, the Democrat leadership are all on tape and video saying barriers are needed.

So, when President Trump calls for funding to put up just a part of the barrier they’ve all indicated was necessary in the past, but now refuse funding and won’t negotiate, then…

…the shutdown is on them. Democrats own it.

If anyone needs further proof, their sudden epiphany that ‘walls don’t work’ is an empty logic…if that were true, it proves Pres. Trump wrong, and leaves borders accessible.

Politicians who spend tax-dollars studying the mating habits of transgender frogs would not hesitate to waste money on a wall that wouldn’t work…and make Trump look stupid.

Pelosi and Schumer, as Party leaders in the House and Senate, refuse to negotiate, while the President has indicated he wants to make a deal that gets a wall funded.

As noted earlier…those unwilling to negotiate any deal are the problem.

Pres. Trump identified a crisis, tried to negotiate…revealed Democrats as recalcitrant.

That said, the President should set a deadline…negotiate, or expect executive action.

After all, if it’s a crisis, it MUST be addressed.

Uhhhh…do they realize, by the Left’s standard that means Obama colluded with Iran?

All presidential foreign policies and actions have one thing in common…

…some foreign countries benefit from them, and some do not.

Which means (when it comes to FakeNews) Trump’s damned, no matter what he does.


While the NY Times tries to torpedo Pres. Trump as possibly ‘unwittingly’ working for Russia, by that same standard Obama ‘wittingly’ worked for Iran during his 8 years.

Anti-Trump’ers turned a blind eye to giving the world’s leading terror sponsor billions of dollars and nuclear capabilities, yet wail over a few words Trump said about Putin?

That’s all the Left has…words. NO EVIDENCE. Words.

Because of that multiple investigations were initiated?

Say it ain’t so.

Please say intelligent people don’t buy this puerile rationale.

Where was media outrage when Obama talked to Iran before his inauguration?

Talk about stirring a hypocritical stew, FakeNews is outdoing itself, re ‘Trump & Russia’.

Iran is the Number One sponsor of terrorism in the world, yet Obama-&-team met with the ‘high-level’ Iranian leadership prior to his inauguration…and FakeNews yawned.

This faux-angst over Russia is meant to deflect from what the Obama administration and Democrat Party were doing illegally against Republicans during an election cycle.

And, as well, meant to delegitimize/diminish President Trump to the extent a gullible electorate allows that to happen, either through their hatred or intellectual laziness.

(Aided by media, which is why they’re pushing the narrative hard. As duplicitous as they were in abetting the coordinated fraud, stirring up mud obscures the part they played.)

Enough is enough.

Talk’s cheap, whining gets us nowhere. Pres. Trump’s Justice Dept. needs to step up. It’s time to put some teeth into the investigation of this 2016 political wrongdoing.

Indict the ring-leaders, and their cohort.

Failure to do so makes a mockery of Rule-of-Law, and our Constitutional process…

…and GUARANTEES even more egregious Democrat behavior in future elections.

More supporting data that this is all a cover-up…

We said it as soon as Mueller was appointed…the objective was to hide evidence of the many wrongdoings of the Obama administration, including Obama and Hillary Clinton.

This American Thinker article “Hiding Evidence: The Continuing Cover-Up” makes clear the nefarious actors (including Mueller), past cover-ups, and present chicanery.

Well worth the time to read.