How are ‘people of color’ benefiting from MAGA jobs triggered…by MAGA hats?

NBC News ‘thought experiment‘: “Before he encountered Omaha elder Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial, Covington High School student Nick Sandmann had already taken steps to provoke and insult people of color. He’d put on a MAGA hat.”

Got that?

‘People of color’ benefiting from historic employment for minorities are provoked and insulted by the Make-America-Great-Again policies which created that achievement?

Why – are they angry because now they have job opportunities?

Thought experiment indeed…

  • How do historic job opportunities trigger MAGA insults and provocation?
  • How is someone waiting for a bus the one blamed for an ‘encountered’ action?

Here’s a thought experiment: could FakeNews be the cause of false triggers?

Trump trolled media’s belief he’d cave on shutdown, got prime coverage, put Dems in a corner, & killed ‘dictator’ meme

President Trump had announced he’d hold a conference today to announce a big deal involving a possible ‘temporary’ solution regarding the current shutdown…

…our guess was he played on media’s desire to see his ‘caving’ to Pelosi, when he’d developed a solution showing HE’S trying his best for affected federal workers…

…despite Pelosi’s (and Democrat) intransigence.


Just confirmed, after his speech: he temporarily opened government to pay furloughed federal workers, called (again) for Congress to do their job by Feb 15th…or he will.

In one fell swoop, he’s 1) shown a willingness to help furloughed workers Democrats only use as pawns, 2) met Democrat politicians halfway, giving them the chance to do what must be done…and 3) promised if they won’t, he will – by taking executive action.

In one fell swoop, he has put the lie that he’s dictatorial and autocratic to rest; he’s done everything in his power to get Congress to act rather than declare executive actions.

That’s not the way of a ‘monarch’ or ‘dictator’; that’s the action of a principled leader who understands MORE THAN DEMOCRATS the nature of our Constitutional system.

He summed it all up, saying he wants Americans and legal immigrants to “…enjoy the blessings of safety and liberty, and the rule of law.  We cannot protect and deliver these blessings without a strong and secure border. I believe that crime in this country can go down by a massive percentage if we have great security on our southern border.  I believe drugs, large percentages of which come through the southern border, will be cut by a number that nobody will believe.”

Then he threw down the gauntlet: “So let me be very clear: We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier.  If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on February 15th, again, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency.  We will have great security.” 

Walls work. If they didn’t, the very politicians opposing his request for funding would have no need for doors, windows, or walls and fences around their own homes.

Let’s hope Congress can finally perform their Constitutional function.

Failing that, we’re sure the President will.

Mueller’s indictment of Stone guts the premise of ‘collusion’

While the Left’s aflutter over Mueller’s indictment of Trump campaign aide Roger Stone, it seems they’re ignoring a key element of the indictment negating the ‘collusion’ meme.

First, we should understand he’s charged with lying to Congress, not Mueller.

More importantly, he’s charged with lying about his efforts to find out what damaging emails (or information) WikiLeaks may have had regarding the Clinton campaign.

(Count four of the indictment)

That’s huge, when one considers the ‘collusion’ premise is based on assertions that the Trump campaign was directly involved with ‘hacking’ of those emails: why would Stone be asking anyone to find out information that they’re already accused of having?

Pelosi CAN’T STOP a state-of-the-union address

Obviously unfamiliar – or uncaring – about the U.S. Constitution she took an oath to uphold, speaker Pelosi says she ‘won’t authorize an SOTU address’.

She has no authority in the matter…the Constitution says in Article II, sect 3 that the president shall provide Congress information on the state of the Union.

FakeNews and delusional Democrats notwithstanding, nothing can stop him from carrying out that Constitutional duty.

If the Democrat majority in the House won’t host the SOTU, Pres Trump can just decide on another venue (hopefully, permanently) that doesn’t lend itself to political grandstanding.

Pelosi’s actions provide him a great opportunity to do so.

Why won’t Pelosi allow a floor vote on SOTU joint resolution?

House Speaker Pelosi refuses to allow a House vote on a joint resolution to the President inviting him to give the State of the Union address.

She maintains ‘Democrats oppose the resolution’ so there’s only one reason she won’t let it come to a vote…

…she’s lying, and knows there are Democrats who DON’T oppose it, and would vote FOR it.

And, sorry Liberals, but she’s NOT doing it for fed-workers affected by the shutdown…

…because House Republicans offered a bill to issue those furloughed their next paychecks, and she wouldn’t allow THAT to be voted on either.

It’s about fighting against anything that this President wants, plain and simple.

Message to unpaid federal workers…you’re being used as pawns.

(Hope they remember that, in 2 years.)

If ‘colluders’ are defined by who benefits, what’s that say about open-border politicians & drug cartels?

As the anti/never-Trump meme goes…

…if Russia benefits from any policy of Pres. Trump’s, that’s evidence of collusion.

We don’t agree – there are many areas where policies benefiting America might directly or indirectly benefit foreign nations – but for the sake of argument, here’s a thought:

By their ‘beneficiary-colluder’ logic, open-border politicians must be colluding with

  • sex traffickers;
  • rapists;
  • pedophiles;
  • terrorists;
  • drug cartels.

(All of whom benefit from open-border policy.) So, let the games begin.

It’s time to open investigations into those supporting policies that benefit the very dregs of society; if ‘money is the mother’s milk of politics’…there’s some ugly breast-feeding that must be going on between the open-border politicians and nasty beneficiaries.

Mr. President – activate your Dept of Justice, FBI, CIA, NSA, and begin a FISA process on them…in the same manner and reasoning with which they justified targeting you.

After all, by their very own standards….there’s a whiff of…collusion!