Difference between ‘plausible’ and ‘political’ plays out before our eyes

President Trump nominated Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court position July 09, 2018.

Any Democrat politician or Left-wing activist (yeah, we know, what’s the difference?) worth their salt would know that an FBI background check would follow a nomination.

And a claim of sexual assault (especially in the ears of a deep-state’er in the FBI ranks known for their hostility to ANYTHING Trump-related) would be vigorously checked.

Knowing: her past claims to a therapist involved a contradictory number of assailants (she blames bad therapist note-taking); she can’t remember when it happened; and she can’t remember where it happened…any reasoning person would expect to be doubted.

Alerting FBI in July demonstrates a plausible claim (however minimal) worth checking.

But, to WAIT until the 11th hour demonstrates a political gambit worth…nothing.

We know, we know…she’s a woman – but MORE importantly, Kavanaugh is (gasp) a Trump-nominee – which means her claim MUST be heard regardless of

  • the 36-years past since the (what amounts to) alleged teen-age groping,
  • the confusing number of assailants she says were involved,
  • the failure to tell anyone at the time,
  • the fact when it happened isn’t known,
  • the fact where it happened isn’t known,
  • the fact it wasn’t brought up in July when he was nominated…

…’cuz, hey…he’s a TRUMP/GOP nominee – which means it’s ALWAYS plausible.

(But don’t listen to BlueCollar…ask any honest cop how they’d handle such a claim.)

Despicable treatment of an exemplary man should earn FakeNews a new title…

Despicable treatment of an exemplary man…enabled, encouraged and abetted by a deceitful media…should earn FakeNews a new title: MALICE-News.

Dictionary.com defines malice as desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness

‘Fake’News just doesn’t describe the malevolence inherent within the Left’s activities, and within the media’s intent to perpetuate those mean-spirited activities…unabated.

A respectable opposition would use logic and reason in their arguments, but there is no respectability within the elected Democrat Party members, or its media masters.

MaliceNews captures the essence of what is transpiring today…

…and is re-named, forevermore.

So let it be written…so let it be done.

Odd, that all these Democrats suddenly object to declassifying Russia-probe docs…?

Gateway Pundit reports“CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS? Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner DEMAND DOJ-FBI Defy Trump Declassification Order” (underline added)

Imagine that.

Intel agencies answer to the President, not to Congress. It’s obvious declassification of the documents involved will go a long way toward revealing deep-state chicanery.

Let the sun shine in.

If she doesn’t know when, where, or who…how can an investigation occur?

Ford doesn’t know when it happened, where it happened, and according to her therapy notes made by the therapist, she’s not even clear on how many assailants there were.

The FBI would laugh her out of the office. According to Andy McCarthy “…there is not a police organization in America that would entertain her allegation, in light of the lapse of time and the long-ago exhaustion of the statute of limitations.”

Well, wait now…we understand former FBI agent Strzok is looking for a gig…

And then, there’s this“Feinstein on Kavanaugh Accuser Ford’s Allegations: ‘I Can’t Say that Everything Is Truthful‘”…

…to which we must respond – Senator, do you have ANY decency?

Actions speak louder than words

The woman claiming sexual assault, alleging Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh as the assailant, now demands an FBI investigation before testifying at the Senate hearing.

Sorry, Ms. Ford, but if you really wanted a full and complete airing of these allegations, the normal (and proper) way to get that accomplished was to bring it up long ago.

Failure to follow necessary procedure on your part does not constitute an emergency on the Senate’s part…your timing-delay tactics have exposed your activist agenda.

As a PhD in psychology, training graduate students in clinical psychology, if anyone would know that, she should know that…since her regimen includes intervention.

“Ford is a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California. A biostatistician, she “specializes in the design and analysis of clinical trials and other forms of intervention evaluation,” according to the university.”

While everyone discusses the trauma that a woman may go through during cases such as she alludes to, why does everyone gloss over Dr. Ford’s psychological background?

Because one would expect a PhD in psychology to know how to cope?

If this did happen to her, are we expected to believe she remained quiet about it for 30 years…opened up about it 6 years ago, in a couples therapy session…but, yet, still remained quiet until the accused was nominated for the Supreme Court?

So, what… if he’d never been nominated…he’d NEVER HAVE BEEN accused?

Ms. Ford opened this can of worms in a suspiciously timed manner. And as we’ve noted previously, Kavanaugh and the only other person involved categorically deny this event.

And it’s more difficult to refute since she doesn’t remember when or where it happened.

The accused has received an overwhelming endorsement from the body of students in his high school and college years, and colleagues who have known him over the years.

The accuser has received ‘anonymous’ online support of persons who claim to have attended her school (but don’t claim to know her personally) and say it could’ve been.


Sorry Dr. Ford, you know Congress serves all Americans, not just you.

To make such specious accusations in a decidedly suspicious manner, with very convenient lapses of memory as to when and where the event occurred, just doesn’t pass the smell test…and certainly gives you no right to make demands of Congress given the manner with which you timed and pushed forward your accusations.

Dr. Ford – Show up for testimony, don’t show up…it’s on you.

Because we’re sure the imminent defamation lawsuit heading your way will provide the investigative process you encourage, and a chance to hear from character witnesses.

(And the Senate should complete their process, regardless what she decides.)

Unhhh…we’ve already heard from ALL the witnesses

Senate Democrats Call Kavanaugh Hearing Plan Unacceptable“…

…because they want to hear from MORE witnesses?

We’ve already heard from the accuser, the accused, and the ‘alleged’ only other guy in the event. She says it happened…the accused and other guy say it never happened.

But Democrats are unhappy ‘cuz they want more witnesses at the hearing?


The real headline should read: “Senate Democrats Want Their CIRCUS”

Anybody curious how a twenty-month President has the power to affect weather?

This Washington Times headline begs the question…“How liberals’ rush to blame Trump for hurricane activity is debunked by science”…

…’Science’?…what about common sense?

Who in their right mind believes a President in office for just twenty months has already caused – or made worse – hurricanes that have been happening since Time began?