“Any serious effort to investigate Russian election hacks must begin with the man who let them to do it” BINGO

Just like we’ve been saying…any Russia-colluding was being done by Democrats.

Channeling BlueCollar, Daniel Greenfield spells it out at FrontPage Magazine

“Why Obama Wanted the Russians to Hack the Election”

So he could weaponize law enforcement and intel agencies against political opponents.

“Obama didn’t want to fight the Russians, but the Russian attacks were very useful because they justified the NSA’s powers, which he was abusing not to go after the Russians, but after American political rivals. And the Russian election hacks played perfectly into his hands by justifying the counterintelligence investigations supposedly aimed at the Russians, but really aimed at domestic political opponents.”

Anyone who denies what was really going on during the Obama years is a fool…

…or a LIAR.


Why IS the President allowing his DOJ & FBI to stonewall Congress?

As news continues to expose the way Democrats weaponized the Justice Dep’t and FBI during the 8 years of the Obama administration, ugly questions need to be answered.

Informants were revealed that had, as their purpose, setting up Trump campaign aides.

WHEN were those informants activated?

FISA warrants were issued by the courts, that opened the door to spy on him and aides.

WHAT information justified the FISA warrants issued, to authorize surveillance?

The Republican-controlled Congressional committees want some answers, but have been unable to get that information from a stonewalling Justice Dep’t and FBI…

…agencies that now WORK FOR the man who was being surveilled.

So, the question is – why are the DOJ and FBI being allowed to continue stonewalling?

Some speculate those answers will hurt the President…that the FBI and Justice Dep’t have concrete justification; he was colluding with Russia, and that’s why he allows it.

But, knowing the eagerness with which leaks have been generated over 18 months, and the total, unhinged derangement syndrome that grips the Left…is that likely?

We think not – if there were ANY proof or evidence, it would be out by now.

We’re guessing the WHEN and WHAT will hurt Democrats, and build support for the President/GOP congressional efforts – he’ll stop stonewalling, when he’s ready…

…to create a tsunami for Nov midterms.

WAIT…Democrat crazy aunt Maxine Waters says God loves endangering children?

Encouraging bad behavior begets INCREASED bad behavior. We know this in our personal lives, and it’s just as true when applied to issues on a National level.

The kids from South America being used to overwhelm America’s border security were seen as equivalent to a ‘Get Into America FREE’ card because of Democrat policies…


What parent in their right mind sends a 10-year old child, alone, on a 2000-mile trip?

(Especially when that trip takes you through drug-cartel crazed and brutalized Mexico.)

DACA, and the continued rhetoric of Democrat politicians and border state governors like California’s Jerry Brown, encourage the use of children…thus, endangering them.

So, when crazy aunt Maxine Waters says God is on her side, it begs the question…

...where in the Bible (or Quran) does it say God sides with those who endanger kids?

There’s ‘oblivion’…and then…there’s riding the tiger

It’s one thing to be blind or oblivious to situations, and then, there’s riding the tiger.

To make that choice, one has to a) be aware of the tiger; and b) choose to get on.

Political analysts have noted the phenomenon of Trump tweets…drawing FakeNews media reflexively deranged attack responses…and the President’s popularity rising.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the President continues his tweet behavior.

What’s baffling is the FakeNews media choice of continually choosing to attack?

We can only assume it’s motivated by a belief they can still bring him down…which leads us to believe those accusing Trump of fatal hubris are themselves guilty of it.


Those who live in security-walled neighborhoods shouldn’t be screaming ‘open borders’

Seriously… before going on vacation, or even briefly going out to the supermarket or mall, when was the last time you deliberately left your front-&-back door open?

It’s hypocritical in the extreme, when elitists living in security-walled neighborhoods and protected by armed security guards if they step out in public…demand open borders.

Open-border policy is the same as demanding citizens leave their houses unlocked.

Good luck with that election message, Democrats.

‘Tone deaf’ takes on a whole new meaning…

Breitbart headline “Hispanic Americans Support Trump Order Detaining Border Crossing Families Together”

Washington Times headline “Majority of voters blame parents, not Trump administration, for child separation at border: Poll”

…and then, there’s this…“Nancy Pelosi Demands Zero Border Enforcement: Detention of Illegal Aliens Is ‘Form of Child Abuse’”

Maybe it’s the Botox…?

Andy McCarthy just DESTROYED the Democrats’ pro-Mueller probe position


That was the sound of Congressional Democrat heads exploding after reading the Andy McCarthy column on the NRO website today, where he channels President Trump.

During the IG hearings on Capitol Hill earlier this week, Democrats went to great length making the point that – after release of the IG report – President Trump tweeted that the Mueller probe was now shown as a Witch Hunt, illegitimate, and should be shut down.

They huffed and puffed, pointing out the IG report was on the Hillary probe, not Trump.

But in a brilliant article, Mr. McCarthy shows the same logic used in that FBI probe of Hillary, in justification of exoneration arguments…can be applied to Mueller’s probe.

McCarthy was a U.S. attorney who prosecuted the Twin-tower bomber…the blind sheik. He knows the law in detail; his contributions to insight on legal matters is penetrating.

He points out the stunning pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias revealed in the IG’s report that, yet, was never seen (by the Insp Gen’l) as affecting decisions to exonerate Hillary.

He sums up the IG report: “…(a) because there were legitimate policy considerations that could have informed every one of their investigative decisions, and (b) because, as a matter of law, the FBI and Justice Department have broad discretion to make such judgment calls, (c) it is not the IG’s place to second-guess those decisions (as to bias).”

Then, Andy lowers the boom: “In other words, if there were plausible legitimate grounds to support a discretionary investigative call, the IG must give investigators the benefit of the doubt, assuming that they acted on those legitimate grounds. Given that this is surely the Justice Department’s position, it should pull the plug, forthwith, on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s obstruction investigation of President Trump.”

(Bold and underline emphasis added)

Pull the plug, because the same logic applies.

President Trump’s right – the same IG report logic justifies ending Mueller’s probe.