Andy McCarthy just DESTROYED the Democrats’ pro-Mueller probe position


That was the sound of Congressional Democrat heads exploding after reading the Andy McCarthy column on the NRO website today, where he channels President Trump.

During the IG hearings on Capitol Hill earlier this week, Democrats went to great length making the point that – after release of the IG report – President Trump tweeted that the Mueller probe was now shown as a Witch Hunt, illegitimate, and should be shut down.

They huffed and puffed, pointing out the IG report was on the Hillary probe, not Trump.

But in a brilliant article, Mr. McCarthy shows the same logic used in that FBI probe of Hillary, in justification of exoneration arguments…can be applied to Mueller’s probe.

McCarthy was a U.S. attorney who prosecuted the Twin-tower bomber…the blind sheik. He knows the law in detail; his contributions to insight on legal matters is penetrating.

He points out the stunning pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias revealed in the IG’s report that, yet, was never seen (by the Insp Gen’l) as affecting decisions to exonerate Hillary.

He sums up the IG report: “…(a) because there were legitimate policy considerations that could have informed every one of their investigative decisions, and (b) because, as a matter of law, the FBI and Justice Department have broad discretion to make such judgment calls, (c) it is not the IG’s place to second-guess those decisions (as to bias).”

Then, Andy lowers the boom: “In other words, if there were plausible legitimate grounds to support a discretionary investigative call, the IG must give investigators the benefit of the doubt, assuming that they acted on those legitimate grounds. Given that this is surely the Justice Department’s position, it should pull the plug, forthwith, on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s obstruction investigation of President Trump.”

(Bold and underline emphasis added)

Pull the plug, because the same logic applies.

President Trump’s right – the same IG report logic justifies ending Mueller’s probe.


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