Fish or cut bait, media…support indictments where evidence prevails

As one scenario after another is hyped, then dropped when evidence shows the only ones indictable…based on EVIDENCE…are Democrats – it’s time to call their bluff.

Take their latest foot-shooting imbroglio: in 2016, Donald Trump Jr took a meeting…calls of ‘treason’ ensue…but during that same time, Clintons took MILLIONS in rubles…

…and there’s only silence in the media.

We said it before, we’ll say it again: there’s no evidence, no proof, of GOP wrongdoing.

The only indictable group…when it comes to collusion, obstruction, or unlawful leaking of classified data…are Democrats, and the proof is voluminous and incontrovertible.

So, if the Fake-News media want indictments…let the indictments begin

…based as need be, on the Rule of Law, which requires ‘where the evidence leads’.

The media demands indictment, so bring on the Democrat perp-walks.


So, Don Jr was to go to an Obama-led FBI to report tales of Hillary misdeeds?

Right – if the Democrats weren’t so scary they’d be laughed out of the public square.

To claim that it was Trump Jr’s responsibility to go to an Obama-led FBI to report that he was asked to meet and discuss prosecutable acts of Hillary is absolutely stupid.

Who in their right mind goes to the opposition…

…to advise there may be damaging info…about the opposition?

If a no-results meeting is cause for alarm, then foreign ruble$ to Clinton is 5-ALARM!!

Question for the sham-stream media – what’s more damning…

…Trump Jr taking away nothing from a meeting with a Russian nobody…or banking millions of Russian rubles in the Clinton family Foundation slush fund?

Can’t wait for the President to take this to the ‘tweet-bank’. First…

(Not that it’s a big deal anyway) but that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian nobody last June was a full 6 weeks before Trump Sr was nominated as the Republican candidate.

Considering all the hoopla prior to the Republican convention, there was no guarantee he would receive the nomination…many speculated electors would defy primary voters.

And, even if that’s not enough, coming away from a non-results meeting is…what?


The question is, if Trump Sr wasn’t yet the GOP candidate, how was the meeting any more of a ‘collusion’ than, say, Bill Clinton’s pay-to-play cash from foreign dignitaries?

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

…defining pre-nomination meetings with Russians as GOP collusion means we’re given a green-light to define foreign ‘payments’ as collusive wink-n-nod offers to Clintons.

When talking ‘appearances’…if a no-result 2016 pre-nomination meeting is alarming…

taking millions from foreign agents to enrich the Clintons…is DAMNING.

Just sayin’.

If the Left wants crimes punished, ok… but evidence proves only Democrats are indictable

The Dept of Justice should take a page from the Left’s book, and start indicting those who have provably committed the crimes the Left accuses Mr. Trump of committing.

BIG problem for them, though, since the only evidence to date indicts Democrats.

  • Proven – collusion with foreign agents (Clinton campaign)
  • Proven – fabricating fraudulent dossier to influence election (Clinton allies)
  • Proven – leaking intel data to non-authorized sources (Democrat allies)
  • Proven – mishandling classified information, communications (Hillary, Rice, etc)
  • Proven – obstruction of justice to thwart investigations (Obama’s AG, Comey)
  • Proven – treason, overthrowing a legitimate gov’t (Fake-News media) (we figured                 you probably wouldn’t need a link for this one…)

In the purest form of irony…

…every crime the GOP is accused of has actually been committed…by DEMOCRATS!

Call their bluff, Mr. President – enforce the Rule of Law.

Uhhh, when exactly did Democrats ever give up the use of opposition research?

It goes without saying that this latest nothing-burger of a Trump Jr meeting is just a next installment of the endless, non-stop effort to attack and delegitimize ANYTHING Trump.

How is it talking heads give credence to condemnation of opposition research?

Opposition research is the go-to top strategy of Democrats and has been for decades.

It defies logic that ANYONE would give credence to Democrat complaints of conducting opposition research…since they are the grand-masters of the strategy to do so.

They’ve now turned the whole ‘Russia collusion’ thing into a double nothing-burger.

What everyone seems to be missing here is that, if a presidential candidate has in fact done something to be condemned…where the proof of that comes from is irrelevant.

This latest imbroglio is simply an extension of several Democrat strategies:

  • Relentlessly, implacably attack political opponents at every turn;
  • Condemn any opposition tactics, even those they themselves employ;
  • Ignore & deflect the substance of charges by attacking the messenger;
  • Falsely accuse Republicans of what Democrats are guilty of doing.

With the help of their tabloid-journalism media masters, it’s worked for them before.

They’re just hoping it’ll work for them again, and one thing’s for sure…

…with anti-Trump Republicans giving Democrats ‘useful idiot’ assistance…

…they’ve got good reason to be hopeful.

Democrats provably used false Russian-fed opposition research against Trump with that fabricated ‘dossier’ and the Left yawns, as if it’s business as usual…

…but go unhinged, hyperventilating over unfounded charges against President Trump.

We said it before, we’ll say it again…this won’t stop, so Trump should go on offense.

He should instruct his Attorney General to re-open the Clinton probe, indict her, Lynch, Comey, and any other deep-state actors where sufficient proof warrants indictment.

Then, start holding tabloid-media types accountable within the boundaries of law, and that includes Homeland Security limitations that Fake-News limits continue to trample.

It’s time to put these people on defense.

How can surveillance videos of criminal acts be guilty of ‘stereotyping’?

Taking political correctness to new heights…

The San Francisco BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) system refuses to release videos of criminal acts committed on their transit lines for fear of stereotyping teenage minorities.

(We can only assume the next group to emerge will be #Criminal-Lives-Matter.)

And shame on surveillance cameras, for being so relentlessly, racially insensitive. 

State solvency ratings prove the Republican way is the right way

The Mercatus report tells the story…

The Top 10 most fiscally solvent states are all solidly Republican.

Investor’s Business Daily gives a report breakdown of key solvency factors, and the overwhelming story is Republican-led states maintain a firm grip on fiscal sanity.

Message to Democrats and Independents?

You may not like Republicans after years of Democrat demonizing, but they like you…

(if you live in one of their states).