Democrat congressman complains about Democrat history of voter intimidation?

A Democrat email trolling for OFA support brings up the spectre of Democrat voter intimidation in the South during the ’60’s, as if somehow it wasn’t their Party doing it.

The KKK was the Democrat militant arm. Jim Crow laws were a Democrat construct. Bull Connor was a Democrat. Deep south lynchings were conducted by Democrats.

So a Democrat congressman evoking the image of voter intimidation in order to get people to support their cause would be laughable, if it wasn’t so historically misleading and tragic.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Obama used the ‘Russia-collusion’ meme to weaponize FBI against GOP

Lost in the kerfuffle that sham-stream media floods the airwaves with every day is a very real scandal: Obama used a ludicrous Russian-collusion concept to spy on Republicans.

Ask yourself: what possible collusion could affect an American election, when the entire sham-stream media, in line with Democrats, control the daily news cycle?

Answer? NONE.

Our election process consists of 1) votes, and 2) counting votes. Unless someone can alter this reality, that election process cannot be tampered with by foreign entities.

(Before leaving office, Obama had 3 months to prove vote tampering, if he could have. The fact no hint of such an activity was found means it didn’t happen.)

And, if you want to argue that damaging information about a presidential candidate could influence voters, ask yourself…if it’s that provably damaging, wouldn’t you want to know?

And, can you imagine how BAD that information must be, that the sham-stream media, with all it’s reach and power, can’t spin or veil it to neutralize it’s effect on voters?

Foreign collusion is a ridiculous concept…there’s only one reason to imply such a thing.

To justify using intelligence agencies to spy on a political opponent.

8 months of ‘Russia-collusion’ investigation…not a shred of evidence

According to reports, the FBI’s been investigating for Russian collusion since last July.

The fact no evidence has surfaced should tell reasonable people all they need to know.

After all, with the leaking that’s been going on by Obama embeds in the ‘deepstate’ of all the various intelligence agencies, if there was any collusion there, we would have heard.

As much as Democrats are outraged over the results of November, and their screams for impeachment (because of whatever), any evidence would have been used instantly.

8 months, no evidence, but still dragging an investigation on means one thing, and one thing only…it’s a political tool being used to delegitimize President Trump’s election.

8 months.

For aiding Democrats by stringing it along, Comey deserved being fired.

And, let’s face it, there’s a certain satisfaction in hearing caterwauling among Democrats who’ve made a living from partisan interest now accusing the GOP of the same.

We can’t wait to hear them when Trump announces Comey’s replacement.

The real news?

There’s overwhelming evidence Hillary Clinton violated federal laws in mishandling of classified emails during her term as Secretary of State, and is still walking free…

…there’s overwhelming LACK of evidence that the President did anything wrong…

…Comey allowed himself and his agency to become a Democrat-politicized tool, which caused a huge loss of confidence in the agency’s objective handling of law enforcement.

…but the sham-stream media won’t report that news.

California violent/property crime explodes compared to national avg

Does anyone in the California government read FBI reports?

As IBD notes, the FBI report shows California large-city violent crime has increased by 12.9% as compared to a national average increase of 1.7%. California property crime? It rose 9.2%, as compared to a decrease of 4.2% in the national average.

Criminals have a stranglehold on Californians.

Democrats have a stranglehold on California.

It doesn’t take a political scientist to recognize who’s to blame.

Loss of confidence in Comey is easier than explaining a sudden regaining of confidence

At one time, President Trump may have had confidence in FBI Dir. Comey, but unable to explain Comey’s multiple lapses in judgment, losing that confidence is understandable.

Losing confidence in someone who finally exceeded a ‘benefit of the doubt’ makes sense.

But how do Democrats explain their sudden regaining of confidence in a man accused of almost single-handedly causing their presidential candidate to go down in flames?

One day, investigating Hillary he has ‘no credibility‘ (with Democrats)…

…but, when fired, suddenly he does, when his investigations might involve Trump?

How can the media spin that hypocritical scenario?

We’re guessing obfuscation.

We only wish Pres. Trump had met with his AG on a tarmac, before firing Comey.

After all, if the media is going to have a hissy-fit, may as well feed the fire, right?

Democrats who crosshaired Comey now scream against his firing

Think about it…it was Democrat Hillary Clinton who committed the illegal acts that begat the investigation into her lawless, deceitful email activities while Secretary of State…

…it was the Democrat Party that dragged her across that party’s primary finish line, thus choosing (arguably) the most corrupt, unqualified candidate in their party as it’s leader…

…which prompted a necessity for FBI Dir. Comey to make high profile announcements, at one point with a false premise that ‘intent’ couldn’t be proved, thus she wasn’t indictable…

…then made another when MORE classified emails were found where they shouldn’t be…

…prompting Democrat screams for Comey’s head ‘cuz he caused Hillary’s loss.

Pres. Trump gives them Comey’s head…and Comey becomes…a Democrat martyr?


Our recommendation – Mr. Comey needs to think hard before choosing new friends.


FBI Dir. Comey should have been canned as soon as Trump was sworn in

It’s about time. Comey finally got dismissed today by President Trump.

The only reason this whole ‘Russian interference with the election’ investigation lasted as long as it has was nothing more than job security for Comey in the first place.

By now it would’ve been news if collusion existed between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

The investigation hasn’t found a scintilla of proof that there was any collusion, yet still keeps dragging on, and it’s all for the optics that Democrats would exploit if he was let go.

Comey should have been canned as soon as the inauguration was over. His mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation was an amazing miscarriage of justice.

And Democrats, loudest being Hillary, blame Comey for their latest election loss (but you can bet they won’t be thanking President Trump for using that as an excuse to fire him).

This whole ‘Russia-collusion’ investigation has been a clown show from the beginning.

But brace yourself for the faux Democrat outrage, because they’ll claim ‘coverup’…even though the Obama-appointed Comey is nothing but a political Democrat pawn…

…and his actions have given a bad name to the FBI.