2016 popular vote demonstrates an anti-Democrat win

Contrary to Sham-stream media stories, Democrats did NOT win the popular vote in the November elections…it’s just more fake news at its most deceitful.

Libertarians are, if anything, more opposed to Big Government than the mainstream Republican Party, and, as defined, also voted against the Democrats.

Adding the Libertarian Party votes to the Republican votes, that totals 67,379,000 (appx), vs Green Party (anti-GOP) and Democrat votes of 67,190,000 (appx).

(Fox reports Republican/Libertarian 65,470,158 vs Democrat/Green 63,837,779.)

Now guess which way ILLEGAL votes by non-citizens here unlawfully went…

…by some estimates, 3-4 million votes cast favoring Democrats by illegal aliens.

As with so much fake news lately, the ‘popular vote’ meme just lingers on.

Thankfully though, it appears the American public has recognized the deceit.

Investigating Russian efforts for election hacking just another way to diminish Trump’s win


Obama wants intel agencies to investigate Russians election-hacking the USA?

This is just one more effort to diminish Trump’s victory, but begs a question…will such an ‘investigation’ reveal Obama’s lawless use of pseudonym email?

We have no doubt any investigation conclusion will be kept VERY secret.

Have they been Killing Us Softly…With Their Song?

Headline: “U.S. Life Expectancy Declines For The First Time Since 1993”

That would’ve been good to know before the election, right?

Or, how about this one: “Study: The Obama Recovery Is A Myth”

(Both studies generating these headlines were released over the last few days, but the cynic in us can’t help but wonder if they were held up for post-election release.)

Middle-age death rates have been climbing, along with a general sense of unease, and maybe the answer to the question of cause comes from some pull quotes…

“…research…brought worldwide attention to the unexpected jump in mortality rates among white middle-aged Americans. (emphasis added) That trend was blamed on what are sometimes called diseases of despair: overdoses, alcoholism and suicide.”

“Over the past five years…improvements in death rates were among the smallest of the past four decades. There’s this just across-the-board [phenomenon] of not doing very well in the United States. (bold emphasis added)

‘Over the past five years’…?

‘…diseases of despair’…?

Gosh, wonder what could have caused that?

At a risk of over-simplifying, we suggest life-expectancy-paper researchers read the 120-page ‘Obama non-recovery’ study provided by center-Left leaning Gallup.

Page 32: “At the country level, the level of GDP-per-capita is very strongly correlated with fundamental measures of health and well-being such as life expectancy, as well as self-reported measures of health and subjective well-being and satisfaction with one’s standard of living.” (emphasis, underlining added)

If you’re like most Americans, just mention of ‘GDP-per-capita’ causes eye-glaze. If you can look beyond that, though, economic prosperity correlates to our health.

No amount of Sham-stream media fawning over Obama’s false claims changes that.

Fortunately, on election day enough Americans manifested what the studies show.

Now, it’s up to our elected officials to reverse the ugly trend of the last 8 years.

(And, please hurry, Republicans…none of us are getting any younger.)

Left-wing idiots forget Trump’s retired military appointees ARE civilians

The Left whines about ‘loss of civilian oversight with Trump’s military-credentialed cabinet picks, forgetting 3 things…

  1. They were civilians before they were military,
  2. They’re all RETIRED military,
  3. They are in a civilian mode as members of his cabinet.

To suggest loss of civilian oversight because they once served is an insult to all who have served…which is typical of the military-hating Left, come to think of it.

One thing you can bet on…

…these appointees would NEVER approve sending billions to Iran…

like their Democrat predecessors have.


Trump won because the American electorate believed their eyes instead of the media…

Rarely do we take exception to an Andrew McCarthy article, but his comments on the recent Trump election win are, with all due respect…well…just plain wrong.

His premise is that Trump won narrowly…got outplayed…but won.

Then uses a football metaphor to illustrate how Trump was pushed all over the field, how his opponent gained more yards and dominated ball possession, but lost.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Using the same football metaphor, we suggest a different scenario: the game was fairly evenly played, but the opponent never got flagged when fouls were made, the announcer never mentioned any of Trump’s successful plays, never noted referees kept on overlooking uncalled penalties against the other team…

…and kept telling the fans the opponent was ahead on points even when the opposite was true.

With Michigan in his column, Trump won a majority of states (29) and a majority of the electoral votes (306) as a result. Whining about a ‘popular vote’ when the electoral process is – and has been – the law of the land is pathetic…

…especially with the chances for vote fraud that ‘sanctuary locales’ breed.

As much as anyone makes this about Trump, though, this election was more about rejecting the policies of a Democrat Party that trampled Rule of Law repeatedly.

The Republican Party won this election…more importantly, the Democrats LOST it.

The winning team didn’t get ‘outplayed’.

The losing team overplayed their hand.

And the fans know why the final score came out the way it did.